It is so dark that I can’t even see my own two hands in front of me.
But it is okay, I don’t even need the light to see.
Because all I need is not to see what lies ahead of the path I walk.
Nor do I need to hear the birds sing or even the voices as they talk.
I might end up stumbling and falling along the way.
But as long as I know it is meant to be, I am sure I am going to be okay.
And if I happen to not be okay in the end, that is alright as well.
Because no one can do anything to harm me, no one but myself.
I have hurt the skin that covers me, seen the crimson red peep through to say hello.
But of course I didn’t tell any, why should I let anybody know?
I do not need any pity because after all I made these choices for a reason.
A reason others won’t understand, they might call my actions for treason.
But I don’t care what they think, they should just leave me alone.
How could they ever understand how it feels like, to be unwelcome in your own home?
I have held countless of knives in my hand and let them embrace with my ivory bones.
I can only smile for myself, now that I've found my place beside the many tombstones.