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Robert Stevenson Oct 2015
Doot doot
I hear the trumpets of the deceased
The rotting calcium
The bones
An army of many arise
Doot doot...Doot doot
Their weapons edgy,
and captions random
Doot doot
May the great raid begin
Spooky memes spammed in the thousands
An extreme dose of spooky chemo
Doot doot.
Like the Skeletal Isis page on Facebook. :)
Joy so constant we took it for granted
plugging jukeboxes with quarters
loading those noisy machines with B-sides
that only we had ever heard

Van Morrison's "Blue Money" bounced the skip
from station to station in the AM static
we loved that doowit dooey doop, doot door dooey doot, do doot
but the mystic sang of sweet things on the other side

"Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting ", tough ol' Elton John
worth a quarter to hear that song
flip that ***** get your money's worth
two songs there for the price of one

The Stones rocked "Brown Sugar" like slavers in heat
too young I was to understand
why the controversy, so many offended
I rarely chose it, though, cuz I loved "Sway"

"Sweet Hitch Hiker", CCR
sounded more like a razor than a tuned up car
do you remember "Door to Door"?
didn't think you would

"Children's Heritage" over "D.O.A."
"Generation Landslide" over "Hello Hooray"
"For Emily Whenever I May Find Her" over "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
yes, even

B-sides whenever possible
because the A-sides were all on the radio
why feed money to the jukebox for a song you can hear for free?
such are the economics and logic of the 10 year old music aficionado
Anais Vionet Dec 2020
Doot do, doot doot - News FLASH from boredom central.

I’ve got extra New Year plans.
My Ladybug & Cat Noir Onesie pajamas are at the ready.
I’ve got all six Totinos pizza roll flavors and a 12 pack of Grape soda.
My Nintendo switch is charged and I have 4 screens for Zooming.
If you have something for me - slip it under the door.
I’m staying up this New Years to be sure 2020 leaves.

*Happy New Years everyone!
I've never been so happy to see a year go - bye bye 2020
Rookie  Mar 2015
Rookie Mar 2015
Boop de booboop
Scloop beep boop
Brun duh dee doodee
Do doot scloop boop
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroo (roll your tongue (if you can(I heard not everyone can roll their tongue)))
Dut dut digga digga yut doo
Bigga Bigga
Doot zoot beeboop
Boop de booboop
Genevieve Sep 2016
How strange, to stand with our feet touching the same wave

I came to the ocean to forget about you
Especially at night
On nights like tonight
But here you are

And I can't help but think of how I came here to forget you
And I indulge in the thought that maybe
Just maybe there's nothing to forget right now

But then your phone DOOT doot DOOT doots
And it's her. Calling you.
******* her.
You ******* her
You calling her name out
Her calling yours
and it's tumbling out on the locked drawer in my brain
All protection I had built up
Crumbles like the sand I'm digging my toes into
Hoping tears don't come to my eyes
But they do

And suddenly everything is glassy and I can't come up with the correct responses and you know it and I'm trying to keep my breathing even and slow and I'm spiraling down like a whirlpool and I wish I could just lay down in the tide without ruining my clothes and just float away.

But I can't do that.
So I don't.
I don't know what it is about her and you and me
That has me unraveling at any mention,
But it's still too painful to sit down and analyze.
So for now, I'll settle for falling asleep with the TV on,
Trying to stop myself from wondering who you're thinking about
As you fall asleep at night.
Cydney Something  Nov 2018
Cydney Something Nov 2018

(Actually, I love you.)
Star BG  Feb 2018
Clown Seed Read
Star BG Feb 2018
A clown I be so won't you look,
behind my cloak so fine.
In-between my special song,
I move with silly rhyme.

I dance, I wink, and I do smile
my light of happy moves.
When you meet me you will feel,
delighted inside grove.

Grove to let go all worries,
to move in harmony.
Laughter is the key so grand  
to drift in life so free.

I do plant a seed each day
so inner child comes through
It is what I love to do
to bond with you so true.

Doot la doddle I send love
Doot a loot ya hoo.
Deep inside you are a clown.
Just let it come out too.
Inspired By Peter j Thanks
Timothy Joyner Mar 2017
Everyone thinks that She's insane
She's locked herself up inside her own brain

Talk about the fridged fearful side
Or maybe she's lost up within her own pride

Shaming, gossiping is what they do
Thinking she doesn't even know it too
Oh, NO
Don't even think about it
She didn't stop and quit
Your not even missing much
That tender, caressing touch

Could you even respect that special space
Would you even want someone in that place

Freeze-dried Dehydrated ****** She be
Looking like a Widow crying at half past three

Freeze-dried Dehydrated ****** they laugh
But at least she's not ending up getting staff

It's a simple cause
Her heart's like puppy paws
Very sharp Claws

Doot da Doo da do do long day
Freeze-dried Dehydrated ****** living all
The live long day
I haven't written anything for so very long. Most everything I've posted is several years old. It's nice to get started again. I'm grateful for Hello Poetry for giving us this space.

— The End —