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Feb 2023 · 457
Lo Feb 2023
I feel like the chips
left at the bottom of the bag.
Too much to throw out
but too little to be
the first choice
next time you get hungry.

Waiting there in the pantry
until you get
a strong enough craving
to finish them off.

The longer you leave them
the more stale they get.
You reach down only to find
a shell of what they used to be.
Jan 2023 · 962
Lo Jan 2023
The reason you say
you've had enough is because
you don't feel you are.
Nov 2022 · 272
Book Cover
Lo Nov 2022
Beautiful cover
Used for a terrible book
How disappointing.
Mar 2022 · 133
Lo Mar 2022
I used to like thunderstorms.
The whole process.
The contrast of the dark sky
with the bright green trees.
How the rain drops start slowly
Spread out and random
Then all at once.
Thrusting it’s winds through the trees,
Making a beautiful passionate mess.
Until all you think about is the rain
That’s all that you’re surrounded by.
That’s all you can
See, Hear, Feel.

But lately my thunderstorms
Look different.
There is no contrast anymore,
It’s all gray.
The rain drops just come down,
No warning, no transition.
The winds feel too forceful,
Unnaturally overpowering.
Until the mess feels unfixable.
And all I can think about is the rain
That’s all I’m surrounded by.
That’s all I can
See, Hear, Feel.
Jan 2021 · 354
Let Go
Lo Jan 2021
For the girl who stays
Up thinking too much,
Clear your tears and
Kick your worries to the curb.

For once
Exhale the heaviness you carry, the
Emptiness you try to fill with
Little things that don’t matter.
Instead, wear that bumble bee hat, with
No cares about who likes it or who
Gives a **.
Simply let go and live.
Dec 2020 · 254
Take Me to a Place
Lo Dec 2020
Take me to a place where smiles
Flow freely and easily,
Laughter circulates like currency,
And happiness is the first language.

A place that has sunshine year round,
Day in and day out.
The flowers can’t help but bloom and spread
In the prettiest colors
Just emanating energy and light.
Oct 2020 · 249
Advice from a friend
Lo Oct 2020
You can
Open your arms
to the winds of the night
Drown yourself
In the depths of the past
Wave your hands
On the side of the curb

But it will never
bring you stillness
bring you love
bring you home

Stop dreaming of first loves
Your honeymoon was
Never going to happen

That first kiss was day one
Out of one thousand
In a countdown to heartbreak

Don’t you dare tattoo his name
On your untouched skin
He’s going to leave

Get ahold of your vertigo
Find yourself a compass
And drive far away

The fall IS bad
And down IS down

He was never going to stay
A broken battery doesn’t do much good
To someone who runs fine on their own

Pick up the clothes you left on the floor
And forget

Let it hit you
That he’s lying so beautifully
Next to me
Oct 2020 · 395
Making Cents
Lo Oct 2020
In my mind
It doesn’t make sense how two people can
fall so deeply for each other in such a short amount of time

But in my heart
It makes so much sense that I could
cash those cents in for dollar bills and take you anywhere you’d like

And if you asked me where I wanted to go
I’d say in your arms

Because that’s where everything feels right

Time stops
And it doesn’t matter to me that four quarters equal a dollar because the only cents I need is the sense of your breath on my neck while we’re making love

And I’d choose making love with you over making money any day


Because there’s a difference between making a living
and living.
And I choose to live in your arms for as long as you’ll let me.

Because you don’t find a connection like this very often.

It’s rare,
even dangerous.
Oct 2020 · 1.6k
Her Body
Lo Oct 2020
Her body
Is a desert
Bare and minimal
With Dry parts that build up
on the surface
and fly away in the wind

Her body
Is a forest
Lush and life giving
With parts that chirp and growl
All at the same time

People have
trekked the highest peaks
explored the darkest caves
picked the sweetest flowers
Taking with them
much more than she would initially care
Leaving behind
much more than was initially there

People have come
And gone

With vessels as small as row boats
Or as big as Noah’s ark
They navigate the floods
But trust me
there is nothing
holy about these ventures

they did not seek to
save two of every animal
They only sought to save themselves

Her body is a beach

Covered in shells
of Past lives
Past lies
Past blessings in disguise
These shells are beautiful

But Leave them
They’re too heavy to carry around

Maybe one day
someone else will take these shells
make them into concrete
And use them as foundation for the grandest, safest, most stable
Sandcastle around
And call it, Love

Because from a strong foundation
Love can only grow
No matter how many times
The wind changes its appearance
From fertile soil, love can bloom again

Her body
is a garden
But be careful
Nature has a way
of hiding poison
In beautiful things

Only to defend,
She is never malicious
It is survival of the smartest
Not the fittest
an autobiography of sorts
Oct 2020 · 427
Lo Oct 2020
There is nothing better than the feeling
Of truly being with you

Being with you
Your eyes meet mine and it’s like
The whole universe stops
But the stars just keep twinkling

Giving an inkling of a love
That will last forever
Your hand in mine
Or maybe on my thigh
But baby wherever you are
Is where I want to be

To be
In your arms every night
And every morning with the sunrise high
Your touch
Your breath
A love of this depth is intoxicating

In a way that can’t compare
To any alcohol or drug
That’s ever been in my system
But with this one,
I just can’t seem to sober up

Sober up
To the fact that I am
So loved
And immersed in a feeling
You’ve got me kneeling on the floor
Thanking God for giving me you.
a poem for my love

— The End —