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Brent Kincaid Jun 2015
Buddy Buzzkill
Waits ‘til nobody’s home
Jimmies a window, sneaks in
And is free to roam.
He smokes all the dope
Drinks all the alcohol
Eats all the food
Until none is left at all.
Then he sleeps in your bed
And sneaks back out again
He comes back; hears you moan
How somebody broke in
And robbed him when he was not home.

Buddy Buzzkill
He’s a special king of louse.
He pretends to like you
Then, sleeps with your spouse.
He’ll hit you up for money
Then he’ll borrow your car.
And you lend it to him
That’s the kind of sap you are.
What is it about this guy
That makes it hard to say no?
Why does it not occur to folks
To look at him and say, “Blow!”

Buddy Buzzkill
He’s a master at telling tales
Of people he has laid
And the times he was in jail
For some ludicrous reason
That is always the fault of others.
He tell you how much you mean
And that you are like brothers
And then one morning you rise
And your stereo is gone
And so is Buddy Buzzkill
It’s time for him to move on.
Haven't we all known at least one of him? Sometimes he is a relative!
Young Soda  Jun 2014
Young Soda Jun 2014
eggs of plenty eggs of white
dishes stir to open cabinets
sky of gray spewing light
smiles fill the air
check once more to affirm
there is no way it's there.
coffee steaming, air like silk.
next time you start breakfast,
make sure you have some milk.
Brycical Dec 2011
A primal prima nocta scream
bursts the clouds
as I spin around spin around
I fight the urge to pound my head
against the wall
as a voice calls my name
& I feel the shame from ages ago
it echoes it echoes it echoes again
friends laughing as I fall with an empty bottle in my hand

I stand down
fall up
take a bow
But how do I how do I
do I
away from here?

How do I
how do I
how do
I fly
from here
without my time piece

Headlights suddenly blind me
as I’m dancin’ in the streets
Tryin’ to flee this rhythm
this rhythm
derelicts speak  
to the pain I scream
& the beating the beating the beating of my heart
I just wish I could fall up to the stars…
This was dug up from perhaps..... 2 years ago? Something like that.
Infamous one Mar 2013
I'm a normal person I love to drink
When I say I don't its not to be a buzzkill because I'm not drinking. I never said I was better you make out to be that way if that's what it takes you must not have much going on with you!
I see you do shady and stupid **** but I see it that's on you. Now when I make a mistake would you please **** and not put me on the spot.
How is it my fault your partner cheated maybe if you put out or not such a shallow person you have someone.
You may have same job but going anywhere and I'm the one who's a bad influence.
You want to give *** advice with your STD I think you need to ****
smiling through the pain is the worst variation of insane but no one would understand if i told them my brain is fading, breaking, existentially ever-craving so instead i keep it all inside my mind, buzzkill benign.
AND, ill live life living as though we weren’t all born to die.
Brent Kincaid Dec 2015
You are that person everyone knows
Who ******* almost constantly
About everything that ever goes
Away from how you think it should be.
You have it worked out in your head
Who should get what and when
And how much is right or wrong
And exactly what kind of men
Should have luck and who should
Suffer a miserable fate.
And which people are no good
And which race is truly great.

Why do you take such joy
In making folks around you cry?
So much so that the best thing
They hear you say is goodbye.
Why do you choose hurtful way
To get yourself some attention?
Isn’t there something you can say,
Something nice you can mention
That will make people smile
And not run so quickly away
Then stay with you a little while;
Enjoy some of the things you say?

When did all this all nastiness start?
Is it something from your childhood
Made you take pleasure breaking hearts
Every single chance you could;
And if people are having fun
Makes you jump in and stop
The frivolity and joyousness
Like some kind of buzzkill cop.
Life might change for the better
If you returned the smiles you get.
You’re a big grump now, for sure
Be nice and people will soon forget.
david badgerow May 2015
right now my browning chest is
propped up with beach sand buried in my elbows
i was dozing off underneath my shades
with the salt spray at my feet
& the seagulls swarming overhead
you asked for a story so i'll tell
you the only one i know
it's about making an exodus
& the accident of my personality:

