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Aztec Centeno Jul 2016
This is not really a poem; just an insightful realization of mine**

We have this mainstream perception of human life—that we grow to freely love the things we desire to love. We are biologically-inclined to conform to the intuitive notion of 'freewill'. But what is supposed to be imprinted in our minds turns out to be no more false than the number zero being larger than one; in actuality, we are nothing but biological clockwork confined to obey the laws of nature.

Every atom in our body, every neuron streaking in our nerves, and every step we take, our body does so, for the laws of nature require it to. Our actions are as predetermined as the orbits of the planets, and paradoxically, it is as probabilistic as the location of an electron in its quantum orbit. We don't act out of our own will; we act out of necessity, for the laws of nature require us to behave the way we should be behaving.

They call it Scientific Determinism.

Disturbing, isn't it? And what does that make out of freewill and love? Simply put: freewill is an illusion, and love is the sweetest lie ever conjured up in this Universe. Even so, we still choose to believe in both. Why? Because we're humans; we long to live our life with a purpose, even if it takes for us to make up our own.
Because Dr. Stephen Hawking led me to believe so.
There is so much darkness in this world.
So much evil, selfishness, feel good , and greed.
So much abuse, murdering, and **** as well.
So many people are hurting these days we live in.
So many people are blaming it on a God that loves us.
Because we do not understand , why its happening.
Well the best answer that I can think of is freewill.
He gives us all Freewill to do whatever we choose.
The evil demons gets into people minds speaking to them.
To do the evil that you see in this dark world we live in.
God does protect people to a certain point but still there is Freewill.
ThePoet Aug 2015
I was compelled to confide
to a life of bloodshed and thrill,
so that I would never fall low
as to say my eyes cannot see

I was enforced to reside
among those helplessly ill,
so that I would never let grow
the prideful ego in me

I was astray with no guide
lacking a purpose to fulfill,
so that I would someday go
to where I'm destined to be

I was imprisoned inside
and stripped of my freewill,
so that I would someday know
what it truly meant to be free

Bathsheba Oct 2010
Taunt   the   Blade


Naked   Skin



Internal   Storms   Within








Pleasure   Spreads

**..    Embrace   ..   Freewill   ..
BLVNK  Oct 2013
BLVNK Oct 2013
Churches and cathedrals filled with paralegal misfits,
its just sick how beautiful nations can come to this.
Bowing down on knees just to see a better view,
quoting a bunch of words or two,
you lie sins still comes in multiples.
I know because I've seen many clips being load,
and triggers pulled to explode flesh just to expose the soul.
You wash your faces with holy water,
then when service is over your back on corners bringing wars such as black on black slaughter.
Selling dopamine to fends hellacious scenes seems to be clear to see hell-raiser dreams I seem to intervene,
contradictions to competitions, imperfect visions,
natural destruction I can't believe,
a deep pit I can't perceive.
Arab stores selling crack, Coors and ****** ******,
Nobody scores in this world of imperfections.
A twisted method and deal we keep our lips sealed,
and peace is killed all because of the choices of freewill.
Bathsheba  Oct 2010
Bathsheba Oct 2010
The lonely little shepherd boy
Sat on the moonlit hill
Basking in the glory
Of the thrill
Of his first ****
First to die was father
Aborted in his prime
Next to die was mother
For ignoring all the signs

Cut them into pieces
Tossed them in a trunk
Had a cry
Waved goodbye
Until the ******* sunk
And sunk they did
There in that trunk
Erasing all Boy's fear
After it was over
Life’s mist began to clear

Saw his future beckon him

"Hurry now be quick
time is of the essence
we cannot miss a trick.
Gather up all your belongings
Meet me down the lake.
There are things we need to talk about.
Things we need to contemplate”

Boy was pretty nifty
Packed up all his bits
Raced down to the rendezvous
But left behind his wits

Along the way
Boy was plagued
With demons of self doubt




Boy could not block them out

Wormed their way into his mind
Boy was fit to burst
Panic overcame him
Boy now thought that he was cursed
Reached deep into the hold all
Pulled out his father’s gun
Placed the barrel in his mouth
Killed his parent’s son

The lonely little shepherd boy
Died on that moonlit hill

Is there really such a concept as the notion of freewill?


