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trin Jul 12
i hope that in every lifetime
every lover i have
is a reflection of you
trin Mar 25
you tear my heart to shreds
but you’re the only one who can ever
put it back together again

every word feels like a knife
cutting through my chest
searing white hot pain

i can’t stop myself from loving you
needing you
it has to be you.
trin Jan 27
do you ever think about how we know everything about each other yet we live our lives as strangers?
trin Jan 20
i remember being gentle
being kind
not a single word i spoke was angry
i was soft
and sweet
and quiet

i don’t remember becoming cold
learning to be so mean
filling my words with venom and razors
i stopped being soft
and sweet
and quiet

i wish i never left my heart unguarded
i wish i could be gentle again
i miss when love came easy
trin Jan 4
it is so exhausting
trying to live in a society
that was created to destroy us
trin Dec 2023
i want you to forever interrupt my alone time
my heart aches for your presence
the comfort of existing
with you
trin Nov 2023
i write my pain
thousands of letters and words
hidden away in a place only i know

i hold things in
until i can find the words i need
to say what i feel

i let it go
tears smearing fresh ink
making the words bleed

so that i don’t have to
took some inspo from an old friend.
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