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 Oct 2014 SELENA M
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Sheepishly blinking
Trembling hands at the ready
Skin flushing deep pink

Hands gently exploring skin
As their pure bodies entwine
Renga poems are fun aha
Consent is ****. Reality is not.

He picked me up from the Taco Bell, hot summer
day. Played music in the car, but denied me air. “It wastes gas.”
The man I gave my virginity to made me sweat it out on the way to do so.

His pasty torso was covered in unfinished tattoos,
a lifetime reminder of unfinished business. “Would you
like to see my rabbit?” he asked, and I thought that
rabbit was a euphemism for ***** but it wasn’t. He pulled
out a literal white rabbit, and placed it in my hands. The
soft fur burned with a sense of impending doom; of
the contract I’d foolishly signed in my mind. “His name is lucky.”

But I wasn’t. He ****** me hard against his
bed frame while I stared up at a reproduction of a Wicked
poster his fiancé had painted, but not before singing me
an original song- to make you cringe a little harder- off key.
I didn’t know how to give a *******, so I let him split me
in half.  And then I suited up in my crisp white shirt, slipped
on my black bow tie, and served people popcorn for seven hours.
This is a poem about how I lost my virginity.
Why are we so concerned
with whether the glass is half
empty or half full
instead of being grateful that
somehow, something, somewhere
out there, gave us a glass?
It is all
up to

That is,
our greatest gift
as well as
our greatest curse.
You may see a hodgepodge of wood electronics and strings
But to my eyes it's disguised as a beautiful wonderful thing,
I'm not sure what made me want to play but when I got one I found more than my voice that day,
They don't talk back they talk for me
They don't scream at me or nag, they scream my lungs out for me
Now I'm nowhere near any of the greats
But that's my brush with which I create
 Oct 2014 SELENA M
Adam Struble
shuddering luminosity in dark forest
naked pale skin moves close in the moonlight
smells of springtime and pollen
the forest isn't gone yet
we are crusaders though we are young still
we are the dreamers and the lovers
we can change the way we think,
but the rest is up to you
lost moments and hollow memories
night vision surprise and pop culture cliche bubbles up
mud stains and sky gazing
the stars are jewels upon your naked breast
I am the hidden sunshine
we are a confluence of time and pressure
we are the ghost in the clockwork
I am lightning striking the Earth
you are the clouds enveloping me
you create the change
I ****** the change into your center
for you are also the earth,
stardust rains down upon your nakedness
and you are washed clean as a ******
yo are the sky
but i behold the hidden
the rising red horizon
the turbulence is my rising star

— The End —