There are those who think that life
Has nothing left to chance
A host of holy horrors
To direct our aimless dance

A planet of playthings
We dance on the strings
Of powers we cannot perceive
The stars aren't aligned
Or the gods are malign
Blame is better to give than receive

You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can ****
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose free will

There are those who think that
They've been dealt a losing hand
The cards were stacked against them
They weren't born in Lotus-Land

All preordained
A prisoner in chains
A victim of venomous fate
Kicked in the face
You can't pray for a place
In heaven's unearthly estate

You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can ****
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose free will

Each of us
A cell of awareness
Imperfect and incomplete
Genetic blends
With uncertain ends
On a fortune hunt
That's far too fleet

You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can ****
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose free will

I was inspired to post this after reading 'Choose' by Pamela Rae
(And thus the love of others getting it, is beyond wonderful and truly a grace given to us all.)

h ttp://­ntrol-and-the-new-world-order/

“The Great Con of Man” — Esoterics, The Supernatural, Magicians, Mind Control and the New World Order

Aug 2015

Posted by Old Shep in Alternative, NWO

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black magic, bradley loves, contracts, esoteric, magic, word magic

From Bradley Loves:

Backwards and forwards, sideways, and mirrored, the mind sees absolutely everything! It is a great holographic computer, which, when left to operate normally, really does contain both the POWER and the unlimited INFORMATION of the cosmos within it.

However, with “dis”- connected DNA, (thanks to certain ET groups) our ability to “perceive” subtle vibrations, and their effects within our multi-dimensional reality, has been quite interfered with.

With fully connected DNA, a spoken word will cause a vibration that can literally be SEEN by the human being speaking it. They will see either the harmony, or the discord, within that vibration, as well as a corresponding color to that vibration which will then “tell them” if that vibration will do good things or bad things! They will know whether that vibration is helpful, or harmful to them or the other things around them.

As they watch the vibration propagate, they will also see the affect that the vibration has upon other levels, as it is propagated into the ethereal and astral planes from the physical planes. Such is the nature of a totally connected human being with fully operational DNA!

They will also see both the color and texture of the vibration as it is spoken, along with the feeling of the harmony, or the disharmony. They will see all of this as one complete knowing.

A fully connected human is aware on multiple levels. The reason for disconnecting our DNA was very specific in that those who did this did NOT want human beings to be able to see the effects of their words, or the “magic” that those words held. It was done so that they could not see the subtle vibrations and thus protect themselves from the harm that their own word spell-ings would invariably to those around them and other levels.

It was malicious, it was intentional, it was a Cosmic Crime!

It was done to render them defenseless. The plan was always to enslave these poor humans who had been genetically altered, and genetically manipulated. This will become more clear to you as you read on. For now, I will simply refer to these beings or this group as DARK MAGICIANS – Later, you will both be able to see, and understand better, who they are, and why they did what they did.

Word Magic is both tremendously vast and complex. To understand only a small fraction of it takes a lot of time. So, let’s start really small, and take only one or two sacred sounds out of many hundreds. We will look at what they both indicate and cause.

Each spoken (cast) word or phrase, is a magic spell (spelling) that carries power, color, vibration, will, intent, and is “magnetically charged”.

If we look at a few word-magic “spells”, or “magic spell-ings” that people cast almost daily, we will first consider them, and then observe what is similar in these 10 words.


Apart from the fact, they all rhyme, (sound the same), which is due to the “ust” sound, every one of these magical words tend to indicate a “presence of decay”!

-Rust is a decay of metal-
Lust is a decay of the mind
-Musty is a smell associated with decay
-Disgust is the decay of reverence for another.

So, if we look closely at the similarity of these words, all of them seem to hold an indication of “decay” within them. If we look at words that are not nearly as obvious, we can only decipher them if we already know what we are looking for. When we look at the word “must”, as in – “you must do this” or, “you must do that”, the word “must” due to the “ust” sound has to indicate decay.

It then is not so difficult to see where the decay is, once you realize that “ust” always means decay! MUST indicates the decay of your spiritual FREEWILL, since no living being, according to Prime Creator, “must” do anything.

By using words with similar sounds, and then grouping them together, we are able to deduce that those magicians who gave us our language are giving us hidden “clues” as to what those words actually mean, (as opposed to what we THINK they mean.)

