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It was a dark and stormy night the wind tasted of emptyness of the midnight hour.
The man was broken as he viewed the ledge and as he stepped out apon it he seemed more lost than
Elton John in a ***** house.

******* stupid *****!
He threw the picture into the night as it made it's way to the dark waters below.
Then taking a  deep chug from the bottle he began to fling the bottle as the picture befor.

****** man hold on!
the man shocked almost fell he thought he was alone.
Who the **** are you!

The stange looking man who sat apon the ledge and smelled of
week long ****** and a stripper or two.
Look man dont try to stop me im jumping and that's it.

Hey amigo I dont give a **** if ya jump but if your gonna jump and  toss a bottle at least make sure it's empty ******* duh theres wino's all over the world and one right next to ya that
right now are dying for a drink.

The man like most people in the pressense of Gonzo looked at me with strange mix of
aww and **** my life that they all seem to share.
Im gonna jump and all you care about is the ******* bottle!
My good man im hurt besides ya gotta wallet to duh not like your gonna need it
besides someone has to notify the cops besides I might get a reward I always wanted to get on a show besides cops.

The man said puzzled im guessing being he didnt follow  so easily he must be Canadian.
Okay okay you got me I was also on Locked Up  okay and Americas Most Wanted and maybe To Catch A Perdator that Chris Hanson what a ***** tease.

Look ****** get the **** away from me here's the ******* bottle as for my wallet here ya go but my ***** cheating ***** of a wife beat ya to the money.
So your wifes a ***** and you still have to pay sir I belive your suffering from dellusion
here have a drink with me.

The man was far worse than I thought not only a Canadian he seemed to be suffering from some mental issues Jesus was it fate that a rational man as I would be hanging out okay passed out on this very same bridge.
******* batman  cause Gonz was on the job and I wasnt gonna blow this one like
last time not that I go around blowing things.
Besides remember kids a ***** charges me I give it away now if they offer to pay
thats a diffrent story.

But enough with the foreplay hampsters.

I sat drank and listend to the mans story.
How he fell in love with this strange women who took his money and was a total ****.
Hmm wonder what she'll be up to after this annoying ***** jumps?

And when I caught her with my best friend that was the final straw.
Its all over **** life !.
So did you get this all on camera?
What !!!
Why would I do that?
Idk hell man  just thought it'd be fun to watch I mean who doeant like drinking and watching ****?
I know the Hello staff  seems to keep things running great on it.

You are are ******* mental you know that?
Maybe but im not the one wasting ***** with a kickass ****** living at home
sure ya gotta pay but dude your getting free shows its like living in Germany
sure kinda ***** but hey beats writting perverted things that no one reads on a website that
died years ago and no one wants you on much like there ******* daughter.

You sick ***** you want my life so much you can have it!!
The man shouted in his outside voice once is okay when outside but if we were inside
id really be ******.

Just have my life you demmented *******.
Really sir you just made me happier than that talentless **** Russel Brand after escaping
the clutches of the preaching hottie drag queen Katy Perry.
Im kidding she's great to watch with the sound off.

The man looked puzzled again I swear im begining to think he might have lied .
Cause he seemed  more from a third world country like  Indiana.
Hey where the hell do you think your going!?

Hey wheres my.
The man fumbled through his pockets .
Looking for these I asked holding up a pair of keys.
Hey bring thoose back right now !

Amigo sure I could  hang around here listen to ya **** and moan.
But hey you said i could have your life.
And being you wanna play man on a ledge I figure why the **** not.

You see what's one guys ***** rotten cheating ***** of a wife is another guys
kick **** party to go so later.
Wait stop please Im not gonna jump  she's a ***** but I love her .
And the thought of your demmented *** living in my house  ***** it life's not that bad please
I want my life back.

My friend ya see thats all I wanted to hear.
I tossed the keys in one of thoose corney *** movie moments that guys go to just to make the laidies happy and in the hope they'll get laid.

The keys flew through air  the man put his hand in the air tears in eye's
so happy he totally forgot he was still standing on the ledge.
And he screamed like a school girl as he fell to his death it was a twisted scene oh well.

I had no time to reflect cause i was off like a madman with a date with a ***** little hampster
Hey someone had to console this woman and who better than the person who spent those last
hours with him.
And was kinda responssible for his deatn but hey whats in the details.

Untill next time hampsters you stay crazy.
And remember when all hope is lost learn to hotwire a car and get the **** outta there.
Thanks for the important life skills grandpa.


Gonzo has left the site.
Paul Hardwick May 2016
Waking up
in a strange house
with a ******* strange kitchen

At this time in the morning
the last thing I need is this
playing hide and seek with the fridge

All I want is milk for my tea bag
I did not want to play
lets open all the doors in the place

Am I here
or maybe there
you just had to look
and I was not there

and thats why
now I drink tea
with out milk.
Morning all have a happier day.
LoVe P@ul ***.
Where the stars turn to rust,
I hit it right
and it made me wild with thought
that before we know where we are
It will be Spring
and She will enter

I did not enjoy seeing you the other day
and I wear your necklace as a reminder
of sweet things and of your seduction
my heart regards me, steadfastly
with tiny, bright eyes, and
ultimately retreats rejoicing
in the strength of ten thousand archers
golden arrows fly
so numerous they blot out the sun

Stange shadows come alive and
when shall I play for you the music of the
April rain?
SøułSurvivør  Jan 2016
SøułSurvivør Jan 2016

I walk toward forgiveness
a mountain steep and high
the cold wind catches my breath
as I hike toward the sky

how can I endure this pain
these perpetrators wrought?
don't they know how much they hurt me
the suffering they brought?

why did GOD allow it?
why didn't HE step in?
why did He let them wound me so?
why did He let them win?

as I search for a foothold
in a rough and rugged climb
I search for the answers
I ask for a sign

"look back at the trailhead"
is what the Lord replied
I saw there a rugged cross
where He bled and died

"I suffered persecution.
is it too hard for you
to understand my loving grace
should cover those folks too?

