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Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
...but feel free to pelt me with rotten eggs.


It's been an awful week for all I'd thence
Tried extra hard to be mair wise.  In pale
Excuse I make mistakes each day and fail
At evrything.  To play the ther'pist hence
And make myself recite in sheer defense
The bald facts I threw out, ignored to scale,
Nor but let folly triumph oer, t'avail
Me, did no good it seems, "wise" was pretense.
He never cared that I exist, I'm sure,
Though I could prove he did and does still too.
Twas all a lie he liked me, but in poor
'Scuse my heart swears he did.  I know's not true.
So I trip oer my feet, distracted fer
No reason, cuz I "like" whom 'gain?...quite blue.


"All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me." (Ecc 7:23)
So, like I said, laugh at me.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Damning enough, that song was literally Saturday's theme from start to finish, into Sunday's wee hours.


O that delicious sense of being to scale
Gone from this world!  Lost in the realms of thence
Fair dreams likeas our folly draws up hence
In heavn's keen eye, yet by sleep drugged, t'avail
So far beyond this mundane hour's detail
That I ne'er heard lo, his alarm, lost whence
I canna say, just that twas bliss good sense
Chides, whilst I relish that sans, erm, aught bail.
Why Ringo Starr's performance of in tour
"Act Natrally" haunts both my rising through
Th'ensuing hours til even now as twere,
I canna guess, but toasting breakfast to
Effect found me in serving it, in poor
'Scuse singing "..greatest fool you e'er saw--" too.

Honestly, I more than suspect I should seriously tremble at what influences me through the hours.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
"...because their deeds were evil."


Lo, coffee just ere dinner, talking thence
Of I forget what now, and that detail
In passing of yes, "him" I in betrayl
Still have a crush on--what is real? and, whence?
So, pull up Instagram, to close it hence--
To find me snookered past erm, midnight, frail
As aught excuse, and O! Thy Scriptures hail
Me til I'd rather hear Thee, LORD, for sense.
What have I done, that lies cavort in tour
And feign they've substance like the Serpent too
Long ere used to thus ****** in truth her
That he deceived, and Adam?  What is new?
Thy mercies every morning.  Save me, poor
As asking from these lies' morass, won't You?

"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." (Jn 3:19)
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
What's more perhaps frightening is to begin to waken to the subtler fact I've embraced and cherish this "new era" which 2000 supposedly ushered in, is it?


"That was a diffrent--" yes, what, in betrayl?
The sevnties had their time.  The eighties' sense
I quite abhor, though raised in them.  Pretense
Waltzed naked through the nineties.  What, oh they'll
Call since "the noughts" was that new era's frail
Excuse for "now," which is so diffrent hence
Let's say I knew it by sheer instinct, whence
Forsooth, what zactly when ye want detail?
O, tis "pastoral" now to watch what'd stir
Folk in the sevnties.  I was too young to
Know aught but early childhood's joys in tour.
And wherefore I deplore, ya HATE the crew
Of years known as "the eighties" I as twere
Don't know.  Yet, what's THIS time we now live through?

So, the previous sonnet and this are something like a pair of fraternal twins.  Hence, you've the link for the 1979 version of the song in that one, and the 2016 version here.  Enjoy?
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Science claims a woman only "falls in love" once, and is irrevocably wreckt after that,


There was a reason Lagerfeld fr'intents
Did not waste aught on social media, frail
As which excuses for the same detail
Of foolish, erm, indulgence was't from thence?
And likewise why I'm dull without defense
For having lost me to renditions' tale
Was't? of my latest fav'rite: song; to scale--
Th'orignal that I love, and later's sense.
That taste of Cossack/Russian dancing fer
Dear memries of lo, Fiddler On what? to
Effect--The Roof--is gone, quite gone in poor
Reply for "Moskau" being the theme we knew,
Yes, ALL of us, was nashnalistic.  Were
Our joys in "disco" 'nough, that's "okay" too?

whence our broken homes and societies.  But I could swear Donne was claiming he felt likewise, so, who knows?  That said, haha, THIS is about music, that's all.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
...forever I'm certain.


