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Hyacinth Aug 2015
Clouds are as thin as satin
The cool breeze caresses our faces
Millions of stars gleam so bright
Like no other I describe the night

There I see your eyes ever so pretty
Jaw-dropped as they look at mine
Your face defines such beauty
That It cursed me with dementia

Your lips is as red as velvet
Cured my color blindness
As they move as you speak
I can't respond, I'm tongue-tied

The warmth of your embrace
Overthrew the coldness afar
As both our eyes collides
I fell more in love with you

I stare in your lips one more time
For they kept me in astonishment
Oh I really wanted to kiss them
Yet I can't cause I can't

I know that time will come
All I have to do is to keep my faith
Under this bright blue moon
I promise, with all my heart, I will wait
Inspired by the first blue moon that I had shared with someone.
Dedicated to my one true love (^_-) <3
Adriana Aug 2015
Hello Blue Moon.
How you look so lovely and bright and I do so notice your shade tonight.
It's said that your suppose to bring about change. Oh, how I could use some now.
As I gaze up and think of all that has pasted and yet I'm reminded of your eyes and I begin to remember the tiny details of your face.
Hello Blue Moon
Do you think somewhere out there someone's thinking of me? The way I'm thinking and waiting on thee. Oh, how I love that idea, but it couldn't be? For I've seen their true colors and I know where I stand.
Hello Blue Moon
How lonely I feel with these thoughts still the sight of you brings me hope. So dark and quiet as the world around me sleeps soundly and I'm so alone within. Why do I find it hard to get over you?
Hello Blue Moon
How you shine so bright and allow me to soak up your light.
Debra Lea Ryan Jul 2015
A Moon Infused By Blue Hue
Zoetic... Poetic...

GieAn Jul 2015
All the lovers stand under the moonlight
Holding hands while the sky is so bright
For them to be together forever
They must stay until the midnight is over

And I am here under the stars
Looking at the same moon with lonely scars
Alone, the cold wind whispered to me
*"Someone's waiting for you, too. You will see."
The crowds, slithering down the aisles
           aimless yet ordered,  manoeuvering
                     shopping carts and metal baskets

Welcome to the lower class, the minion slave tied to the renting a house instead of a home. The climate is too harsh not to have shelter. They shop at thrift stores and outfit themselves for twenty bucks, hell they can find a living room for under a hundred dollars or bones or what ever you want to call them, that magic thing called Ca$h.

All those people spending that cash, in most cases, hard earned.

How did this ever happen * The Consumer they call us
                                                      We save a lot of money
                                                           ­  Spending money we don't got.

Ownership is the problem.. How does someone have the right to stake a claim to a chunk of land, then parcel  it off and make money selling it.
The Earth belongs to all of us.

The rich will go forward and lay claim to any planet they can reach for its natural resources.. How the hell can we let that happen. The Universe is ours, it belongs to everybody. We will leave this dirt and venture back when it has healed.

I can see them harvesting asteroids and riding  comets, waving there Stetsons
And hootin' yee haw as they speed through the galaxy, trying to hold onto their imagined power. The making up the rules as they go along.

Sometimes I just have to ignore everything and create my own little world.
A world where I trust my dead friends for sure. I don't know about everyone else.

Leave everything all behind  finding some real peace. Not this chanting about it, but shaping it and moving it like the malleable construct that it is....
               if you can call it a construct... and if you can't then 'what the hell'.

We are more than we know, more than we claim.. the People can be the power

We can start again, start all over before we swallow ourselves whole... and in part. Dismembered for certain. Dismembered and sent to the other side of the country, or half way around the world.
I haven't edited it as of yet. I'll look at it tomorrow.

*the consumer they call us -Stompin' Tom Connors

— The End —