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Dear Nobody

Dear Nobody,
I was wondering
What you are doing today

I'm doing nothing special
If you want to come my way

You see, I look outside
This dusty old window
I never notice you there
Somebody I don't know

I see a lot of you
Those nobody people
Where nobody is special
But everybody is equal

Sorry, I have to go now
You really are somebody
Who am I, you ask
Me, I'm just nobody
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
Shall I scare you will imagination
Teach you fear through hallucination
Every terror crawling in your skin
Pulse racing faster than anything
Horror chasing you in your mind
Even with no safe place to find
No where left to run, or to hide

Killing thoughts you never cried
In pages of macabre and mystery
New visions of forgotten history
Greeted in the books of the king
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
I feel so alone
Alone inside my head
Nobody really understands
Just how I feel

I feel so alone
My feelings are misled
Like a thousand strands
Is it all unreal?

I feel so alone
No one to talk to
Nowhere I can go
Don't ask me why

I feel so alone
Problems to walk through
Does anybody know?
Inside I cry

I feel so alone
I can not cope
Help me, please!
I can no longer wait

I feel so alone
At the end of my rope
Life is just a tease
Now it is too late

Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
We're all wrong
we think we're
I guess thats better than being Left
to fend for the self in this
cold world
the sky shines kinda bright
at night
doesn't it?
© Copyright
He said "I'm sorry," for the third time that night.

I said through broken sobs, hands rested on a tear soaked pillow, "There is no need to apologize friend, you did nothing wrong, we're fine."

He had been typing for a while before he said, "I just kinda owe it to her, ya know?" I decided to not make a tally of all the promises he has made me, and instead I said, "Yeah, totally. You've gotten better at taking responsibility."

I decided not to focus on the night before, when we held hands crying out pained words, emotionally charged from the whole concert, but the focus was still on our sweaty hands gripping each other tighter with every word that reminded us of each other. I decided to not remember him wrapping his arms around me, pulling me tighter, tighter, because we just could not seem to get close enough to one another. I chose to ignore how I could still feel his hands gripping my shoulders. I decided to neglect all the memories that were always too good to be.

Next thing I know, we're on the phone, I needed to hear your voice, I needed to remember I wasn't all alone. He said, "I hate this, I thought making a decision would make things easier, but it didn't, it just hurt you, that's literally all it did." Suddenly I switched gears, I turned off the tears, and reassured him that this was pain I could handle, dear. Just try to relax, it'll all be in the past soon, just go outside and look at the full moon, remember we will survive this too. He said, "I still have feelings for you ya know. I just made this decision because I owe it to her, that's the only reason. And we might be together one day, who knows."

"Yeah, I know," I said trying not to cry, but that hurt worst of it all. Holding onto hope I should've already let go of. Holding onto rope wrapped around my neck, waiting for that day. I felt comforted but pained. I felt sad, and just plain tired of feeling. I fell asleep that night holding a phone to my face, listening to his breathing.
i need you still. i miss you so much more than i should. this hurts so much worse than i ever thought it could.
With bright eyes I gaze into the midnight sky,
consumed by cosmic thoughts and solidarity with lost cosmonauts.

Wandering yet not lost, vicariously relating
to explorers, and the skies they crossed

While the stars above and the ocean fall in love, I feel the sea breeze through my hair and listen to the hymn of the ocean prayer

The sun rises over the ocean and its yellow glaze hypnotizes. I find myself in a forest of towering trees singing the song of the bees.

As if through thin-air, sunbeams illuminate through the foliage that the trees wear. The warming sensation that frees sets me at ease.
collaboration with the talented Lewis Lee
The power of resources beyond lack
Filling up every vacuum of want
What could we ever ask?
When there’s provision for what we need not yet

In Heaven’s Economy
Peace that passes understanding
Erasing the fear of depression
With enough confidence to face tomorrow
Provided through the network of faith

Heavens' Economy
Where the existence of famine is not recognized
Even the least budget is well organized
Its treasures are incorruptible
And only by faith is it accessible
Reserved for the people in His kingdom
Managed by His wisdom
Heaven’s economy, powered by God.
Don't think to control me
I dare you, think again
You want a gentle lover?
I'm sorry, I am the fury

Never attempt to tame me
Because my flames will burn
I'll strip away at your soul
Careful for what you yearn

I'm no gentleman from books
This beast will tear you apart
This lust can never be stopped
Because it will take you, hard

If you're looking for sweet love
I apologise, that's not what I give
For my punishment will be harsh
I'll give you a lesson, on how to live

Don't think to control me
I dare you, think again
You want a gentle lover?
I'm sorry, I am the fury
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
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