Come, come, as sparrows chatter for intents,
How lo, the cardnal knows as twere to hail
With just one note, that ha! he's here, in pale
Excuse for watching is't?  I'll tell ye hence
What I wish:  that he'd come, yes, closer, thence
Be less reserved, and sit upon (to scale)
My shoulder--how I'd love to feel t'avail
His weight, although he'd deafen me for sense.
Dream on, and wish a thousand things in tour,
Cuz breathing sometimes weighs too heavy through
These hours we feel our vanity as twere.
Who warbles from the pine's top, as wont to
Effect some years back when I'd peg out fer
The soft airs all our linen?  Say who knew?

...sans apology but full of excuses--cuz there never was excuse for me.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
...I'll tell you in a later stanza.


Swear that I don't know what to scribble, frail
As aught excuse--as traffic chases thence
Dear whither in the dull lacklustre sense
The region clouds (which Shakespeare to avail
Knew best to frame) drive forward, white so pale
We put our music on or yes! fr'intents
O me! the news, this time of breathing hence
Mair stale than praps the ancients knew to scale.
I've read not license plates for sense in tour,
But like the girl I am--just which or who
Made each car, truck, etcetra, like's not poor,
And relish evry bird's voice like tis to
Effect a ransom for my soul.  Geese fer
Good measure honk in passing, and what's new?

Hmm.  Typing this up to post it, seems as if I wrote it but minutes ago.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Sometimes I hate myself, my voice....


If sorrows dog my path, how storm clouds' dense
Rack tinged a deeper navy with a trail
Of peach hang low, and ah, the dove t'avail
Coos softly as the sparrows tease fr'intents,
And if we could forget, or laugh from hence
Without that being--a sin is't? which detail
Then would we notice?  How wind's exhale
Is just as tender, warmth a fragile sense?
If only in all we'd praise Thee in tour,
LORD, see afar off past these heavns' fraught blue,
Yea, know beyond our tongues' recital--You.
See all, e'en as the goldfinch merr'ly stir
Soft happiness, where ah, the dove flew fer
All that from hence, see thus as we should do.

*inked on the back stoop in the few minutes afore the timer rang on the rolls and dinner needed to be served.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Even though, to my shame and chagrin I am sorrily indeed "the INCURABLE dreamer."


Hark! ere I've breakfast how the cardnal'd hail
With sweetest notes, like last night's tryst fr'intents
Forgot his age-old suit.  And sparrows thence
Sing for my smiles e'en when in sheer betrayl
"The chips are down," whereat I play t'avail
By sorry halves and pray for Thy defense--
'Til lo, delivered 'gain, how we from hence
Half caper through work, happy on that scale.
Dead leaves yet skitter to the winds, astir
At their capricious touch as if the cue
Is flirting games.  Blue heavns thin clouds obscure
Leave fragile warmth to do the honours to
Effect; and though I beg for love, why's poor
To hope or think that any man would woo?

*NOTE:  little known fact...44 years ago today I was 4 months old.  You're allowed to laugh now I've gien you something to chuckle over.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019


Pink gathers on the East and subtly thence
Creeps westward as I watch the orange light's tail
With lo, fir shadows drawn up, til it fail
As robins call for silence, scolding hence
Most vigrously, whilst hark! now in a sense
How sparrows buck at that, to in betrayl
'Non settle; doves yet coo; and winds exhale
So softly as calm sifts oer all fr'intents.
Dogs bark 'non from a distance, people too
Talk, as I strain to hear the dove in tour,
Whilst traffic rushes on its way and blue
Skies yield to gathring darkness.  I strain fer
That voice, to feel the chill nip at me, poor
As nary sweater--to go in 'non too.

The first half (of a Petrarcan stanza) was written out on the back stoop, the second too many hours later, until I wrestle with hating the stanza whilst not seeing clearly how to rectify it, nor in truth intending to ever do so.
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