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I once laid in my bed content
With mama’s prayers tucked in
Listening to trains far off across
River trestles on rails stretched
To places I could only dream of.

Beginner’s luck the magic strong.
Reality and dreams synonymous.
Early the seeds of wanderlust

Talents forged of
Large cardboard boxes and
Old trunks in the attic
The good bad and ugly
And of games with friends
In woods and streets.
Old Mr. Robling’s eyes looked
Beyond . . .
Child’s play would end

That day eventually came in linear
Time but much longer to this
Wandering mind
That thought beyond the grade
School desk when my adolescent
Peer’s noses were buried deep.

Wander and travel lust left this boy
Rootless and restless when time
Came to stop chasing mirages of
Greener pastures.

He then looked up and saw
His little one’s grown up
With a somewhat similar
Bittersweet taste of chasing
Elusive islands of emerald green
Seen as lush vivid images
On their built-in larger-than-life
Neural G.P.S. screens
Programmed to ****** the
Wanderer into the delusion that
They can take extended or even
Permanent excursions far from
The Great Gray Banal Sea.

Not very long ago this ageless
Boy was forced into settling for
Stark reality. But he is slowly
Growing a bit more comfortable
In his own skin.

The grass is still a bit green
But parts are a bit dry
Patchy and crabgrass ridden.

At least it fashionably matches his
Soul . . . poetic justice for trading
Most of your life for the elusive

I still cling tight to my childhood  
In my own non-linear time of
One hundred years ago.

A far younger but worn-out and
Tired mind spirit and body
Defines age as value was once
Measured by quality not

And as those running the track
And roaming free over thousands
Of acres of wide-open plains
As opposed to those put out to pasture
Or waiting in line


                  --Daniel Irwin Tucker
The long & winding road in linear & non-linear time.
Mystifying Chaos Jun 2015
All lonesome you remain,
Within these four walls of pain,
Going on with your lies and manipulative ways,
As if, it's a child's play.

Saying things you don't want to say,
Hiding things behind your fake facade.
Asking everyone to leave you alone,
But that's not what you really want.

Needing a shoulder to cry upon,
But too bad that you've pushed everyone away.
Taking advantage of their kindness,
And throwing it back on their face.

In the end, nothing matters ,
Because after all your life was a disaster,
Though, it was a disaster you made,
Still... it's better that you ended the never ending pain.
Ottar Feb 2015
hide and seek,
child's play, run away,
to stay, shhh, so still,
shadow absorbs,
all but the fun,
where night and
day matter not,
just get lost, in the game.

Then you will seek and find "home free"
Annabella Dec 2014
I guess I'm a bit Cynical, but who wouldn't be?
I've been shamed for he made me bleed
Open I was, merely a child
Love was so potent, how could it be vial?
I placed my heart in your hand walls broken down
You put it with your others didn't know a smile meant a frown.
So I'm a bit Cynical, but who wouldn't be?
It's hard to be happy with nothing left of me.

— The End —