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  Sep 2014 Sound Of Rain
Andrew Durst
I smile whenever you smile
and feel the clenching
pain in my chest
whenever you feel low.
                 But you are not a burden.
    Love cannot be true
    without every ounce of
And just as beautiful as you are;
the scars on your heart
will not go in vein.
You are loved.
Sound Of Rain Sep 2014
Is it that hard to keep your promise?
Sound Of Rain Aug 2014
If only I could write without choking up every time I spilled out words on paper,
If only I could close my eyes and block out the harsh things that I still seem to remember,
If only I could smile and write pages after pages about everything without tearing up,
If only I was not as shy as I am right now and instead was bold and fierce,
If only my hands would stop shaking when I write your name,
If only everybody kept the freaking promises that they made.
If only.
If only.
If only.
I would surely be happier and more satisfied than I am right now.
I don't even know. Suffering from major writer's block. Can't seem to express any of my feelings properly these days. *sigh* If only.
Sound Of Rain Aug 2014
The gentle hum of the airplane passing by
Is loud at the beginning
But then it gets so faint that I have to strain myself to hear it.
It's there for a while and then it gets fainter and fainter,
Until it just disappears.

And when I look up at the sky,
It just looks perfectly normal and clear with no trace of the airplane
Like the airplane never flew through it,
Like it never existed,
Like the gentle hum was all just an illusion.

And that faded away plane reminds me of you,
How the sound was gentle and loud in the beginning,
Like our conversation when we first started talking,
And then it was gentle and started to fade away,
Getting fainter and fainter with every passing moment,
Exactly how you slipped away from me.

Until there was nothing left except memories.
And then I start to question whether they even existed, and
Did we really used to talk or did I just dream about that?

And now the memories are like the airplane.
Gentle and loud,
And then they get fainter,
Harder to remember,
Slipping away slowly,
Until there's nothing left.
And then you just remember the airplane vaguely but any other memories of it have faded away into nothing.
To all of those people who used to talk to me, and then they started to disappear Slowly and faded away and now they're just gone; thank you for the lessons you've taught me and for making me happy for a while. Happy Friendship Day anyways. (:
  Jun 2014 Sound Of Rain
Sound Of Rain Jun 2014
1:39 AM
I'm lying down on this air bed thinking
What would've happened if we'd never met.

I met so many new people this year.
Each and every one have made a great impact on my life too.

Was it that night last year in June? Everything happened that night. Felt like nothing,
But now I realize it meant everything.

2:08 AM
I can't stop thinking about everything you said to me.
And I also can't stop thinking about what would've happened if I'd handled things differently.

Oh well.
Can't do anything now.
'Cause I did try. I tried so hard. But I failed anyways.

3:08 AM
Did I tell you that you're what I dream about as well?

4:56 AM
Silence. Streaks of moonlight along the windows.
Quiet cars passing by. You're on my mind.

5:35 AM
And I'm still thinking about you.

6:54 AM
Fall asleep finally.
Dream about you. You were laughing. I woke up laughing.

7:00 AM
Wake up. Try to clear my head. try to get you out of my head Get a glass of coffee, look outside.

It'll be a better day I hope.
Random thoughts.
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