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  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
When I first met you,
You has this smile on your face.
And I swear to god
I couldn't make this up if I tried,
But if you looked at the ground
The way you looked at me,
I promise you
At least four dozen flowers
Would have sprouted right up from the ground.
You were that magical.

But three months in,
And a bottle and a half of *****,
You hit me so hard,
That you left bite marks in my mind,
And scars on my heart composed of your fingerprints.

All the flowers have died.
  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
Raphael Uzor
Like crystal sand pebbles
Washed away from seashore
Like shooting stars in space
Propelled out of the night sky

Our beautiful black pearls
Young and innocent and ambitious
Full of life, full of tomorrow
Were stolen away in daylight
Away from unnatural habitats
Away from unsafe clusters
Away from our sleepy watchful eyes
Loosing their buoyancy
To the same fearsome monsters
That have plagued the land much
Bursting balloons at parties
Bringing mayhem as they visit
Making our warriors look childish
Forcing help from the world over.

The sun has gone to sleep
The moon has loomed too long
But to hope, we will cling
Till we find our lost pebbles…

© Raphael Uzor
suicidalsmiles May 2014
getting wasted and high
 doesn't seem so romantic,  

but if they had seen how you looked into my eyes
they might see

why i love you the way I do.
still hurting. it's never going away is it?
suicidalsmiles May 2014
I'm not getting better
In fact,
I'm getting so much worse.
Everything is falling down
The tall pillars are crumbling down
All around my broken body
The doctors keep telling me
I'm cutting too deep
Eating too little
Purging too much.
But I can't stop.
Because you see,
The voices are getting louder
I can't ignore them
I can't block out my own thoughts,
Even though they're killing me.
I see things that aren't even there.
Can't you see I'm insane?
Or do you just choose to look away
And lie to yourself, saying,
"Oh, she's getting better."
Just so you can get a good nights sleep?
While I kiss the razor's sparkling blade.
You're watching me turn to ashes,
I know it won't be long,
Till I'm blown away.
My pulse is fading
My breathing is jagged
My mind is broken
But then again,
Once I'm gone,
You won't have to lose any more sleep.
So don't worry about me.
It won't be long
Until I leave you alone.
  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
Heliza Rose
You were a soft breeze that caressed my fragile flame
But when you grew too wild
You blew me
**O U T
  May 2014 suicidalsmiles
don't kiss this devil
it'll burn, it will torment you.
stay with angels' lips.
Sorry I couldn't think of a better title and if I made a mistake.
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