If someone comes to you and uses the word “Must” in a sentence, (as in – You MUST do this) that very word indicates to you a real time decay of your freedom as the magic spell-ing of the word is being cast at you from the one doing the casting.

Can anyone find fault with this? Let’s look at an example: If you are a kid sitting on the couch watching your favorite television “program”, and your mother comes to say, “Timmy, you MUST, do your homework!” Timmy’s freewill, (in real time) has just experienced DECAY!

The actual experience of Timmy’s loss of freewill, and thus his freedom, will be determined by the tone, the timbre, the will, and the intent of his mother, who is casting the word spell at him!

If Timmy’s personal shields are up, (shields made of pure love), he can deflect the power of this word spell and most likely negotiate his freedom back to a certain extent! If he has not generated his own shields of love, the word spell will take effect and his freedom is gone!

The commonality of all of these words above, as said, earlier is the ‘ust’ sound!

The “ust” sound, when added to different leading symbols of sacred geometry, (each of which has a special meaning), and then “cast” into the ethers really does create vibrational “decay” in various ways, due to the nature of the leading geometry, and the vibration of the sound being propagated.

Recapping old territory here: The spoken word has both vibration and color. The color of the ‘ust’ sound is not pretty to look at.

So again, when we look at the word “must” – There has to be “decay” somewhere in this word, because the whole purpose of the “ust” sound is to indicate a presence of decay.

Following along with this line of thinking, if a sacred sound “indicates decay”, then also by natural law, it will also have to “create” that decay in real time, if it is used or CAST as a spelling at someone.

This happens (because in the higher realms or frequencies), there is NO DIFFERENCE between “intent” and what that intent will actually “create”.

There is no time lag between “thought” and the “manifestation of thought” in the higher frequencies. They are one and the same. Intent is literally “creation’s engine.”

Therefore, if one repeats this ‘spell’ or ‘spell’ing enough times by speaking it, it actually creates the vibration of decay wherever you are casting (speaking) it.

THAT is why our enslavers GAVE US language in the first place, (after they disconnected our ability to communicate telepathically).

They taught us as little children (in things called schools) both the sacred geometry — and the sounds that go with that geometry, so that when we cast these ‘spell’ings out into the ethers through our speech, we would then – by using them constantly – be creating for ourselves our own entrapment and enslavement!

They knew that what you “repeat often enough in your speech”, you would “create” without knowing it by having it eventually manifest into the world around you!

Remember this from scripture – when the “word” goes forth, creation begins!

So in conclusion – The very words that we are using daily actually create what we use them for.

So WE, (as very powerful beings, which are eternal, and formed from pure love and light), have been forced by our vicious enslavers, to use our OWN UNLIMITED POWER of creative force to assist THEM in keeping us enslaved.

The method here is simple: You take a great power or force, and then turn it BACK ON ITSELF! This “crime” by the way – is totally against COSMIC LAW.

So, knowing what you know now, consider the next word: Trust!

People think that “trust” is a very good word, but is it really?

It has the “ust” sound which indicates decay. Interestingly, “Trust” (also a Banking Term) can mean a place or construct where the magicians hide monetary value.

They put it in a “TRUST”!

Which is why ALL BANKS tell us to place our TRUST in them.

If we place our “trust” in another human being, or some other institution like Government for instance, or the Police, or the Courts, or especially Judges for instance, to always do what’s “right”, without first learning all we need to learn about them, then the very word “trust” becomes a DECAY of ones own Wisdom!

So here is where the “decay” can be found within this word: Too much “trust” is the decay of personal power, personal growth, and the knowledge and wisdom that comes from learning things for one’s own self!

If we “trust” all of our politicians to always do what’s right, without watching them closely – then that is not wise. “Trust” finally, indicates a strong decay in our very ability to know what we are getting into — if we do NOT do our homework!

As I also mentioned, a “Trust” is a kind of financial haven for many people with money. People put their money into “Trusts”, but when that money is in a Trust, it is not doing anything useful for the planet, so then its creative possibility for POSITIVE USE is “decaying” in real time while it sits there doing nothing.

Now that you are getting the hang of it —

Consider the words “just” and “justice”, realizing these very words were given to us to use by our enslavers.

These words indicate decay, because of the “ust” sound being cast.

