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Third Eye Candy Mar 2013
Barbarians At The Bill Gates

Kings in a Nutshell of Plots,
Machiavellian; made Lords Of Infinite Beige.
a Workspace now a  Dead-Space in The Heart of an Artist... Scaling, Mount Dew, at a snail's pace.
Behemoth Logarithms,
Jammed in a hot box. with cigarette soot blocking die-cut vents
The cousin with the soft-spot.
Hair, Nobly Re-Disheveled  by Hit and Miss ads, like
crow's feet dancing on insomniac spines, in and around, the Yawning Cathode D-Rez
Of all Villages, M. Night. Ramadan, forged, into Code Soldiers
With No Code to reverse Schrodinger's Black Cat, Back in The Bag...
The Genie, from a corner apartment in Manhattan, to a bedroom in a Bottle of Lightning.
Only Reactive Jazz
Cosmonauts, embedding feathers in " White Hats "
A Moral Avatar.

Hack Lads in The Boonies of Way Ahead of The Curve.
An Unsound lack of Judgment, echoing by Proxy, like Mr. Hyde;
Passing for a binary Schizophrenic. Swallowing Blackberries, Seeds of Anarchy and All.
Crowd-Sourcing the wisdom of Crowds of People
With cup-holders, the Elite call CD-Rom
A Quest For Firewire. A billion portals,, huddled in chaos.
In the lens of  The Camera-Obscura, hidden in the USB Port
In the Fuzzy Logic of Our Narcissism.
SQL that Ends Well \ with a Backlash To Pi Charts
Of Privileged  Information,
Cooling, only in The Windows, Facing a Social Network
Resting, on a sill of Approval by Market Share and -
Ad *******

An eye of  a needle, peeling onions in a brave new world, weeping for the pure, post-ironic
Joy, Of Threading a Nano-Camel
Through The Eye of a Needles' Parable.  To Aesop the gravy of grave doubt
and reasonable suspicions off
Teutonic Plates

To an Atheist. The Heavyside Layer of Bricked Phones
and Dissonance,
May Find a Contract, 'Comes with Astroglide.
And a toaster.

Floppy Disc-Figurements of Our Right To Privacy.  
Resurfaced By The Naivete
Of a Target Audience, With a Heads-up Display,
A 4D Hologram  
Of Steve Jobs,  
Exported over dark fiber optics;  
Silicons of Prosaic non-Existence
Overclocking the Swatch
On  a wrist

Banning Calligraphy

Ward of the State
Of the Economy
With a Cult

A Hologram of Steve Jobs
To sharpen the bleeding edge
with a moon rock from The OtherSide of Billions of Dollars.
The After-Accolades with the Spanish moss From Taiwan
Where Dragons Of  Technology
Shed limits, that metastasize rapid growth
Of Personal Stock by -
adding a Touch Screen Feature to an App For Clout.
To Out-Monopoly with a Walled-Garden
Designed by Stanley Kubrick's 2001 [ Available Space Odyssey  ]
A Terabyte
leaving Half a Worm
In your Apple.

A Difference Engine, differently Desired

On a Corner in
Your Circle
Of Confirmed

rocking XP like an OG on Food Stamps and The Fringe.
Centered Better And Re-Posted.
More then a terabyte you mean to me
less then a gigabyte I plead to thee
if your silicon mode does not match mine
then hold that memory in place and time

I know you are not of this world
or the next or the next
but I know you
and our lives are fixed

Let them flabber and concur
to the sublime to the absurd
but they will never know my light
that you are more then a terabyte

By Christos Andreas kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Mystic Ink Plus  Feb 2018
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Let us write our stories  
Reckon all moments
A passage to self-reflection  
With a display box of grandeur,  
Fingers on a key pressed,  
Levitates a search in no time,
Way out of the crowd  
Quiting a reality to roam and wander  
Nothing is outside, all within  
A big circle of virtual connections,  
Without months of eye contacts  
No face to face,  
Sending empathy through e-thoughts

Having a common ground,  
Hope to run faster than Terabyte,  
We love seconds more than a minute  
WiFi made all worth living  
Sending signals to the soul  
We will feel it, anyway.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Kevin Aug 2018
like a plastic bag or paper receipt
i can only keep the idea of you for so long
the 30 day policy for returns will shortly expire
and past that point, the energy and headspace
your memory consumes
will slowly eat away at my abilities to adapt to an ever
changing environment and i don't like being left behind
baby, i like to do more than survive

but i know somewhere in the shell of a head i hold
is a gigabyte of your data with the strongest pathways
to pleasure and pain, smiles and rain, love and lust
somewhere i'll hide the key in hopes you'll one day return
and unlock this place i hold for you
but for now i require an external hard-drive to export my emotions
to keep me from loving you
Parker Vance  Feb 2021
Parker Vance Feb 2021
I wish I bled messy, black ink
to spill on your computer-coded fingers,
to blot out your terabyte blue eyes
from looking down at me.

I don't know differential calculus
and your ribs are engraved with unknowable equations
unsolvable to me, though I hear them
whispering to your heart in the quiet mornings.

I wish I understood the sighs
that fall from your logarithmic lungs
as they labor so intensely
to inflate your data ridden body.

