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Just Me R Aug 2016
Oh mere mortal who plays with lives
Asperations of god you try to strive
Deciding on who lives and who dies
Shame on you for what you decide

You may bring life, but you also cause death
As old folks lives decided like russian roulette
But you cover your ***** deed as loved ones are upset
Lives devastated whilst you sleep soundly in bed.
To doctors who put money before lives.

One day you too will be old, I hope a doctor decides that today you are no longer required...
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
Just because you haven't seen me in awhile
Dosen't mean I haven't been doing anything

Just because you say I'm crass & have no style
I don't have asperations or a dream

Just because I don't always say I love you
Dosen't mean your not always in my heart

Just because You don't always get your due
Dosen't mean karma won't catch up & start

Just because some things in our lives are over due
Dosen't mean we can't hold them in our heart

Just because every day is not what we'd dreamed
Dosen't have to be any more then what it is

Just because all things are not what they first seemed
Dosen't mean life is a great big quiz

Just Because..................
JB 7.10 CH
Tea  Jan 2013
write love
Tea Jan 2013
How do you write love?
id say like that.
or perhaps its when a little brother grows older
and he still lets you call him little brother
as he stands, stature climbing over yours

or perhaps its in a little sisters
toothless grin,or dimpled chin
and silly giggles and sleepy eyes

of perhaps in a lovers promise
always and forever
kissing, hugging, snuggling

maybe in a mothers arms
in her will, in her charm
found amoung her asperations
in place of a new found fasination
a babies cry
or maybe writing love, says it all
or maybe thats how you write love
mybe just letters with emplied meaning, or all the above
kirra  May 2017
to thrive on love
kirra May 2017
let love grow
let it bloom
let it expand, multiply,
and thrive.
you receive what you give.
so give a lot.
please, fan the flames
that burn the brightest.
you can be incredible
you can give and receive love.
but only if you let yourself.
prove that you can do and become
you can thrive in your own
but only if you are
willing to work for it.
to work for one thing,
Arcassin B  Jun 2017
Flame #8
Arcassin B Jun 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

I don't have to do , what you tell me to do,
About to be grown , don't you have any clue,

Asperations in my DNA , I'm like what you say,
This is my home , don't care what you say anyway,

My family won't put me down , although I love them,
Gotta be on my own, there's no one above them,

Got some mental things going about this crazy world,
Suspicions are needed , even in my girl.
Bethany Duvall  Oct 2014
Bethany Duvall Oct 2014
There is no way for me to be completely rid of you. After being so distant our eyes meet and my heart stops in pain or happiness. Who really knows? All i know is that i haven't got a clue. I haven't got a clue what you are truly feeling about the girl who cares more for you than herself. I haven't got a clue how i should act around you. Should we talk or should i let everything end completely. I need guidelines to every crack and crevice of your soul. This is a reason i can't rid myself of you. You are an enigma of beauty and wonderful thoughts and asperations that i would love nothing more but to be a part of. But distance is the biggest factor ripping us apart.
This is really ****** and im sorry !!!!!!!!!
Alice Wynen  Feb 2017
Alice Wynen Feb 2017
You could drag me through hell.
I'd  thank you for taking me somewhere.
You could try to **** me,
I'd thank you for touching me.
You make me feel like someone else,
Although you prefer my friends,
the girls with asperations,
the girls with the gorgeous faces
I can't help but stare after you,
wishing for something
Maddy  Jun 2021
Pause for Thought
Maddy Jun 2021
When, where, why,
and how did we lose our focus?
Out of focus more than we realize
Happiness and nostalgia left the room?
The gold old days were all bad?
What was good about them?
Technology and Social Media should not carry all the blame
We don't talk to each other
We don't articulate and communicate thoughts and feelings
We talk about each other and that was long before the Pandemic hit.
Something got lost in the translation
Are the masses inept, subjective, and vacuous?
What appears to be real is surreal?
It's not ignorance
Because it is what it is, move on.
Cast asperations aside?
Simply enjoy life
Accept that all human beings need to be treated with respect and dignity
Learn from differences to find that we are more alike than you realize
Pause for thought

I have taught and been involved in Media Literacy for many years.
This poem is dedicated to the memory of Marieli Rowe.

— The End —