Justice (in our world) is the continuous decay of our freedom, simply because “to bring someone to Justice”, usually ends in incarceration. We now have MORE PEOPLE in jail in the United States of Corporate America than every other country of the world put together! We don’t need Justice/Incarceration; we need BALANCE.

So we can see that we certainly have lots of “Justice” going on in America; however, we also have less and less people who are free. If the truth were really faced and dealt with – we would be appalled to know that millions of millions of young adults have been incarcerated for holding a “plant” in their hands. Maybe we should be casting a different “spelling” into the ether to achieve a better result.

Remember, that our language was given to literally entrap us by those who think they OWN us.

Isn’t it interesting that the head of the Supreme Court in Corporate America, is called the “Chief Justice”, or more correctly, the chief reason for all the vicious decay happening in America.

So to repeat then — what we really want to do is not bring people into Justice, but instead bring them into oneness, or into unity, or into love. If we cast these “spellings” all the time, then we as a group will create far better results for both ourselves and our world. But we would need to know which words to use and how to use them properly.

Now consider these words:


These words indicate something missing or lacking

Frost is the lack of warmth
-Lost is the lack of direction
-Cost is the lack of knowledge (as in: not knowing the truth really cost him dearly)

So the “ost” sound indicates lack. (With me so far?)

For comparison, We have these two words which look similar but sound different than cost and lost.


But notice that these words, even though “spelled” the same, don’t sound the same as frost and lost, why not? Who decided that “host” and “lost” should not rhyme, or have the same sacred sound? This is not accidental. There are no accidents.

Here you have two magic “spellings” that have similar geometry, “ost”, but they sound differently. So it stands to reason that in certain magic spell-ings, it was determined by the enslavers that you need to place a slightly different sound onto the very same geometry, to get a “slightly” different desired effect in the creative vibration that it would then manifest by the person using that spelling.

The most important thing you can know from all of this however, is that BOTH sound and vibration, projected into the ethers, are creative in different ways. So please be careful of the words that you use, because each word “spell” casts a very different vibration! What you need to know is that sound and vibration are all part of the magical creation of our planetary “reality” which I am going to say is A MAGNETIC HOLOGRAM! This will be explained in deeper detail as we move along.

The work of the now very Famous Japanese Scientist who recently passed away – Masaru Emoto, was invaluable in showing us the deep truth that word vibration actually affecting living things and living tissue on a microscopic level. He took pictures of frozen water crystals “after talking to them” and found that those tiny molecules of water that were spoken to lovingly were exceedingly beautiful, and those water molecules which were hated and verbally abused, were totally ugly and dis formed!

Here is a link to his website, complete with pictures!

h ttp://

Finally, this should truly help you to understand that reality IS ALWAYS CHANGEABLE! Right in front of us, the words that we are casting, as proved beyond any doubt by Emoto’s scientific research, are actually CREATING CHANGES IN REALITY!

By the very words we speak daily, we cast vibrational changes into the fabric of the magnetic hologram, which will then reflect changes in the REALITY that we are seeing.

Casting “spellings” are actually using magic powers! Which is why the spoken word is always used in occult magic spells in the first place.

Now let’s go back to “ust”. What about “bust”?

If you “bust” something, it’s broken. Then it can decay. But lately, a women’s ******* have also come to be labeled “her bust.” Do you think this was accidental?

If the NWO intends to get rid of the divine feminine as a part of their over-all take over the world agenda, then her ******* (as a sacred symbol) would need to get “busted”, in order to “supernaturally” get rid of the symbol of femininity within the construct, so these days, ******* have suddenly became known as busts in common or slang vernacular.

In this way, magically, the symbol of her femininity gets broken, by casting a serious “spell” of DECAY at them.

Behind all of these machinations of “world control” are dark magicians who really do understand the OCCULT and HIDDEN knowledge of both frequency and vibration! It is they who cast a dark “spelling” on all females by putting a new slang word into our vocabulary, so that we are then using that word for her *******. “Bust” both indicates and creates “decay” due to the “ust” sound.

How many women especially in the US (where this word is very prevalent) are now experiencing breast cancer?

And, most probably, many of them refer to their ******* as busts.

(They should simply say breast instead.)

Now, before I get ANY PROTESTS about how this could happen, (inserting a new slang word into our vocabulary) just know that these master magicians have huge amounts of the population of our world ALREADY under mind control. Doing something like this is far easier than you think. Adding a new slang term into the mass consciousness for them is actually quite easy. It’s as easy as a corny TV show in prime time. Or, a popular radio show on the long drive home, or a large road side advertising sign in just the right place to change how we as a group think.