the last time i was shot at
i was making a collect call at a pay phone to my mother
i was living out of a backpack
                                                    in a hostel
in sticky sweet new orleans
in 2008 post-katrina

after spending half a year without a friend
i decided to live what i write and become
the mythical warrior-poet or
                                                 just a sun-haired boy
fighting with the sky searching for his spirit animal
wearing old wool dress slacks cut short above
the knee i was only cargo trying to get
as lost as i possibly could

they came out of an empty socket shop window
blasting through the doorway onto
                                                            ­ the steaming street
jittery & starving roaring on the collapsing mist
but i'm no one's pigeon crouched behind a sedan deathtrap
poised to flee but with nowhere to go i can only hear
                                                            ­  my own heartbeat
                                                       ­       mother screaming on the phone
                                                           ­   hanging limp

& my own feet beating a new path on gravel through a strange city
when the windows grew lighter &
i slowly emerged from invisibility
in a world sprung new not defined yet
shrouded in what i only assume was
                                                             ­   special magic

for a while i was scared to sleep alone at night sometimes
i heard downer & buzzkill other nights that i cried
                                                           ­                          beneath the ivories
& i thought i'd die alone if i had to
but i was too young
to be that cynical

now i'm rising like a big owl out of a meadow
finding good new ways to fall apart as lightning
blooms on the horizon & clouds gather unnaturally
into pale blue ribbons & dance in a pinkish sky
& the sunset burns the treeline down
                                                                ­no one else can fix me now
                                                             ­   no one believes in me
but i believe in myself more than ever
the only person i've ever really loved is my mother
& she says i can't make a name for myself writing poetry
but i'm immortal among these words like stars
being blown in plumes of dust across a night sky
i'm looking for a new better place to dive in from
so if you've got a certain star in mind or a secret
cliff-space combination treebranch hangout take me
there or whisper it to me while we're already high
& hugging don't kiss me unless it's hard & in a precious place
because i'm feeling invincible again instead of invisible &
i really really really cannot wait for someone to try &
                                                                ­                             ******* stop me
Empire  Sep 2019
Empire Sep 2019
I'm angry
maybe furious
painfully jealous
because I can clearly see

I have been left out

time and time again

I see you all
I hear your stories
you all have fun
enjoy each other's company
drinking, dancing

but me?
I'm at home
doing nothing
pretending I didn't want to join
because I'm good
I wouldn't want to indulge a bit
I wouldn't want to be invited
of course not

what's wrong with me?
what is it that makes you all assume
that I don't want in on the fun?


Even just some company would be nice
but it would seem
I'm unwanted
I'm undesirable
I'm a buzzkill

I'm useful,
but c'mon

you know you don't want me around
will you all just say it?
because clearly something about me
sends off some sort of signal
that I ought to be left out

do you even realize how often i'm forgotten???

P   E             R     S     I      S       T         E       N         T
C       O        N        S       I    S      T   E   N         T

and you know what?
I'm jealous
I'm angry
I'm upset
because EVERYONE forgets me
I'm just not memorable
I'm not fun to be around


you wouldn't be much fun either

but at least someone might care about you
I think I'd like to cry...
It hurts to be forgotten,
Arcassin B  Nov 2016
Call On Me
Arcassin B Nov 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

Psychedelic Love Makin',
Grabbing energy from the stars that we promise would
Not be taken,
Kissing Everytime like we've seen each other for the first
Time in a long time but it was just awhile ago when our
Love got stronger,
Stronger than those memories,
Right here where you need me to be,
You know you could always call on me,
You Know you could always call on me,
Not a buzzkill or an enemy,
I'm simply, your necessity,
And all these things you do to me,
I'm vividly tapping out nervously,
In the air below your window where the lilies grow and gather
Up the courage to say what they have to say when they're alive,
Even just being in your company will comfort me like giving trees
In the midst of spring where the feelings collide,
You're so pretty , wheres your kidneys , drinking Bourbon like
A southerner in a graceful way when the pigs will fly and see
Better days,
Call on me and I'll be there to stop the habit and the insecurities,
Swear it will be always this way, I promise.

— The End —