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I'm in love with two people,
The light and the dark.
He carries me onward,
The other's a spark.
We dance in the twilight,
Entwined and free.
The choice beckons closer,
It falls onto me.
Indecisve and frightful,
I struggle to choose.
How do you count gains,
When you'll inevitably lose?
Pump, Pump, Pump!
The director yells at me
As I turn the dial, ever so slowly
Pump, Pump,Pump!
But sir, don't we need to copyright our poems
Of course worker thats why your here
For fame
For glory
For hashtags
For views
For you to gain followers,
like a prophet
For you to gain hearts
Like the aztecs...

Realise why you're on here
Not to gain public affection
Or a minimal amount of fame
Your here to share poems from the heart
Not from your greedy brain
I see people advertising themselves, like a coca cola commercial its beyond the definition of ridiculous. While their poems are far more superior than mine (All art forms should all be equal, but thats not how my mind set works). Superiority doesn't mean not manufactured and what I mean by that is their poems while great seem to have an ulterior motive. They don't want to share their masterpieces they want to sell themselves as a poet.
You gorgeous *******.
I like you.
Sandman comes 'n starts t' raise
Golden dunes o' fairy land
A world o' dreams ahead now lays
Come on lovely close yer eyes, 'n

By th' gods o' sea 'n sky
Start 'n sail on puffy clouds,
'n with them green 'n pretty eyes
Steer yerself t' cotton grounds,

Dream o' love 'n joy 'n sea
Made o' liquid silk 'n gold,
As a cap'n ye shall be
Sailing in th' Nevertold,

Hoist yer colours in th' blue
'n trust th' heart t' point the way,
Ye be sailing straight 'n true
T' th' port o' Dreamland Bay.
Intellectual thoughts and conversations are not my forte.  Instead lets sit down and talk about your day
Talking about styles in class
The teacher points to me
How my clothes make a rebel
My attitude has no cause
My hair shows my need for attention
My expensive jacket shows wealth
But my cheap flats revel I am poor
I turn my attention to her
I say nothing
I just nod
She could figure me out in a few seconds
But I haven't been able to find myself out in 15 years
Insert tasteless **** joke here*
I stand still listening to the clicking trigger of your words
As the bullet shooting from your mouth hits a still new wound
And even though this all past just over a year ago
Every time my battle scars from this ongoing war start to heal
A new obstacle must be conquered, and new wounds form
What you did to me was repeated
not once
not twice
Four more times
and Child *******
All used to just be words
And district attorneys
Were once all just people
Your **** joke may be funny to you
But think of the people who really lived through it
The *** end of your **** joke
The boys and girls standing
Hiding behind the façade of petty laughter
(I saw a piece titled "5 Things I Will Tell My Daughter" and I decided to write one, too~)

1. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what about the hearts that hurt stronger, or grow colder? Do not let your heart grow cold... Dream, darling. Dreams can melt the ice and soothe the pain, their dreams of you gently wrapping your arms around their neck, and, speaking softly, as though they are afraid they will wake and you won't be beside them, the words fall from their lips, “I love you.” You reply, “I love you, too.” But then, we must remember: although all dreams end, the fire that is their soul cannot be put out by any force other than their own lack of will. Your soul will not lose its flame unless you stop pouring gasoline into your heart, until you stop gathering firewood from your limbs. Remember that it takes time to become the person you want to be. Do not, under any circumstances, give up.

2. You needn't believe that love is limited, for hearts expand endlessly. Remember that some women will call you a sinner, and some men will call you a saint. Love them both. Love the way that although goodbye means going away, going away does not necessarily equal a forgotten promise to return. Love the notes that you keep in the bottom of your dresser in a shoebox from 7th grade, love your favourite shirt, love your first video game, love your first romantic partner and love your last. Love red flowing dresses and sweatpants and above all, do not be afraid to love deeply, messily, and even predictably, because sometimes, predictability is okay.

3. You are a raging hurricane, an endless forest fire, a light autumn drizzle, the flicker of a candle flame, a brilliant lightning bolt and the house-shaking clap of thunder that follows. Do not allow anyone to undermine your worth, your being, your sentience, your magnificence. You are the world, and the moment you believe otherwise (because you will) is the moment when, if not I, then somebody else you care for, will be by your side with a can of gasoline and a few extra logs.

4. Do not spend your life in search of a place to call your own; instead, mould your skeleton into a home and place your soul behind your eyes; house galaxies, constellations, and all the infinities that you can hold inside your being and never let them go. When your skin starts to crack, pour grace into your wounds and brush the kinks out of your wings; find faith in yourself, at least, if not another omniscient being as well. Just remember: If you have faith, have it when the miracles don't happen, just as much as when they do.

5. Live for the experience of breathing deeply and loving carelessly.
9:54 p.m. is when I finished this. I listened to a fuckton of Shinedown while writing this and I started out hating it, but I ended up in love with it.
~She will fall so hard you will need to pick her up
~She will take in every word you say and turn it into a weapon of self destruction
~She will write novels about the little things you do
~Every kiss with her will last to the count of infinity
~She will need you at two a.m. to stitch her battle wounds
~You will have to take on the job of being a safety net to catch her when she slips
~She will beg you to part the clouds so she can dance it the sunlight with you
~She will fight you till the end of time for trying to say she is beautiful
     ~She will never just take your compliments
~She will lie and say she's okay when there is a war in her head
**~She will love you more than she can love herself
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