Also notice that those who call themselves the elites – always use different words than the ones “the commoners” are TAUGHT to use.

They pride themselves on their far more expanded vocabulary. But is it just pride, OR, are they avoiding using certain words that they know are only for “the commoners” to use?

Finally, let’s stay with “ust” and look at one more word – dust.

Here again, “ust” is used to indicate decay. Dust is “decayed matter” in micro-particles.

In the Catholic Church, during their long holiday called “lent”, which in and of itself is an intere
Source from link above as given.
h ttps://
Frankie Gestone Apr 2012
We are young, but much older
We are loved, though only by a few of us
We remain restless
We watch out of our windows envious at success stories
Those who have written chapters of promise and wealth
We are the world's forgotten children-who once played in the backyard of our land and kingdom and who swam in oceans of eternal youth
Strangers rob us blind-and we know it
We try to convince ourselves that we are strong, but we shiver clothesless
We know what is wrong, but we do it anyway
School failed us
Society has ***** and stolen our identities
And we watch our neighbors die without saying goodbye
Our friends have long left us
The church we grew up in
is now just a cold, abandoned house; the ghosts never leave
They lived in another lifetime, but we all stay here for safety
  So carry me in your arms and hold me tight
Let us take what is yours- you are little mice and we prey on you like hawks
We want what was ours
We love the excitement at the expense of others
We become our own victims and kidnap our freewill.
We learn, though, and see our shadows in the dark
The silhouettes fool others into believing we are bigger than what we are
We leave them painted on the walls so we are always remembered
The goal is to stain something so deep onto the world that we immortalize ourselves, thus we are not vanished along with our bodies
Sayer Apr 2013
‘Look, it’s just that we don’t want to see you go to Hell,’ Martha adds. They all shake their heads and agree.

‘Look, you sit here judging me and being, well, plainly to say, *******, even though that’s what Jesus was against. He wanted to spread love and peace. You keep talking about living like Jesus, which I agree with, and Gandhi, but you’re all just…mean.’

‘Jesus never said not to live like,’ David gulps, ‘*******, he died for us and our sins.’

‘Yes, yes I know he did that, but why? Why did he have to die? If he was the son of God couldn’t he just have clapped and said something around the lines of everyone is forgiven?’ I get no answer, so I keep going, ‘I guess the better question is have you even read the Bible? Or at least Matthew? I like this passage, “Matthew 5:16, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Or even better, “Matthew 5:43-44, Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”.

Martha: “ John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

‘Are you trying to argue with me?’

‘No. I just think you ought to realize that He died for you, Sam.’

