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The sudden sound explodes through the reticent forest
Emanating from the grove of pine
It sends a warning to all woodland denizens
That danger is afoot

Her singular howl intones a chorus
That resonates throughout the forest

Metamorphoses begins
Her fragile spine slowly fractures
She lets out one last howl
Only to fall...unconscious

His golden eyes blaze with anger
As he gazes from behind a fallen tree

Cautiously approaching, he sees her lying motionless
Sans her white longer like him

He lifts his head back, takes a deep breath
And an urgent howl he sends far and wide

The desperate wail awakens a cadre of Ravens
Alerting them to their task at hand
Departing their perch, they go in search
Of the medicine which will save her

They arrive at the solitary cave
But not before the howl had echoed within

The Ravens encounter the just awakened medicine
Taking flight...the cadre leads the way
Thunder rages through the forest as paws strike the ground
Ravens swiftly lead Bear to their wounded friend

Finally arriving, Bear assesses the situation
Standing...she looks in wonder as to how this happened in their world
At her motionless friend
With her powerful paw locked in steel

That wonder was answered
As she looked into his golden eyes
She perceptively sees the work of a cabal
In setting the device

His eyes also show uncertainty
His black fur is standing on end
Intimating an urgency that Bear readily grasps
Medicine is needed quickly

Bear smiles
For she is the healer, the enforcer

A whitetail deer peers from behind an ancient cedar
As Bear, with her powerful paws, opens the trap
Bear licks the wound delicately
The wound begins to heal from the medicine

The power of Bear, and of Nature, is strong!

Bear places her giant paw over her, what seems like lifeless face
Color begins to fill her skin again as Bear gives medicine
An Eagle watches intently from above
As the familiar fur and body shape come back into view

For the first time, as she begins to awaken
The transformation is painless
Her once fragile spine has grown stronger with medicine
She drifts off

As her eyes begin to slowly open and come into focus
She sees a lone...silent figure

His golden eyes intently staring directly into hers
"I heard you howl", he said attentively
"I knew you would come", she replied, "U are always there for me."

Rejuvenated, she moved with assurance
Once again, feeling familiarity in this form

In her sheen coat of white fur, she now stood
Next to him, and his coat of fur that matched the raven's wing

They stood in contrasting, yet symbiotic fashion
He pulled her closer, and without making a sound
Gestured that it was time to move on...

(c) 2016 Shawn White Eagle
I have not written for some time, but often times events can inspire one to put "pen to paper", or, in this case, fingers to keys. :-)  I have reached back to continue a story I had left open ended some time ago, and doing the same this time as well.  I Love U Lobo :-)
Deeper than logic
The chemistry flow
Poetic synapse
Expose our souls...
And the night
before i left home
i had a dream.
I dreamt of a beautiful
little girl,
just out of my womb,
and a strong man
holding my hand.
And together,
we were king and queen
making a kingdom for our little princess.
That was when i knew
that everything will work out,
despite the fact
that i was a mere child of fifteen,
leaving home,
leaving my family.
I was ready to start building a new life,
fit for a queen,
that shall rule alone until her king or queen comes along.
In spring ...
Bright, strong and straight
Filled with moisture
Prominent veins on your skin
Strong winds blow, you flutter
Producing a dance show
At night you are quiet
No eyes to see

In summer ...
Color slightly faded
Wilted from the heat
Crying out for rain
Trying to hold on
Nights are warm
Stars pierce the night
Illuminate your shape

In autumn ...
Color transformed
To red and orange
Parched skin a translucent fabric
Death is near
Edges curling

In winter ...*
You are invisible
 Dec 2015 Sydney Victoria
Do you know that roses turn red at the sight of a beautiful woman like you?

They are pink because they have fallen in love with your sweet, rosy lips.

And they turn white because that is how pure our love has become.
Me and my corny poems :)
Feel free to fix my grammar!!!!!!
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