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Steve Page Aug 2016
My debt-ridden past,
More than I asked.

The transactional present
Less pleasure, more torment.

An easy-payments future
More payments not fewer.

So many give-aways
At a price I can never pay.

It's new-consumerism
With the soft bite of fascism.
And I'm badly infected now.
With a nod to JD Ballard's Kingdom Come.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2016
Desperate times call for desperate measures,
In search of gold and buried treasures,
To cure corruption in the mind,
To pay off your demons  but still faced with a fine,
Strike it rich and drill for oil,
Suppressed in fear beneath the soil,
The heart goes bust with no chance to bail,
It's lost its worth and bound to fail,
The brain is poor, it yearns for cash,
Dollar signs crumble, all to ash,
The body waits for income to climb,
But it's stuck in debt with no hope for a
Put you in my pocket and run away,
never again to see you as loose change.

Ill never let you go, thinking I can make it last,
not taking the time to contemplate my frivolous past.

Living in the moment materialism seems to sweet,
gasping for breath in between the debt-ridden tears.

Making new claims, but I eventually forget my newly instilled rate of exchange.

If only I knew how to make the perfect caste.

But certainly we won’t forget what happened in the past.
Giraluna Gil May 2016
I am knees deep in a quick sand
designed for people like me
by a system that thrives
on a climate of fear
Obtaining knowledge while selling my soul
Profit driven suits,  
splurging words about our rights
and our duties
Camouflaging their own self-interest
Playing monopoly on knowledge
Convincing us,
that chasing that silly piece of paper
is the only option
Concealing the true cost that
comes with knowledge
One most of us will never be able to afford
An ocean of debt,
one I will surely pay until I'm dead
Behold the loophole though,
silver spooned fed mouths
need not sink nor swim
That hollowed shaped silver
holding them high above ground
While the rest of us sink
limb by limb
into a quicksand that was designed for people like us
Lee May 2016
Please for the love of God help my people.

3.5 million U.S. citizens live on the island and are in need of help.

America you claim you want to help your people well let’s start with people who truly need it.

America your necessities are their luxuries.

Puerto Rico was not yours to begin with

But now that you’ve claimed us at least take care of us

We don’t ask for much

We are only asking for the ability to breathe and read books

I didn’t know that was such a high demand

My people are suffering

With no water to drink or bathe

We are left with the stench of hopelessness

Because America, you are more concerned with toupees

Than your own people

Yes, I did not stutter

Your people, Puerto Ricans

No not the immigrants because we are not immigrants

Our passports are twins not fraternal

Why do you like us when we hit a baseball or sing some tune on American Idol

We are doctors

We are cashiers

We are students trying to better our lives

We are a people begging for help

Do not look at us and turn away

My island was once a beautiful place where birds sang in harmony

And the coquis call smoothed the worst of souls

We don't know this island anymore because our island is America’s landfill

A place where the government tested nuclear bombs without thinking of its own people

The people are living on faint hope backed the knowledge that tomorrow probably won't be better

Why do you, America, want us like this

America you ask me why do I care so much about an island I haven't been to

I care because my roots flow back to the land 100 miles across the sea

One that I have the ability to call home from my rented home here

America, you created this land so people of all nations and backgrounds could have a chance at a better life

My people are still waiting for this promise to be fulfilled

America we beg you, help us

My people are suffering

We are tired of being the last pick for the team we didn’t even want to join

We are tired of the rottened mold you have put us in

So let this be a warning that your mold is finally falling apart because of your greed

Do not blame us for this

You are the hand clamped onto ours and forced us to cover our mouths

America, Puerto Ricans are ready to talk so we can live in harmony

All you have to do is take our hand off our mouths
With the debt increasing everyday I felt that I needed to do something to bring awareness of the state my precious island, Puerto Rico, is in. Spread the word, help my people please.
Bonswan May 2016
I don't have money to spend
- but then again, I do.

*The credit people are wicked
and I am a fool.
Colm Apr 2016
Debt is a weight upon my chest,
Which pulls me back into the depths of consciousness.
Like an undertow of unwanted stress.
Be it car, or loan, or home, it's debt,
Which remind me of what I've done best,
Which is guess that the money I've chose to invest,
Is the money which put my name top of the test.
In a classroom I sit and assess my progress with the rest,
Who all just like myself put their names top the test.
In my car which I drive I feel like I’ve progressed,
When in truth plastic cards might just leave me a mess.
In a house with my wife one day I will recess,  
Even when the bank owns my own years to invest.
What is best, who decides how much our children invest?
In their future, their savings, their sheer happiness?
Is it just them or us?
Have we taken such tests?
What is best?
An experience?
Because those we possess.
Heck I have them myself when I'm home and half dressed.
In the kitchen at midnight, that's where I invest best.
But I digress.
Flip the desk.
Now I'm the one giving the test.
I'm a grown man, a graduate, what will I tell the rest,
Of the youth of tomorrow who are looking for zest?
What is best?
Don't ask me.
I was never one for tests.
Although yes I have used, this instrument known as debt.
The results can be devastating, if you don’t know what’s best.
Updates - 9/9/16
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016
Your hollow cheeks,
mirror hollow cheques.
Don't. Worry. No. More.
When the envelope hits the floor.
Remember the bill,
promised it wouldn't ****.

But who said it wouldn't hurt.
Debt is a slow death.
Rob Sandman Mar 2016
Debt Threats tie in
Short arms, deep pockets?

This hand is empty,you’d best fill it up,
Fat cats in in suits better cough it up,
Im broke but not brokedown
I’m fit and and full of the the venom and rage of
An entire age of wage slaves on who’s backs you fed
So we’re fed up you better cough up like syrup,
Before we erupt and melt down,
This whole town,
My home town...

The only way to turn these angry frowns
Upside down is for YOU to dig deep down in your boutique booties
And cough up
Before your face feels-my bootheels,
Are you listentin? Ya better,
Cause we’re fed up and bitter,
You think its getting better? HA?(echo)
Maybe for you…but open up your eyes,
See the cries of those you secretly despise,
And abuse,
And then wonder at the crime rate?
let me know if you want this finished...
Dug it out of the "blue looseleaf"
"Got my Rhyme Book in hand a blue looseleaf,
anybody moves on that,they get loose teeth!"
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