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 Apr 2019 Shrini
 Apr 2019 Shrini
sometimes in the wind vortex of my mind I find that things are going surprisingly okay and it makes me uncomfortable because aren't I supposed to be sad? I have taken on depression as a part of my identity and when I am happy I don't feel like myself one bit.
 Apr 2019 Shrini
Ciel Noir
What if you felt no more shame
Imagine that

What if you just loved yourself
The way you are
Imagine that

What if you forgave yourself
Imagine that

I hope you are kind enough
To let yourself
Imagine that
 Apr 2019 Shrini
Mysidian Bard
May the night grant us
a second chance at those dreams
that by day we lack.
Written for a nocturnal friend of mine. <3
 Apr 2019 Shrini
Mysidian Bard
You'll be my goddess;
just make me a believer
and I'll worship you.

— The End —