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 Jul 2015 Christina
Dead Lock
Ignore her lies
Ignore her wrist
Just pretend
That she doesn't exist
Watch as she falls
It's not that hard
She isn't the girl
That you'd typically miss
 Jul 2015 Christina
 Jul 2015 Christina
i'm no stranger
to bathtubs and sinks full of red water
to red-stained sleeves
to blood loss.
no stranger
to losing people,
no stranger
to wanting to go home.
I stopped eating because I was tired of gaining weight
I stopped weighing myself because I was tired of disappointment
 Jul 2015 Christina
JR Potts
Late at night sadness covers up my skin, ivy
on the old bricks of an abandoned mental hospital,
broken windows, we stopped needing help years ago,
and this place is just as scary empty as it was full
expect when the doors were open the crazies
would come and go, I swear it made the stay
a little more tolerable
I lost ten pounds in three days
It's easier to leave the house without breakfast
It's easier to leave the house without worrying about future meals
It's easier to leave the house without those ten pounds
It's easier to leave the house without caring about your hair
It's easier to leave the house without caring about anything
Anything but you
Carrying the memory of you is the hardest thing I've ever done
 Jul 2015 Christina
I want to know you.
I want to know the person behind the writing.
I want to know the mind that expresses so vividly and beautifully.
I want to know you as more than just your poetry.
I want to know you for you and not the assumptions I can make.
I want to know you as the beautiful soul you are.
I genuinely want to.
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