"while you hold your hatred
even though you have the grounds
you keep them shackled to you
in you they are bound!

"I know it's difficult, my child
for very hurt you've been
but I can't forgive you, Cathy

so i made a list of people
forgave and checked them off
one by one the devils strongholds
of hatred were broken off!

and so i made my way
sometimes the path was hard
but i did stop to take breathers
resting in the Lord

stange as this may seem to you
as I neared the top
the frigid wind buffeting me
seemed to lessen -

when I stood upon the summit
it was a gentle breeze!
there were flowers everywhere!
it was 80 degrees!

I'd never seen such beauty!
as though a flag unfurled
I stood there on that mountaintop
saw the entire world!

the happiness flowed through me
I did, finally, forgive
all those who had hurt me
I could finally


(C) 1/25/2016
I'm taking a hiatus from
Hello Poetry

I will be stopping in to check
my messages

I must take my personal climb
up the mountain of forgiveness
to achieve spiritual

Paul Hardwick Feb 2016
The stange thing is
my left arm is always right
****** my right arm off, for he feels
he is king, as he types most things
and if i have a stroke the left arm goes
true and surreal.
BOO!   P@ul love.
Astar wise  Aug 2015
Dear us,
Astar wise Aug 2015
Dear us,
The us we know.
The us we feel, breathe, and see.

Its like a summers day, mid july.
We seem so happy
    From the inside looking out
Everyone has us down for the count
Every fight, Every bicker
   The clock is ticking quicker
Bets being made about a date
   We call "Anniversary"
The world is a cold play. But in here,
    In this house we placed,
We've built a theater, a stange for a play,
   A play in which we titles "our relationship"
Its warm. Like a summers day, mid july.

Dear us,
The us they see.
The us the nit-pick
  Down the the last fine grit.
The us the criticize and judge
"She to fat, to ugly" "He's gay and annoying"
Things they say to hurt us, to break us.
"Why?" The ask and question.
     As if they expect an answer
          That doesn't exist.
But it does. The answer is love.

Dear us,
    Never lose love.
Cedric McClester Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

I paid good money
To see your show
Not to hear you sing
Songs that I don’t know
You’ve got good chops
I admit you can blow
But I’m feelin’ robbed
Of my hard earned dough

Saw your show
And I left in doubt
Scratching my head
What was it all about
New material
But what you left out
Were audience favorites
Which gave you your clout

You didn’t even sing
Your latest hit
When you left the stage
I had a fit
And what was with that outfit
That you came out wid
It was all so stange
Ya havta admit

Saw your show
And I left in doubt
Scratching my head
What was it all about
New material
But what you left out
Were audience favorites
Which gave you your clout

I’ma fan no more
Cuz my heart has hardened
You don’t do that shhhh
At Madison Square Garden
Who you think you are
I beg yo’ pardon
You have no idea
What you have started

Saw your show
And I left in doubt
Scratching my head
What was it all about
New material
But what you left out
Were audience favorites
Which gave you your clout

You’re a modern day Nina
As in Ms. Simone
And if you keep that up
You’ll be all alone
When you come on stage
You’ll find us gone
I wonder if
That thought ever dawned

I’ma fan no more
Cuz my heart has hardened
You don’t do that shhhh
At Madison Square Garden
Who you think you are
I beg yo’ pardon
You have no idea
What you have started

Saw your show
And I left in doubt
Scratching my head
What was it all about
New material
But what you left out
Were audience favorites
Which gave you your clout

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
I Paid Good Money was inspired by an Erykah Badu show at Madison Square Garden.  She was on the bill with R&B; singer Maxwell and the poem explains the rest.
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Wowowowww, don't have a cow!
Meow meow meow!
The time is now!

It's always time for change and
it's never too late to start!
It can be little stange but
it becomes an art!
t  Apr 2017
t Apr 2017
are garden soil after heavy rain
a puddle in black concrete
the eyes you divulge to
in confidence
sympathizing and heart-whole
a star-absent night
charcoal blurred fingers
an chasm
between her eyelids
are the beach grass of summer
seaweed pulled from the surf
in them i see growth
a lawn darkening in sunshine
the plants potted
she waters
and we pick the leaves from
are the skin of limes
pond water
pearlescent and diverted
he laughs
without moving his lips even slightly
a blinking, highlighted green
street lights reflecting off
a stange car passing by
are a cloudless sky
roughened ice
cold, empirical beauty
the ocean glaciated
the petals of roses
glossed over by frost
if a look could ****
maybe hers would
are steely grey
the blusterous
chaos of thunder
darkening with age
the sky in a hurricane
the eyes of a hurricane

— The End —