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Sanya singh Jan 2021
Lips razor sharp
Smile more of a smirk
Sword as her best friend
She could take over the world

Goddess of war she was called
But she was a woman
For the times weren’t right
And for them it was all

Had she been here today
Everyone would’ve bowed
Because goddess of war she is
And this time it is all

The epitome of a woman
With bravery , beauty and brain
Curse they considered
As a Boon it will be remembered

They became raged
When Athena shone bright
For what they remember her
They did bow down in fright

Goddess of wisdom , goddess of war
Favourite daughter of Zeus she was
The most wisest , the most courageous
A favour of Hera’s ire it was

Welcome here Athena
For the world now craves you
An example of a true warrior
And an idol to look upto

Most ingenious of Olympian gods
Power ran in her blood
As for war she was born
And as for war she will die

Every girl is now Athena
That is what the world needs
Standing up to the wrong
B’cause that is what Athena means.

Just like everything
times should change
Throne was for Athena
And for her it shall remain.
inspired by the greek goddess of war. its a take on what effect she would've have on the people of 21st century.
james h Jan 2021
Oh Aegaeon, oh Aegaeon
God of thundering seas, my true bliss
I long to be drowned by your currents at dawn

A lover of the tide almost gone
Since Emathia, your unknown mistress
Oh Aegaeon, oh Aegaeon

Zeus strikes upon me, a royal thief
lighting my sails, where art thou? Must resist
I long to be drowned by your currents at dawn

My bones creak, aching for relief
My grave shall be your floor, my home further than this
Oh Aegaeon, oh Aegaeon

The salt of your sea I’m drawn
The oceanic abyss
I long to be drowned by your currents at dawn

I lack brawn
Spoken by men in hiss
Oh Aegaeon, oh Aegaeon
I long to be drowned by your currents at dawn
Gabrielle Dec 2020
Poseidon reared his unkempt head
Above the waves today
An ocean monster dripped in dread
Chest to chest with the bay

“Today, or any day at all!”
The shore-side heard his plea
Salt shucked shoulders tall as islands small
“No being shall ever challenge me!”

One gull omitted a thoughtful word
Which sounded much like “Rak!”
One offended brow raised at what he heard
Poseidon countered with a slap

Five foul fingers touched the sky
And fell upon the sea
A wave as great as mountains high
Sighed upon the beaches knee

With a drunken beat of lazy wing
The gull escaped his perch
Finding another on which to cling
Without a moment’s search

Fists clenched around the shallows
Poseidon was enraged
With urchin riddled lips pursed he bellowed
And blew the beach away

Up went beachgoers along the coast
Into the sandy storm
Sun chapped mums beginning to roast
Castling children, One man named Norm

Gull glided softly on the wind
Providing a flap or two
And to the defeated Poseidon's chagrin
Let out a cantankerous coo

In one last fit of aqueous rage
Posiedon surfaced to land
And in a briny blind rampage
Grabbed the gull with swole hands

Gull in hand Poseidon yelled
“What dare you mean sly poultry?
My kingdom is unparalleled,
All pilgrims seek my choultry”

But the oily gull slipped through his grip
And flew quite far away
And as he watched it dive and dip
He came to see the bay

Debris was strewn across the sand
His subjects were in ruin
Disaster spread across the land
And it was all his doin’

A desperate shade turned Poseidon
As he returned to the great deep
“What use am I as a mighty king
If protection I cannot keep?”

That is how a seagull won
Against The God of Sea
Who forgot about his job, just one,
To keep the big blue world carefree
This poem is a story about Poseidon and a seagull, initial draft
caterina Dec 2020
Oh, Achilles, Achilles,
How they sing of your anger.
The merciless, unforgiving anger
Of which you felt at the loss of your Patroclus.
Why is there no melody of your melancholy?
The crushing weight, heavy on your chest,
The undesirable yearning to continue this life
Without your better half.
Oh, Achilles, Achilles,
Will you sing to me
About your agony?

