the only way that he could say bye
buying a red rose and watching it die
dying to find some other way
weighing his options to live another day
he couldn't help but to feel like a heel
healing was hard and the pain was real
reality soaked him like torrential rains
reigning over his will to remain
(I am trying to get back to following the ones who follow me, or take interest in my writing. The best way to "**** out" was to unfollow all, and then look at the list of my followers. I hate to be that way, but i also hate to see the ones who unfollwed me on my "home" page. Please bear with me, because it will only allow me to follow so many people a day apparently.)
Homophone must be used as last word in first line and third line, and their homophones should be used as the first word in the second and fourth lines.