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Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Do or don't?
Just get it done!
Cause I don't wanna be
The only one
Left behind

The task at hand?
It is what God demands
Cause He doesn't want me
To be
The only one
Left behind

Will I succeed?
I am sure indeed
Cause it's the Lord's will
It is what He does need
The assurance for me
That I won't be
Left behind

Halt no more?
Of this I am sure
Cause if I do not
My spirit will rot
Then I will find
Left behind

Out of time
With no reason or ryhme?
Cause if so,
I'm not worth a dime
If I wind up being
The only one left behind

Spiritual warfare?
There's a battle at hand
To warn all the others
An honor so grand
Cause all of us know
We prefer
Not to be ******

Its time to go
And all of us know
Cause its time to change direction
And don't go with the flow
So take up your paddles
And vigorously row

Row and row
And take part in the grind
And in due time
You will find
Not left behind

Tis my warning
My warning for all of you
Cause the time is coming
I know this to be true
The time for each and every
One of us to find
Which ones will be left
The ones left behind
Gotta get it off my chest. Maybe all of us should look inward and see where we really stand.
forestfaith Oct 2018
Under your loving hands, like an infant, I rest, protected in hand.
Under the vast emptiness and dullness of the galaxy, your light shines, your robe, O so white!
SO glorious your face, your presence!

Your presence, it caresses me, with just a little bit more, I would have been crushed and would have been drowned under my own tears and would have dented the marble floor with certain and whole-hearted knees.

How marvelous is that cross...a word won't fit it.
That cross...if only words, dots, dashes, and punctuation can have more to offer. An endless murky drowning sea of words of different fonts and sizes won't quite make the mark.

You made my mouth like a sharpened sword. Ready to fight for your name, ready to stand my ground, ready to make the darkness fear and make fallen angels regret their mistakes. They already are.
ready to open hearts and minds, as you call many to you.

You make me like a polished arrow. Ready to go wherever you shoot me, ready to tear down what the devil has built. Ready to have your word, the gospel tied to me, as I fly through the spiritual realm and spread your word, the gospel. Simply the gospel. NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS.

You hid me in the shadow of your hand. You cover me. You protect me. You hide me even if it seemed like all eyes were on me. Maybe they are on you. I want to be more like you in image O LORD.  

You concealed me in your quiver, God USE me!!! IF only words quite make sounds of hunger and thirst and the cries of my spirit and my new heart to you! You polished me and I am ready.
Ready whenever you say its time to go, or then I have to stand strong. Ready whenever, wherever, however you call me.

You polished me.
I am sharpened.
I am a polished arrow and have a sharpened mouth.
"Okay LORD GOD, I am ready."
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2015
We must walk in light
And not in darkness
Speak of truth
And not of night

Think of good intent
And not of evil
Love like God
And live like Christ

We must treat our friends
The same as we
Give to them
And not take back

Jesus loves the weak
And the burdened
Holds them close
And ne'r let's go


Give me strength to
Love the wounded
Care for them
As you did me

Show them how you
Brought me-wanderer
Down to kneel
Before the king

Give me peace like
Bright blue rivers
Let me pass
it to my own

Give me lungs to
Sing your praises
You are I AM to
Make it known

— The End —