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Francie Lynch Aug 2021
The older man seemed confused.
I slowed, turned in my drive.
I was just returning from the airport.
He fell on the road too,
And got a nasty **** to his left knee.
Later, I learned he had onset of the dreaded D.
This morning, I flew a plane,
Then slipped right back into humanity
From the mirth of azure skies.
Tip of the cap to McGee's "High Flight." Wonderful poem.

I think my writing is becoming more like texting. :0
William Clifton Jun 2021
Avoiding Dementia
Will's Wellness Wager
Pascal's Wager.  Alzheimer's Disease.  Dementia. Haiku.
Kirsty Taylor Apr 2021
Every night, I lie in bed and think of her, her lost eyes

My heart cries as I see her sitting alone
   Staring vacantly out the window at the bird feeder
   The bitter truth is
   The things she forgets are the banal moments
   Her days have become groundhog, so is it so bad to not realise that she is in that cycle?
   The things that matter she still remembers
The time when she was 8 and had laughter with passing soldiers

Playing pranks on those same soldiers with the cheeky grin that’s never left her
When she nearly ended up in Canada to stay safe
Sharing sweets with the best friend she loved and lost

She remembers mum when she was just a foot tall
She remembers me when I could only utter the odd word
She remembers my brother when he had the cheekiest grin, and the brightest laugh
She may even remember better than we all do
Its funny how that works
Laughter is the best medicine she tells me
This is something I now believe wholeheartedly
As every time I see her I see it in action
She makes me laugh
She helps me understand life
She respects me
She builds me up

Strength, endless strength
Smile, the smile it never leaves her
Leaving her breaks me,
But seeing her break, hurts me.
Reality, she isn’t broken
Just stuck on the rewind button
She’s still here
She’s still with me
She’s one of the lucky ones
I’m one of the lucky ones
We’re one of the lucky ones

People ask how is she doing?
I simply answer she is in a battle against groundhog day, And get this she is winning.
I was brooming below the bed once,
and suddenly swayed

a flashback rushed my head

we used to play that game,
do you remember?
until dementia took you away
When the one you love
is losing the way,
forgetting everything that was.
Seeing everything in another way.
Doesn’t know anymore who you are.
Stranger all the way.
Want to scream mother this is me!! She looks at you but doesn’t see!!
Hurts to the bone
Whole world is falling apart
Losing   someone while they’re still here gives
So much pain in the heart.

~When memories are lost everything is lost~

Many are confronted with a love one with dementia! Very hard thing to deal with.
Will you remember

When we grow old
Sweet Love of mine
Will you still remember
The time that we were young
And you did surrender

When nothing was too much for you
To keep me satisfied
To hold my hand all through
the night
Till morning light arrive

Will you remember
how you held me tight
So I would dream so sweet
A love that felt so deep inside
My love promise me.....

When time is there
and  we must part
When angels make their call
to follow them back into the light
Promise me my love
Promise me  you’ll wait
till  angels come for me
So that I too
can surrender now
My sweetest love of all.
Will you remember me?

It’s a vey painful and sad experience when you lose ;someone you love little by little.
Unpolished Ink Nov 2020
The crown of thoughts that once did sit upon my weary head
is gone, fading gently into the distance
only the impression remains
vague marks of what I used to be
the other much more consequential me

Someone let her out
She slipped away
and never quite came back
although she had a key
each time she went I used to find
she left a bit of me behind

What is left is a badly knitted gift
A thing unravelled
Full of holes is what you get to see
The tattered remnants of the shrinking woman that was me!
I have an aunt with dementia-it really is a terrible drifting away
lua Nov 2020
"hello, what is your name?"

the familiar vibration in my ears
that creeps its way into my blood
a buzz
a hum
beneath my skin
when days were louder
like the crash of pots and pans
in my grandmother's house
where the ceiling was littered with butterflies
like the static from empty radio stations
akin to that of crunching snow
and the harsh grating of metal

they are the memories dipped in sepia
and overexposed flashes of light
dripping as they walk on
leaving footprints
a silhouette

it is the fear of our wrinkling hands that drive us closer to the edge
to the end
as the sun and moon rewind in a never ending cycle
a loop
right before a leap of faith
towards that never ending youth
the desperate sliver of summer at the end of a blurry december's haze
when nothing is recognisable
a restart

"hello, what is your name?"
a poem based on The Caretaker's Everywhere At The End Of Time
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