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 Dec 2019 Silverflame
Thomas Wood
At a desk, coffee sachets rest.
Long-life milk harbours
white dreams of expiry.
Shuffling in his forgetful nest
a grey man blinks
at the intruding light.

Americo, do you remember
your antique power,
that opened like a rose
on the walls of Hiroshima?
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
you left me
so i’ll
leave you
the same way.
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
She knifed my heart
In just a few words
She said everything
I didn't want to hear

And she was happy

I casually took out the knife
   This had happened before
                And I knew what to do
When you're cut on the inside

Just mentally close your eyes
           So you wont see her lips
And mentally close your ears
           So you won't hear shidt

Smile and tell her you agree
And support everything she just said

About somebody else
You wanted to be

So bad
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
for someone who feels so much
you make it look effortless to feel nothing
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
i’ve fallen in and out of love with you a million times
each time i fall harder then before
now i’m stuck with feelings that could never be returned:(
The sun sets,
As the sky burns,
Crimson red.

Red mist in the air
A warning to all.
Hide, run.
Shake, and quiver with fear.

The blood moon shall come.
Come for us all.
And it shall only bring,
Tears and blood.
 Dec 2019 Silverflame
I guess starlight doesn’t work
The moon is shattered
And the stars die out
Forty-five minutes of sleep
Is how much I get each night
Never a minute more or minute less
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