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“…things long by catholic consent accounted beautiful”


An act forbidden now, we go to weep
On Skyros at the grave of that rare youth
Where buried with him are the unities
Of all: the good, the beautiful, the true

For men have flung away their thoughts, their songs
Their verse, their noble instruments of work
And scream abuse at all those forms of art
With which their sires hymned chaos into peace

A cause forbidden now, we work to keep
For all: the good, the beautiful, and the true
 Apr 2018 S P Silver-Blade
There's beauty in the night time

That no one else see's

There's an orchard in the forest

That whispers in the breeze.

There's a place I often go to

Known only by me

If I get to know you better

I might just let you see.
Silence in my ears
Ashes in my mouth
Hope has flown away
I stare at plaster walls
A jawbone fit for a crown.
The teeth rattle in their roots as they, or I, maybe we, search for perspective.
A neat cut reveals pale skin too soft for the sun.
Beneath layers of the less understood bones protrude with the rising moon.
Taking sentiment with it.
Ribs played with hammer and claw.
A rending in pale soft light looks beautiful from the owls perch..
A mass left heaving and empty in a wheat field they or I maybe we see with closed eyes.

*Three of the hour.
A bleach white tower.
Of fish bone and stench.
An empty chalice enjoyed in a salt dried room.
A bleach white tower to keep away the moon.
A jawbone fit for a crown.
The King of Bones, the Ocean drowns.
Orange peel ******* 
tapering across a sunset view 

Luminous swirls hit glass 
and behind a window, we sit blue 

Frisky neighbours forgotten 
in our eyes, another sunday gone blind 

Should have gone to church 
sat at the back, with wine, and unwind.
 May 2017 S P Silver-Blade
It’s an addiction like any other; it’s always the same story
“if I don’t eat as much tomorrow I won’t have to take these pills so purgatory”,
yet each day the dose gets higher and the symptoms get so much worse –
you’re dependent on the emptiness and pain it brings with its curse.
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