I roll my eyes: ‘Look, for the last time. I understand that, but you do not understand me. If God is so benevolent and good, why doesn’t he help the starving children in Africa? Or starving children everywhere, for that matter. Why is it our duty to help these people, if God is so good? Why is there ******, ****, ******, burning, hate, anger, greed…the list goes on, and on, forever. Dictators starving their own country, and as people we literally can’t do anything. Sometimes we can’t do anything, but does that mean God should make it our duty to go help these people, even though we almost have no way of doing it? No. You all keep worrying about how “bad homosexuality is”, and instead of being kind and caring, you just keep bashing people who are different. If it’s so bad, then God would not have allowed it at all. It wouldn’t be a possibility, but it is. And so is burning people alive, cannibalism, child abuse, molestation, **** or ****** all having to do with children. You all look at horrible shootings and horrifying acts and say “Oh, this happens because of freewill.” “Oh, this happens because we have turned away from God.” The other day I heard on the news that a father brutally ***** his teenage daughter, a girl who went to church every Sunday with her family, and from that we can assume she read the Bible, and prayed. She was a good Christian teenage girl. But while he ***** her, she cried out to God to save her, but the father just stabbed her. Twenty-three times. Crying out that she was Caesar and he was Brutus. He threw her body down the stairs, and as his five year old twins went to go see what happened, he grabbed them and drowned one in the toilet, and the other in the bathtub. This is indeed the most horrifying thing I’ve ever heard in my life. You may say “Freewill” or “We have turned away from God,” But that’s evil. That’s an evil thing to say, or think. You think you’re all so high and mighty? That we have turned away from God? No, it’s God who has turned away from us. Go ask their mother, the only one in the family who survived the blood ****. You go ask her about freewill.’
I know this is prose, but I don't know, I just kind of wanted to share this. It's a mix of Sam, the character, and mine, own anger with society today, and is loosely based off of my own experiences, and what not. In other words, it sums me up.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Many have forgotten love, and throw the word around as if some test dumby in a crash car. In true meant to be love... God ordained it long ago; before two Lover's ever meet. Though, yes, he gives us free will to choose who and what we want, he also has preordained us for our "true soulmate's". As before he created all the beauty we see around us, he already mapped out everything to be, before its existence! As tis so many look around, and see the world and us being's as a mistake, or some big mess, though all has order, the plant's, creature's, the star's, the moon, the sun, the planet's all around us, and universe in all completeness. As all has order, all has purpose, whether good, or bad. Yet so many are engulfed by the materialistic pleasure's the world has to offer, and alway's think to ournselves, tommorrow will come, WRONG! Tommorrow shan't always come. Tommorrow doesn't exist. Today does. As heaven and god's kingdom has NO TIME, he's on a different schedule, not man's, he goes by his own law's, not man's...Today we have the choice to love, to give, to forgive, and love another. If family, friend's, soulmate's, no matter the case. Our purpose is to love, as I have found mine soulmate, mine life, and predestined amour', who in all actuality, I've been waiting for, since before birth... When I speak to her I know all is right, all is amazing, as she is; I know she is the home I've been waiting to reside in, as tis she is home to me.......... And when we "me and her" both know when something's wrong with one another, our soul tell's us, as tis God who tell's us when our lover and soulmate is in trouble. And it's even more amazing at that moment you realize even more how much we were meant to be with that lover because when both having trouble's going on our soul and God Whisper's to us " go talk to your queen, or king" because something is wrong, that's a major sign, two of us and two of anyone are meant to be... Free will choice I choose to be with her, and choose to love her and give to her mine life, spirit, love and soul. Though at same time its predestiny. That's the part that blow's mine mind away. Knowing it's already predestined. For the good of God's purpose for us and for him as well...........As I will NOT take for granted ever, mine soulmate, mine freewill lover I choose to be with, and what mine God predestined for me. And honestly, I'd rather have him predestine me her, then anyone else. Because I want noone else. I want mine Jane, mine soulmate, mine home I want to reside. Mine HOME period. One of mine favorite singer's, a new age singer who sound's as from the sixties said it best in his song with his band ( Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zero's), the song called " Home ". His lyric's read............
Home, let me come home, Home is wherever I'm with you.
Home, let me come home, Home is whenever I'm with you.......
As its more then true... When we can feel at home with someone, and know that soulmate is our home " as mine Jane is", and we know when something's wrong with the other person. Because God and our soul tell's us, it's even more a sign, saying "HELLO" you two are meant to be, and I shant never, NEVER, take that love for granted. As I'm more than happy, and blessed. As tis so many forget their blessing's of their soulmate's, and take for granted even waking up!!! Though I am blessed and shalt never forget that.... and love is about working on it daily... Even though we don't have to try in love, in true love we still try anyway's, because we want to please the other person, not ourselves.... And that's something I love doing, one of mine favorite part's is the trying part.... and trying is what we do, because we love the other, and want to please them... Love in all aspect's of life isn't taking, or wanting for you, you, you!!!! Or about what you can get. It's about what we can give other's. As I will give mine queen all of me, because that's mine free will... Because I love her.... Because she's mine soulmate.....
And for that
I'm more than blessed.......
And because she loves me more than she could ever tell me as well; and for that reason, I thank mine God daily, as tis not every day, God send's us down a piece of heaven on earth. And tis NOT every day God give's us an angel to watch over us... And we all have angel's, I am more than grateful. I've got mine... And I won't take that for granted......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley/ truth on love dedication
nivek Sep 2016
I choose to believe
its my freewill
you have to respect that
Black Feb 2015
Village rain that floods the aqueduct
bypasses the dam
and reaches all
of the town

fire springs
from the soul
burns the people
and ultimately cleanses skin of sin.

Village residents, husbands and spouses.
Village residents, tiny little children.
Should they Drown or Crisp.
chose your poison

— The End —