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 Dec 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
 Dec 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
My eyes roll back in my head.
Get the bad thing out. Just **** it.
Summoning or suppressing demons: Take a pill and swallow hard.
Have you ever lost control of your body before?
 Dec 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
Hija morena
Con los ojos de lodo,
Y piel oscura de café con ron.
Los labios manchados rojos.
-?Es sangre o vino?-
Me mira con los ojos podridos
Y dice,
-Lo que tu quieras-


Darker daughter
Eyes like mud,
Skin like black coffee and ***.
Her lips stained red.
I ask,
"Is it blood or just wine"?
She looks at me with rotting eyes.
"Whichever you want it to be".
Make more bilingual poetry guys! Hac Himel convinced me to post this, shout out 2 him.
 Dec 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
 Dec 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
I wish what happened had made me bleed.
I'd like to bite down on something thick like raw meat and if it's my own tongue then so be it. Even if I could keep my big clumsy mouth shut i'd still ***** or cut my wrists up all over the carpet for attention. Look at me! Or past me. I'm not good at being ignored. Or I'm the best at it.... I'm a phantom in the sense that I'll make you uncomfortable but no ones sure if I'm even there or what the hell I'm still bothering them for. So if you're not going to see me for me, I'll pull a white sheet over my body and creep through your house in the dark. And if you're going to look my way with a guilty face then you might as well just keep your eyes shut. And I hope someday you can remember who I am. And well...., ******* for not seeing a good thing when you had it. Now haunting you is just another one of my bad habits.
She said stop hanging onto people by threads. I guess i'd just rather have stitches than lose another friend. When nobody loved me I lost my head. Please don't do that to me again. Please don't do that to me again.
 Nov 2016 CNM
Morning Star
 Nov 2016 CNM
Morning Star
Taken lost broken wings
No idea of sweetest things
Angry night in storms she fell
Straight into a frozen hell
Sreaming through thee mist the rain
Noone knows her fate
Spell untill the dream awakes
Still the lady of the lake
Open up another night
Only love can hold her fright
Still she sits on silent grass
Noone see her fading light
Echoed silence falls the night
Fall into a crimson light
 Nov 2016 CNM
Morning Star
Lady by the lake

She walks by waters misty blue

As dusk settles across the lake

She lights a latern to lead her there

To the other side her gentle stare

In lightest blue her dress of silk
Reflects the moon lit night

He's captivated by her dance

He waits for her though she is unaware

He calls her but he  she does not hear

He shows him self to her yet he she does not see

A spirit she awaits to set her free

He takes her hand but feels no warmth her side

Untill she feel secure she only hides

He holds her close and leads her to the shore

He kisses her neck so soft she breathes once more

From her silent reverie she now  awakes

She screams of fear and darkness from her night

But strong enough his love will hold her near

She twists and turns her spirit not yet free

But echoes of his beating heart breaks free

She allows him gift her body quivers see

But now real love and passion she can reveals

Not control but warmth and strength surround her

She finds herself excited by his warmth

For now she can be loved also protected and not scorned

And sails unfold as they begin to drift

A journey new way of love they make

Into a waters  sensual awakening

Of  love she wakes from silent reverie

Her body gently laid across his chest

Strokes her golden hair across her breast

She finally feels free of evils quest

In the morning the light through shadows play

He lies there as her slipsaway

Her spirits to the lake returns in her beauty

For only night can capture her solice still

she fades away to lakes side call

She glances up and catches his eyes they burn

she waits for the evening once more

But will not be free

 Nov 2016 CNM
Victoria Ruth
 Nov 2016 CNM
Victoria Ruth
I lay in bed listening to the rain
Falling against my windowpane
Soothing but still I cannot sleep
All I can do is think and weep

I wonder when did I get like this
Constantly thinking of those I miss
Worrying about how I’ll end up
Draining the coffee from my cup

It’s 2 AM now I think think think
Further into myself I sink sink sink
My bed is cold and filled with tears
I Feel like I’ve been awake for years

Insomnia has gotten the best of me
My eyes are open, but I barley see
The world is fuzzy through my eyes
Each night another piece of me dies
 Nov 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
 Nov 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
It's been months now but
You still ask around, "Why'd he do it?" like there's no one to blame.

When I entered the house where the ****** took place, I was there for awhile before I felt the extra space. I saw his things. His belongings. His half eaten food. Halfway things he had half the intention to live through. I wasn't aloud upstairs where the body was found. You tell me you were home but you didn't hear the sound. You were tired, didn't hear it fire. Since you slept through the bullet, now you don't sleep at all. Every time you close your eyes you see the bullet hole.
 In an attempt to rest better, you went to the morgue to replace his ****** face with the peaceful one. Funny how angry he always was, this was the first time you'd seen him so calm. Maybe its not a shame that he's dead, maybe the shame is in the way he was living.
So stop asking why he did what he did.
He was just eleven when he brought the gun to his head. He was still a kid when you sent him to heaven.

She checked every phone, his search history, every conversation looking for a motive and she still can't find what pushed him over the edge. I knew how he'd do it. His fascination in guns was no coincidence. A reason arms do less good and more harm, expetially in the hands of the metally ill. I hope this is a reminder to tell everyone how much you love and appreciate them, he sure didn't hear it enough and you sure can't tell him now.
She checked every phone, his search history, every conversation looking for a motive and she still can't find what pushed him over the edge. I knew how he'd do it. His fascination in guns was no coincidence. A reason arms do less good and more harm, expetially in the hands of the metally ill. I hope this is a reminder to tell everyone how much you love and appreciate them, he sure didn't hear it enough and you sure can't tell him now.
 Nov 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
 Nov 2016 CNM
Maia Vasconez
Everything's dull like a butter knife. I sit around for hours scratching my arms trying to make a dent. You can't cut yourself with a butter knife, can't create excitement this way. You'd pull a gun on yourself, or a fire alarm. Brain numb, an act of terrorism on your boredom kingdom. It's not fair to compare this to solitary confinement, but my mind has sure gone stagnant. I'm a sitting pond. I'm stale bread. I am sour milk. I am freckled with mildew.
 I am, quite simply put: stewing here.

You can be in a place so long it feels like fermenting. You can be in a place so long you forget that you're sitting.
You can be in a place so long it feels like fermenting. You can be in a place so long you forget that you're sitting.
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