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Our love was pure
Our love was sweet
The ground was sure
Under our feet

We were young
We were in love
Sheltered in a cove
Our love was strong

Soon, doubts began to assail
Rock became sinking sand
Strength started to fail
We were carried to a strange land

I look back and ponder
Few things can compare
To the power and the wonder
Of the love we shared that year
I am a stick of wax

The thread within me is lax

I brighten your night

With my yellow light*

What am I?
Every woman is beautiful

If only she thinks she is.
The moment my eyes closed on Saturday night
The very moment, my eyes lost their physical sight
I swam into this vast dreamland
Where there were dry shrubs and lots of sand
It was a totally deserted place
There was no sign of anyone, not a single race
It was strangely quiet, the atmosphere eerie
My palms were quite clammy, it was that scary!
I squinted into the dark and saw something
It moved and sounded like bells were clinking
It began drawing closer to me, advancing
I tried to move back, fearfully retreating
But my feet felt stuck to the ground
Its growling surrounded me, what a terrible sound
The moon shifted, I saw its form and its face
It was a horrible sight, its body, every trace
There were the huge eyes, so yellow
The face monstrous, nothing mellow
The teeth were fangs, oh! I can't describe
The fear I felt on this dream ride
Its claws started to descend on me
What would I do? How could I flee?
Just when I thought my throat was being ripped out
I heard a loud shot, and then a shout
The monster lay dead at my feet
I was shivering, my face as white as sheet
I turned and saw this handsome, kind face
The lips moved,"I've come to rescue you from this place"
I was saved and so full of joy
That the evil beast had been destroyed.
My alarm rang and I woke up in bed
My heart thumping, I remember all He said
Taking my hand, he had led the way
And promised to be with me everyday.
She's the purest of lights on the heavenly firmament
She's like the shining star, a beautiful golden ornament
She's the hope you feel in the air, our highest monument
She's like a poet, with a feather in her hand as an armament
She's the spirit of a new beginning, on a white shore obelisk
She's like the essence of our dreams, our private novelist
She's our mindowner, our thoughts monopolist
She writes from bottoms of our hearts
She writes from the tips of our wings
She writes straight from the skies
All hail the queen!
the queen,
of poetry.
"Queen of Poetry" by Give a little love.
I was trying to make a heart from letters,
and that's the closest I could get.
Love you! ;*
Snowdrops are like little white warriors
They just march up front fearlessly
straight through the snow
To see the sun
once more
I know the season isn't right
but I just love the snowdrops :D
They are the cutest thing you can imagine. ;*
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