Beryllium, Lithium, Nitrogen, Carbon
spill out of you like names of lost lovers
but they never sound so entrancing
on my own poetry-stained lips.

So while you chant them like worship
I'll be searching for divinity in those no-use words:
Incendiary, Ventricles, Ancillary, Phantasmagoria.
They fall from my mouth easier than even your name.

The deepness in your voice echoes outer space
Both vast and complicated
cold and distant
deep and so, so far away.

I can't touch you.
Keith Strand  Oct 2021
Keith Strand Oct 2021
and tear-stained poetry

why the ****
did I believe
even for a second

that love could be easy
that I could fall
without breaking bones

and why
was I so ready to fall

what insanity
hate-driven entity
has caused this

this rift
as soon as I remembered
what it's like to love

that twitch
of my heart

the twitch I felt the first day
that told me you were special
that I had no choice

the twitch
of love
that I can't stop

a madness that will steal
all senses and wits about me

how fitting
that I should understand once more
the pain I have inflicted on others

through foolish heartbreak

"*******, dude,
I've got nearly 200 gigabytes of recorded band practices.
Good thing I just got a 1.5 terabyte hard drive to archive all that gold!"
No joke!
Terri Jun 2019
Don't hate your smile
It's great
If you use that one me
Prolly make all my days in my life

You're pretty; It's pretty unique
Different; Unnatural; Deadly
Tell my mom that I love them
I'll be staying in a coffin for life
Because I'm dead over heels for you.

Don't know anime much but I'll watch for you
Got a Terabyte, I'll binge for you
Don't read manga but I'l read for you
Prolly learn japanese just to impress you
Just know that I'll always be here for you

Got all this loving;
And I'm ready to lay them all to you
#Dead #Over #Heels #For #You
R J  Jan 2018
R J Jan 2018
-page 1
We set a code name in behalf of our mutuality as “jayming”,
Stands for Jayme and jing2, and I love it!
At first, I was so afraid to enter that kind of connection bet us,
But, she make me inspired to go with it,

You are my first and I am so proud of it,
I’m so proud of your characteristics, because of this amount of quantities:
Amount of kindness, intelligent, loving, caring, humble, helpful, and all positive attitude,
I said to myself that, I am so lucky to have this little girl,
Because they have the same characteristics with my mother,
That I can conclude that there is a better future for my own family (w/ her of course).

She said that, she likes me on how a joker I am (but she is not a good joker, she knows it),
And I am happy too to look that smile of her,
That smile makes me wild, wild as lion..aa tiger-chicken .hehe
It make my world so wild, a lot of life, and a full of happiness with God.

My first kiss was so memorable,
I think it already thousand times I remember it, and that memory eats terabyte memory on my mind,
Since lessons, such calculus, theory of structures, and designs eats only 100KB in my memory…
How’s that file? I think it is super HD Movie that I permanently saves in my memory. Forever.

Since the time that she comes in my life, it change from seed to lumber trusses,
Seeds because, I think I am afraid to face the word like to face a lot of people,
That is cover with seed shell that is full of fear and darkness,
And never grows and getting much matured,

But, that time comes,
It makes me from seed to lumber trusses that is so strong to carry the loads,
Loads such as problems, loss of confident to continue my studies, and pressures of being low IQ,
She is the Civil Engineer of my life, hence she design those sizes of lumbers and web member to make me tough,
And for four years, she is also may anti termites that’s serves as temptations to do bad things.

She makes my own History and I can produce a lot of copies of that book as editor.
I titled it “Treasures and Pirates”
Why? She is the Pirate and she took all of my treasure, and that treasures is my heart.
She takes my heart, and as of now, she never took it back.
Quite a vivid late afternoon/
early evening dream
transpired within me noggin
housed deep within skullcap
regarding right wing kooky
conspiracy plot to kidnap
a leary paranoid
schizophrenic king suspicious of trap

upon arising from lengthy nap
yours truly, who sought to pull himself
a generic garden variety chap
up courtesy his own figurative bootstrap
on account of groggy feeling
so methought to download
wake up quick app.

Before hurriedly bidding thee rabbit reader
a bunny fide hasta la vista
linkedin concatenated adieu,
(I bemusedly, kindly, readily, willingly
acknowledge (while zippily wiggling
mine button nose)

naysaying belonging to species and genus
Oryctolagus cuniculus Yemenite
my matter of fact honest to dog aim to write
creating literary masterpiece considerably
far less than one terabyte

no way no how attests
(quintessentially, simultaneously, vociferously...
waving shaky spear less to prove point
versus making verses to feign)
being adept with skill set of playwright

while playing fair and as (unbeknownst
until just recently) privileged white knight
such unfairness motivates
participation with Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Unitarian reparations group
genuine fellowship doth excite.

Caffeine consumption
creative process helps jumpstart
impossible mission to chart
outcome regarding crafting poem
analogous to elusive prey

thoughts slither and dart
to and fro, hither and yon
yet how ideal if literary endeavor
could possibly be mapped out
courtesy devine English flowchart

distinct symbols representing
how branching outcomes show start
to finish plot encompassing
picture of broken heart,
where love labour's lost

where all's well that ends well
pertaining to romantic tragedy
cue Romeo and Juliet
rent asunder torn apart.

— The End —