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Starry Aug 2019
Since the TV
Looks down upon
My fellow sufferers
I look at the TV with derision
Look down at it
I do watch it
For the ignorance
It prepelles.
Starry Aug 2019
Dear Unfollower
I have a medical condition
With a name and
That name is
Post traumatic stress disorder
If you don't
Enjoy or
Like the things I
Write about then
Forever hold you peace
Thank you
Starry Aug 2019
PTSD is a form
Of stress, anxiety, and worry
It is not a flipping
Excuse to
Act like animal
So criminals grow up
And admit you faults
Cause this is
******* me off.
Starry Aug 2019
What doe you see
Or image this look
On my face
Gift cards
Ohhh alalala
I am just freaking happy.
Starry Aug 2019
I have fairy energy
One says
The other day
But I think that is a pile
Of bull
Until I see this selfie
With fairy smile
Starry Aug 2019
This person is
Beautiful as a super model
Brain IBM
Is the domonantrix of
Her life
Confidence through the roof.
Starry Aug 2019
This stares at you
Is a proud girl
Proud of who she is and
What she has done
That is why she
Smiles like a goof.
Starry Aug 2019
The doctor smile
So gently yet
Full of joy
I am smiling because of I good
For the was no drama
For me.
Starry Aug 2019
I am a prisoner of my head
For most of my life
Since being born
In a warzone
I want out
I seek help from professionals
None but ourselves
Can free our minds
Starry Aug 2019
This i remember
Of the grade 8
The teacher did trivia
I got the answer wrong
The kids called me ******
We are smarter than you
What is with the torture
I just wanted to be a forensic pathologist
I up
See mfers.
And never come back.
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