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One day or day one.
Move on to the next big thing,
before you're out of time.

Muhammed E. K.  ☾  🅴  ✩
Thank you for reading. Hope you had a nice reading session. You can check out the whole "Seasons" poetry collection for a better experience. ❅⛈☼☄

If you want more content from us, you can follow @lightinthedarknesspoetry on Instagram. Feel free to check out our website for news and updates.  

You can get a copy of Muhammed E. K.'s poetry books from

The truth is, they only try to get into your head
because you've already gotten into theirs.

Muhammed E. K.  ☾  🅴  ✩
Thank you for reading. Hope you had a nice reading session. You can check out the whole "Seasons" poetry collection for a better experience. ❅⛈☼☄

If you want more content from us, you can follow @lightinthedarknesspoetry on Instagram. Feel free to check out our website for news and updates.  

You can get a copy of Muhammed E. K.'s poetry books from
In these notes
Are countless tales
Of memories, tried & true

But not a word
From endless books
Compares to me & you.

The turn of phrase,
Or so it goes,
Says all begins anew

I’ll be right here
’Til your last page
And in the next one, too.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2023
If there were a story asked,
and the asker were as weary as me,

I might ask the asker what good
could a half told story be.

The asker answers, well then,
begin at the end,
then we all rest easy, knowing
it all works out.
As the grands grow too old for such silliness, they listen to Audible,
and I listen along, longer, usually, unless we begin at the end.
melissa Dec 2022
i think i am in love with your soft rain
the sound of the pitter patter against my window sill
your sweet sound putting me gently to sleep
caress the flesh and bone feeling so calm
calloused fingers through my hair
play me a song
something that reminds you of me
something gentle
the thought of you so riveting
and clean
and full
love that cannot be tarnished
love so alive and dramatic
love that can only exist in the mind of a
hopeless romantic.
this is an excerpt from my poetry  book im working on (:
Mimmi Sep 2022
Should have gone to the library
It's shoulders dosen't judge
nor dose it bend for your heavy heart
For they know the feeling of being forgotten and newly discovered

How easy it is to just fade into the background
How each breath gets thinner and thinner,
until it completely fades away

A mere puff of air leaves my lips
and the dust falls dancingly of the books shoulder
like an invitation to open and turn the page
return to a world you left behind
and rejoice in finding the lost memories of happiness and bright as childlike laughter.
A comfort
Steve Page Aug 2022
I remember dad sitting and reading
each evening after dinner
once he and me had washed up in the galley kitchen.

After, I remember him stripping down to the waist
and body washing at the sink, then completing
his evening shave.

I remember his big old badger shaving brush
and a shaving mug refilled with Old Spice.

I remember the odour, filling the kitchen
and sticking to him.

But mostly I remember him in his white vest
in the brown armchair under the warm standard lamp,
feet up by the fire, reading his books.

Wilbur Smith.
Alastair MacLean.
Jack Higgins.

The Sound of Thunder.
Ice Station Zebra.
Wrath Of The Lion.

Always a hardback. Always a loaner
from the regular family trips
to the woods and the library.

Always sitting in his heady mix
of Old Spice, Brylcreem and St Bruno,
reading and relishing the opportunity
to pass the book on to me
telling me of his envy of my first read
of the adventure he’d just finished.
My dad was a reader
Steve Page Jul 2022
Sadness is finishing a great novel
on the train to work
and carrying it home
empty of suspense,
with a faint hope
for the yet unpublished sequel.
Bad planning on my part.
I dream
as a flower,
in waves
as I open
the pages
of a book,
I bloom
and reality
while in
sips of tea,
the people
I walk past,
they too,
are beings
of water
in the  
oceans of
the mind,
visitors of
the earth,
stars are
in the words
they speak
within the
the ease
of the
hour, the
seeds lift
for the
moon in
the eyes
they held
for one
it is in
the depth
in the
to only
of the
of love
I, the
wish to
sing to
“all the
is, by
the sight
of the
so then,
all the things
they behold
as they are,
Omarcito Jun 2022
Monday mornings are always easy.

Monday mornings bring a breeze South
Of The East,
Of The West.

Its caressing the exposed skin
of my flaky neck
like the lead cannon from Atlantis,

Flying for the grasp
Of the cactus from San Pedro
That provides mescaline to the tribes
Nearby, that pray to its being as The Messenger

The West. Beyond the horizon,

Like the jack rabbit, eroding, with a tube
Sock in the vestibule over The Dungeon That Sings,

Sideway neighbors to the uvula. If seen that way.
                  Beyond, the continual rings of                             Agorapho-

                                                      ­                                              bia,
Challenging anxious mind,
With ideas
Of how it be the, not the seal in yestereen's heels.

Monday mornings
Are always easy.
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