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Nina McNally Jan 2015
Aren't we all just American Psychos?
Many of us don't realize that we're all the same.
Everyone; we're all alike on the inside.
Racism, sexism, calling people gay, and so on...
It needs to STOP!
Can't you see we're our own worst enemy?
American Pyscho; that's what we are if we're
Not willing to change.

Peace; What is peace again? It's been
So long since we've had peace, but we can change.
Yes, we can! Stop with
Calling people out and acting tough!
Here and now, we're in this together.
O**ne day, we'll live in peace again. *American ******
Part two of American Beauty/American ******,
title from Fall Out Boy.
We`ll have peace some day....
©2015 McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Nov 2016
Sometimes in life we struggle,
Other times we don't, it shows us that we're human.

Coming to the realization that this
Life is our only
One and we should make the best of it.
Struggling is a sign of having a good life.
Everyday is a new day to start anew;

Together we can bring peace to
Others, share the love and bring down the

Hate! We're all in this together
And together is how we can bring
Peace to this world.
People running fast, not enjoying what life
Is about; What's all around us. So stop and
Notice what's around you
Each day, smell the flowers, see the beautiful
Sunrises and sunsets and just know
Someone else may be having a bad day too-You're not alone.

It will get better after the darkness fades!
Title from Hoodie Allen.
Written as it came to me.
We're all going through this life together, no one is perfect.'
Peace and Love
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Nina McNally Nov 2016
Keep the love in your hearts and show
Each person you meet
Everyday that there is love out there; that there is
Peace out there waiting to be

Waiting for people to show the world love.
In this life, we get one chance to show kindness;
Not hate--hate will only make it worst.
GO out
In the world and show it love --- it
Needs love and kindness.
Go out and show each other that
We're All In This Together!
Written from the heart and
Title from Good Charlotte
Share love and kindness.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Endless Possibilities

Peace of mind
Ridiculous but true
Jacob Cuadro  Nov 2015
Jacob Cuadro Nov 2015
Peace or dark words that pollute the air,

Observe the Knowledge of creativity and the imaginations for the world to share.

Evolve with the meditation of words to strengthen your mind,

Tome a secret place where you can hide and have your adventure of words to build that you can’t find.

Rejuvenate the art that you create in your mind to paint the world of new life and energy that you bring,

Yoke words that brings people in this world together to reunite peace and love because poetry is everything.

By Jacob Cuadro
Poetry  is everything
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Ready to live---
Every day's a new beginning, a new
S**** to life.
Time begins again &

I'm ready to live
Now come with me &

Peace can live too & the
Earth can live too
And we will take
Care of her for
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
Trying to find a way, to
Retreat from this world i call
A** home. Stuck with no source of
Peace to clear my mind, all this
Pain has me chained to the
Earth. I'm forever here,
Damned to this earthly existence...
Universe Poems May 2022
P eace
O smosis
E quilibrium
T achyon
R adiciform
Y lem

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
It's the fundamental building block of everything: life on Earth, the planet we live on, the stars, and galaxies. It's typically defined as anything that has mass and occupies a volume of space. The building blocks of matter are called "atoms" and "molecules." They, too, are matter.10 Jan 2020

baryosynthesis[1][2]) is the physical process that is hypothesized to have taken place during the early universe to produce baryonic asymmetry, i.e. the imbalance of matter (baryons) and antimatter (antibaryons) in the observed universe.[3]

One of the outstanding problems in modern physics is the predominance of matter over antimatter in the universe. The universe, as a whole, seems to have a nonzero positive baryon number density. Since it is assumed in cosmology that the particles we see were created using the same physics we measure today, it would normally be expected that the overall baryon number should be zero, as matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts. A number of theoretical mechanisms are proposed to account for this discrepancy, namely identifying conditions that favour symmetry breaking and the creation of normal matter (as opposed to antimatter). This imbalance has to be exceptionally small, on the order of 1 in every 1630000000 (~2×109) particles a small fraction of a second after the Big Bang.[4] After most of the matter and antimatter was annihilated, what remained was all the baryonic matter in the current universe, along with a much greater number of bosons. Experiments reported in 2010 at Fermilab, however, seem to show that this imbalance is much greater than previously assumed.[5] These experiments involved a series of particle collisions and found that the amount of generated matter was approximately 1% larger than the amount of generated antimatter. The reason for this discrepancy is not yet known.

Most grand unified theories explicitly break the baryon number symmetry, which would account for this discrepancy, typically invoking reactions mediated by very massive X bosons (
) or massive Higgs bosons (
).[6] The rate at which these events occur is governed largely by the mass of the intermediate
particles, so by assuming these reactions are responsible for the majority of the baryon number seen today, a maximum mass can be calculated above which the rate would be too slow to explain the presence of matter today.[7] These estimates predict that a large volume of material will occasionally exhibit a spontaneous proton decay, which has not been observed. Therefore, the imbalance between matter and antimatter remains a mystery.

Baryogenesis theories are based on different descriptions of the interaction between fundamental particles. Two main theories are electroweak baryogenesis (standard model), which would occur during the electroweak epoch, and the GUT baryogenesis, which would occur during or shortly after the grand unification epoch. Quantum field theory and statistical physics are used to describe such possible mechanisms.

Baryogenesis is followed by primordial nucleosynthesis, when atomic nuclei began to form
Rachel Gosby Sep 2023
To move past your  fears of the past
To feel the wind blow through your  haAt  reigning your peace of mind
      To have your  Freedon in life
For the sun to shine above the darkness
For your pieces of lifes to come together
To Discover new things around the world
For a vision of happiness
With Reigning the things you’ve  lost
Of a life time of everlasting love
To grow and show the world who you are
With moving past your  mistakes
To experiencing  personal growth
With shaking off yesterday trash
To share words of wisdom
To  be who you are meant to be
To stand back up after tragedy hits
To seek out laughter and happiness
To sing with a joyful noise
For your struggles to eace up a little
To pray away all negativity
To groove in the heart of love
To reach out for your blessings
To reconnect with your  love ones
To start appreciating what you  have today

So please,take a chance, your never know whats there for you if you dont
everyone  is worthy enough for a chance
So take it
Take a chance!!!
Cepheus Jan 2018
Cepheus* is the King of Aethiopeia
is the new reign of a new kingdom
A ruler that lives by re-branding
Just and P**eace
XIII Nov 2019
Cepheus* *is the King of Aethiopeia
It is the
new reign of a new kingdom
A ruler that lives by re-branding
J ust and P* eace
© Cepheus January 19, 2018

— The End —