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  Apr 2015 Shyne AM
what would you do if i tell
your mind to take a rest,
because all of people that died before us
are now living in our chests.
Shyne AM Apr 2015
He asked me today
"What happened to us?
Why did things not work out?"

I told him - our religion tore us apart.

Our religion tore us apart
Why does love have to be measured
by who we pray to and not who we are
Thinking of that still breaks my heart

Our distance increased
Our love deceased

Today I am speaking to you again
It makes me feel like I’m standing naked in the rain

Where were you these 4 years?
Because when I think of love
Your name instantly appears

My heart is filled with fear
The fear of the unknown

As I sit here in fear
In my eyes there are heavy tears

I’m overwhelmed by our conversation
Not because I’m scared
Just because I have so many questions

I want to look into your eyes
Hold my body close to yours
And secretly wish you do not hear my cries

I want to cry, but I don’t want you to know
I want to cry because I broke your heart
I want to cry because I left you hanging
I want to cry, but I don’t want you to know

You are 8,192 miles away from me
Yet I feel like there is not a single part of you that I cannot see

I am writing this while you sleep
I am writing this slowly because I am falling deep

I am writing this while you sleep
But baby please don’t oversleep
  Apr 2015 Shyne AM
Hi It's Haliyah
I miss the shine before the rain
I hear the sobs before the pain
I feel the flame before the burn
And make mistakes before I learn

I know melody until a song
I know I'm right until I'm wrong
I know I'm innocent until I feel relieved
And I'll miss you long before you leave
  Apr 2015 Shyne AM
she’s the girl who will remember everything. from your birthday, to the story behind that scar on your left arm, to the number of freckles on your body.

she will love every inch of your body and your soul and even the heart you didn’t know you had.

she will take in everything you have to offer and give you back so much more. so much, that you won’t even know what to do with it.

she will open up the world for you. from books and music and film to things like culture and race and language.

she’s smarter and far more beautiful than she dares herself to show.

and you will love her.

you will love her like you’ve never loved anybody before.

she will level every winter your body has suffered with all the springs her bones have weathered.

and when you go, because you can no longer handle her, she will drown herself in alcohol and drugs and sorrow. and wonder why she wasn’t good enough.

she will refuse to be saved by any other hand because nobody can touch her quite like you.

she will **** herself with loneliness and then resurrect with her own scent.
and then she will do it again.

and again.

and again.

and again.

she will be weak and strong and bold and shy and mean and nice and everything in between.

she will grow. she will grow strong and tall.

and so will you.

and in ten years from now, when you run into her at the supermarket, she will ask about your marriage.

and while you’re there telling her about your wife, who is home with the kids, and your job, she will feel genuinely happy for you.

because she forgave you. she forgave you for walking away and she forgave herself for ever thinking she wasn’t good enough.

she will have realized by then that sometimes life will give you somebody just to watch you break when it takes them away from you.

and she will be okay with it.

and so will you.

but, she will walk away without telling you about her life because she doesn’t want you to hear it in her voice that she still remembers your birthday, and that birthmark on your right shoulder.

and that ten years ago, she had hoped you would run into somebody else and told them all about her being at home with the kids.
Shyne AM Apr 2015
We spoke today after ages
It felt like a part of me came back

Now we talk everyday
It feels like a bright sunny day

I miss his hands
He knows me, he understands

The way he makes me feel
The pain inside my heart will never heal

He’s something I really need
We miss each other, we both agreed

There are so many things I have no control over
It makes me feel like I’m not at all sober
I feel this way without a single drink
I can’t help but think

I want to see him, hold him, feel him
Run towards him and just stay there with him
Maybe I never want to leave
He’s my only belief

— The End —