Will you sing to me of how you sent
The one you adored the most
Into battle, baring your armor?
Oh, Achilles, Achilles,
Will you sing of how it made him
Into someone he did not know?

And as he went to you in a dream
And told you his last desire,
Did you know?
Oh, Achilles,
How he loved you.
Helios Lunar Sep 2020
I give my daily offering to the mighty Gods,
I thank Hades and Demeter for their gifts of allowing crops and vegetation,
I thank Zeus for protecting and leading all of us,

But as i proceed to thank the rest of the Mighty Gods i see him, so gracefully walking and carrying stones, i loose myself gazing at him not realising the thunderous storm building up,

Not knowing the Gods have noticed my defiance,
Loosing myself within his lively aura and graceful soul,
Unwillingly I decide to give him the most precious thing i have to offer,
My heart; is now forever his and only his,

The Gods seeing that now my undying loyalty lies only to him,
They see this as treacherous and label me as a heretic,
In doing so they decide to give me a more inferior punishment than Death itself,
Zeus building up his eternal power,
Gives a uplifting yet dim thunderbolt strike,
I see that it is directed toward him,
Panicking yet paralysed i watch,
My one true love fall still,
His lifeless heavenly green eyes gazing at me,

And then i realised my heart is now forever lost in the underworld with my one true love.
lua Aug 2020
fierce and benevolent
these eyes of gold
warm and shattering against the light
of sunkissed skin on marble floors
he's sweet as figs
and sharp as a sword
and his heels pink and unmarred
by the heat of the sun
when our bodies touch for the first time
two souls intertwine
sewn together by threads of fate
i feel nothing other than him
and his gentle gaze and soft hair
but dawn comes around
during the pouring of blood from our cupped hands
onto tainted sheets
of dishonour and rage
and when i breathe my last breath
he roars, like a lion
loud enough for the gods to hear
and does not stop until his face hits the earth
with a smile.
patroclus and achilles
Merry Jul 2020
A star-crossed son was born
To the father whom he would ****
And to the mother whom he would kiss
In incestuous, marital vow one day

Welts upon his feet
Found in the forest, a baby crying,
He grew wise and wrong
Unaware of a conspired world

When Oracles did speak to him
As drunken men and and as pretty women
He took their words upon his heart
Without eyes gouged and necks broken

Open eyes looking, truly seeing,
He did bear the revolting truth
Without nary complaint
To the Gods who cursed him

Thus, it was Laius who lived
And it was Polybus who died
And it was Jocasta who did not see
Her son at the bejewelled altar

Rather, it was Merope, with her head turned,
Who saw dear Oedipus at the altar
Obeying the Will of the Gods
But to what ends?

He was meant to punish; to defy; to incite all evils
Not adhere to this cruel destiny
And now it is the wrong mother-wife
Whom he kisses, unravelling, in linen sheets
anyone else wonder about what would happen to these characters' fates had Oedipus obeyed his fate? it wouldn't work, of course, because Laius had to be punished but still. I'm curious.
fray narte Jul 2020
calypso withers away in a lonely island —
a blunder away from crumbling
at the sight of seaspray and empty towns.

sweet one, this isle is too small
for heartbreaks too big and soon enough,
gods and grecian men
and sad, sad, dead-eyed boys
will be greeted by a mayhem of sobs,
like flies dispersing off a dead body
held together by skin —
dead —
skin, stretched across these bones,
like the sea stretches across all of its sadness —
and ogygia, a lost isle,
disappears —
a speck of black in a shade of teal;

a pity your heart is not big enough for these sorrows
and not small enough to vanish.

and perhaps, betrayals do not come from
temporary lovers but from your skin
stretching, growing,
making room for years of blunders
until  y o u  are
n o
m o r e
but a name baptized in the wrong side of the war
and caught in a blunder
thousands of years too late.

it's been a long while;
the sun remembers your smile in his death bed, sweet one.
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