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Marri Nov 2019
tiles feel cold against bare feet.
Tip   toeing into kitchen for water.
Find glass, reach up into cupboard.
Try not to shatter.
Reach in for i c e.
Still cold against bare feet.
Pour water, quiet, stealthy,
N i n ja l i ke.

Drink water,
Still cold against bare feet.
I c e still clinks.
Gulp  gu lp.
Down the hatch.

Put glass away.
Reach up into cupboard.
Slips cup out hand.
S h a t t e r e d.

Eyes wide.
Bare feet still cold.
Scattered i c e.

Mom wakes up.
Dad slides out too.
I hide in cup board.
Feet now warm
N i n ja l i ke.
JT Nelson Jun 2019
Cool cool floor
Of smooth hard tile
Barefeet slapping in
Successive taps


Then onto carpet

Just observing the almost silent moments of someone stepping across a tile floor and then onto the carpet. Mostly mundane... definitely not something ever thought of as magical, this is something going on all over all the time. Sometimes things like that blow my mind.
Chantell Wild Mar 2019
where do we start
and where do we end
its a ******
being with you
its tender
just knowing you
you break my heart every day
and yet i love you
i love you still
i love you
love you love you
am i stupid?
i am something
that you havent
yet guessed at.
whats the bet?
you aint gonna get it.
Yet here we are.
You, wearing shoes
in the presence of
my bare feet.
chris m Dec 2013
I ran after you on the hard concrete
Tired, worn, and calloused bare feet
But nothing could stop me
Not the storm in the sky
Nor the look in your eye
Not today
Today I run until you stop
Until our looks finally lock
Tired, worn, and calloused eyes
Teary and bloodshot
Perhaps you’ll see
Something worthwhile in me
That could somehow keep your feet
Rooted to this gritty concrete

— The End —