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Starry Aug 2019
As DMX said
The bullsh*t the drama
The racists
These things so
Angry and hatefull
Makes me want to spit, swirl my baodings
And say
"Stupid society"
I need no seal
Of approvel
I am me
Starry Aug 2019
I want to say yes
Yes to love
Yes to seeing summer
Yes to new experiences
And yes to......
Before it disappears
On me.
No comments
Makenzie Marie Aug 2019
The fight with your own mind,
Is the hardest war to wage.

But know, the lion that you are facing, is that same strength that you carry.
You can tame it.
Embrace it.

You might be fighting your own strength
Please keep fighting.
Starry Aug 2019
No I am not a psychopath
No I don't have bells palsy
No I am not a fire bug
No I am not a ******
No I am not a serious killer
No  I am not a criminal

It's called ptsd.
It's called human.
Starry Aug 2019
To tanta
My birth mother
I know that you
Tried your might
To make me a future
Despite your abusive husband
Thank you for everything
My ptsd is not your
Starry Aug 2019
To my birth father
You are a
Freaking dirt bag
For not getting a
Job and leaving me to be
Tortured for two
Flipping years
Thanks a bunch
Starry Aug 2019
Is this bat man
Is this joker
Who the hell knows
To me its just a happy
Go lucky person
Ready to tackle something
Of importance.
Starry Aug 2019
This is no
Poker face
This is no
Cocky smirk
I am actually smiling
Starry Aug 2019
Feeling zen
I am in a calmer mood
And more chill additude
But maybe that is because
I might
Go out
For an outing
Starry Aug 2019
Beginning of the day
Harolding the beginning of a
New week
New possibilities
New emotions
New experiences
I am happy for this monday
And the blessings from the universe
That's why I smile.
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