cold lone ages of misery
how unbearable you are
to die and become nothing
to reach the end of the line
to give trust upon few
to bring peace upon many
to give them your money
and swear them your lives
to die in their war
on your arms blood
of another man
to live in factory
to make money for food
so your wretched little son
won’t starve to death
but inside the death’s already here
around you
on floor on walls
in us
the death of light
the death of freedom
the death
the end
the luminous curves of your body
the last breath you take before waking up
and look in your eyes seeing me there
my love the death of always
a small piece of hope perished
in this life I am
forever and alone
(same sun greeting your mornings
another man lying
in your bed)
Have mercy on me please. The one to whom this poem is dedicated to is no longer reading my poems, but there might by a chance- I miss you