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Meenu Syriac Jul 2019
I look at her,
her sad eyes and juvenile wrinkles.
A face riddled with scars and red bumps,
interweaved with healed and unhealed flesh.
I wish I didn't care about what I see in the mirror.

I wish I didn't care about how my skin feels against my fingertips,
or what I see when I search for my reflection.

They talk about loving yourself
but how can I,
when all I see is a hideous monster?
I know,
I know.
There are sorrows much painful,
woes more pertinent than mine.
But how do I tell my mind to stop crucifying itself?

How do I diffuse these electrical impulses,
from my eyes to my brain,
carrying an image of my face and interpreting it as

I wish I didn't spend so much time,
trying to wash this dirt off me,
trying to pick and probe at the scabs,
when I know it's a part of me,
arising from me.

How do I stop myself from judging my worth
as the sum of these scars
that lie skin deep?
Julia Jun 2019
you know my name
but not my story

you know my grades
but not my glory

you know my size
but not my perception

you know my fall
but not my redemption
Kathrine Pines May 2019
My name is Perfect,
you are me and I am you
Your heart beats with mine.

Don't look for me there,
I am Him, He is not you.
You live red, he blue.

Your name is Perfect,
A soul made from molten gold
Igniting the fires around.

Their name is Perfect,
A torrent of wind and grass
Painted skin, soft eyes.

Her name is Perfect,
The ocean that salt clings to
Waves hide ancient strength.

You are each Perfect
Do not erase from this Earth,
The Perfect of you.
Andie Mar 2019
My body is just a vessel so don't bother falling for it
I find myself falling out of it every day
The way I keep falling out of love
I didn't know souls could be so clumsy
But I'm sliding on the black ice in my brain
If I'm still there, the ice is melting and I'm filling my pockets with the puddles
The weight of the world is incredible but I float like a balloon
No one's holding on to me and I wish I could see the ground and know what gravity feels like
I hear gravity has a pull
But I've never been pulled toward something before
I just float on
I wish someone could give me a gentle tug instead of just making me their amusement
I'm not all that pretty to look at and I'm better to hold
Tie me to your wrist and I'll show you what we've missed
February 2019, This one is about dissociation and the cycles of dysmorphia I experience; with the assistance of undetected health scares, I've felt disconnected from my body throughout my life and this lack of awareness of my own body really messes with my identity. I also like to touch on how ****** it feels to be valued by many people only for this vessel that I have limited control over and not my soul :) Recently, I've recovered some autonomy and felt powerful by making decisions about piercings and tattoos and making them my own, reclaiming my body despite others opinions :) feels good.
mer Jan 2019
"i'm fine,"
said those who hide their faces from their friends
those who force their laughter and fake their smiles
dull eyes

"i don't care,"
said the ones who were mocked endlessly
teased, ridiculed, excluded, demeaned
the taste of tears

"i'm used to it,"
said the ones who can't sleep at night from anxiety
their hearts race in constant fear of the unknown
numb fingertips

"i can handle it,"
said those who stare at their reflection for hours
those who can't stop thinking they're not good enough
distorted faces

"i'm sorry"
said the ones who scratch themselves 'till they bleed
their bitten nails red and painful
dried blood
R J Coman Dec 2018
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
-Maya Angelou

My soul is a sweetie:
She’s a cute but ****,
with an infectious smile,
an enchanting personality.
She wears dark colors,
slightly goth makeup,
and thick-rimmed glasses.
She likes candles, tea,
sweaters, and cannabis,
and goes on long walks
in the woods by starlight.
She’s cool and confident,
outgoing and fun,
and as beautiful as
a moonrise reflected
off of a frozen lake.

She’s me.
But I am not her.
She’s the me inside
of the me inside of me.

She cries when my mind
grapples with the bounds
of the mental illness
that gives her life.
She screams in pain
when my mind tries
to rationalize her
and explain her away.
And she glows with joy
whenever I try
to grow closer to her.
She’s the part of me
I never asked for,
whose existence hurts
like a deep burn,
but nonetheless makes
me truly be myself.
This is dedicated to all my readers who are Trans, Fluid, Non-Binary, or otherwise struggle with the pain of Gender Dysphoria. I promise, inside of all of us there is a beautiful individual, even if it differs from what we see when we look in the mirror. Much love for you all <3
Ally Gottesman Nov 2018
It’s mysterious the way the mind works
How your self worth can just
Wither away
And how your will just falters

How looking in the mirror
Can become a thing of fear
And you pick out each
Little flaw, each imperfection
When you can’t see your ribs
- You can never see your ribs -

How helping yourself
Turns into guilt
And how everyone stares
And picks you apart
And judges

But that is not you
It is your mind
Pulling away at you
Blurring the truth
As it rots
David Abraham Oct 2018
There are red makes etched imto my flesh,
and I am finding it harder to breathe afresh
underneath the layers of painful bandages.
Still my ribs ache and sting when they push through my skin, but can't push through that final layer hiding me.
I can't comcentrate on the lessons,
the words are a blur and the faces are obscured by tears,
but I will not stop because the pain of facing my body is even worse.

Everyone is shouting in my ears,
pulling them and stretching them to ensure I really hear,
but it goes in that ear and out the other.
If this means broken ribs and sickness,
then so be it,
because still the pain will be worth it.
0236 October 13 2018

ACE bandages, a true friend, but very painful...
David Abraham Sep 2018
He wished to be one,
but stronger than he, the laws
governing his body.
09/19/2018 2238
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