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J Harris Jul 2015
I have exhausted my ink, my pen, my hand.

My tongue has unlearned all languages,
all terms of endearment and soft sayings.

I am no longer flesh, no longer blood,
but have transformed myself into wind:

a wind that has traveled the oceans for you,
a wind that has discovered Africa's worth,

that has lifted me into an African skirt
where the origin of everything began.
Judypatooote Feb 2015

As a little girl my girl friends dad
Called me BIRDBRAIN....
And that never bothered me.
I knew it was a term of endearment.
Of course back then I didn't know
What endearment meant.
But I knew he was kidding...
His house was the fun house
Of the neighborhood.
His wife was an angel.
We had taffy pulls,
Mrs G made popcorn *****,
And lined up chairs
In front of the television
So we kids could watch
with a big bubble magnifying glass
And she served us bowls of popcorn.
Always something to do....
I went to the quarry one time with them
Looking for fancy rocks....
Mr. G, Mr. G is this a good one?
No Birdbrain, it's just sandstone...
He was a fancy rock collector...
The name Birdbrain was so special to me...
A name which was spoken with
I'm sure of that.....

By judy
Now I'm afraid if someone heard him call me birdbrain, he would be in trouble. Free speech is no longer a free...
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
The soft touch of poetry
Makes me want more
Words, never the same
Suddenly everything looks bright
The aura of poetry
Surrounds me with happiness
My soul gladdens
With the feel of ink flowing through
Life gets a new meaning
When I look through poetic words
Blank papers sketched
With the labor of love
Soft touch of poetry soothes
The travails of outside world
Life spent in the confines of poetry
Only, not to be contained
In the precincts of this life
Much beyond
You can wander
With poetry as your guide
ArominizedM Mar 2014
A poet is daydreaming – contemplating,
Stale is his entire mind surpassed;
An accomplice confers his realization,
Neither to suffice the fool – disillusioned.

That poet daydreams, dismayed in trance,
‘A truce!’ he barters, on a fitted fray.
Frailty of his core seems definite in stance,
‘Tis anecdote… apparent of dismay.

The poet daydreams of the one he loves;
Severs the sympathy by egoism and contempt.
Scalar quantity of a breaching throb,
Under the tutelage of an infidel attempt.

The writer’s words are never dull, always honed;
Unyielding cutting edges fit for the crockery.
Elusive as emotions – tender as the blade of words sliced,
Thus cuts through the flesh, mind and soul like mockery.

Thus the poet’s mind can never be measured,
Nor does the ability of a man can overcome;
For both come from the Divine – Oh, highly favored!
Poetry of prose, so unique and unstrung.

— The End —