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nicholas ripley Jul 2014
Rake-thin Humble hoes subsistence soil
Planting green-topped onion bulbs,
Camino divides the field forcing Humble's Husband

To till distantly, he works slower, and is of bulbous girth,
A red Reebok shirt adorns his back whilst she
Wears the hand-me-downs her grandmother had worn.

Their house is built of stone like bone,
Ground-sewn and dug fresh centuries before,
No siestas punctuate their endeavors.

Passing pilgrims groan under weight of sack -
Whilst Humble counts the years before her bones
Are interned in preparation to shelter future generations.
From the collection 'Songs From The Camino 2009
Raghu Menon Oct 2015
The air has a burnt smell
It is hot and dry
The streets are  empty
Even the dogs are missing
It is a hot and bright afternoon

People have taken refuge
under the roofs of their homes or work places
Even the trees seem to be mute
So are the birds and the cattle

My throat is dry
My mind is blank
My brain is asleep
Am struggling to keep awake

The weather is strange
The climate is changing
The ponds are dry
The brooks are dusty
with no water to flow

The earth is moving lazy and slow
Time seem to crawling because of the heat
The noon seems to un-ending
The schools are noiseless and sleepy.

It is dusty and hazy
The only wind being because of the
fast moving buses and trucks
and some occasional cars

The windows are closed
so do the doors of the buildings
across the streets
The rich enjoying their siesta
in the air conditioned rooms

The poor, sweating it out
in their places of work
for their daily wages
so that they can have
some food to eat in the night.

so also that
the rich can continue to have
their peaceful siestas
Damian Murphy Apr 2015
Beautiful, breath taking views
Of vast volcanoes and bright blue seas
Scorching sun and high temperatures
Palm trees swaying in a soft breeze.
Through landscapes layered with black lava
White washed walls wind their way
Around gardens full of fantastic flora
Where lizards and geckos love to play.
Ships sail by beyond the breakers,
Planes pass over as they come in to land,
Promenades packed with holidaymakers
By beaches of beautiful golden sand.
Sun loungers and swimming pools
Hours of rest and relaxation
Siestas while the hot sun cools
Poolside bars for cool libations.
Spectacular sunsets in surrounding skies
Each day ending in such serene splendour
Reds pinks, blues, greys and turquoise;
Colours any artist would be challenged to render.
Pubs clubs and restaurants of such variety
activities that appeal to everyone
Local residents renowned for their hospitality
Make Matagorda a paradise second to none.
#poetry #holidays #summer #lanzarote #matagorda #paradise #npmplaces
Timothy Essex May 2010
Strange times. When I speak of caressing your mantic lungs
I don’t know what I mean, but I know
I would hurl you under proper circumstances.

Darling, one whisper falls from a tree silently
so as not to wake the ghosts from their siestas.
Your robe has holes I can’t write of. I can fathom
getting there, what that might entail, wrapping,

as I am prone to, my fingers around your furry pincers
while I wait for you to read my rights to the ceiling fan

who whirls above our renovated combustions like the glowering
eye of our Lord upon the teary-eyed wicked.
I am not looking to escape through the window, darling.

I am diving for your diamond-in-the-rough, peeling off barnacles,
making moustaches of seaweed. You threw it into that ocean-
sized trough in which you drown lizards as way of
stress-release. I don’t know what I’ll do next.

The poor man. You give me your hand,
darling, and your robe, your robe is shiny like a pubescent star,

and it shimmies like a wagon piecing itself apart, as you
piece yourself apart, starting with your smile, which was always more
like a photograph of a dune in a textbook.

You give me your hand. It is a blue egg
dusted with microorganisms. I sprinkle it with our fragrance,
what’s left of it. I wish happiness upon your sleep-life, doldrums
upon your late-night haunting. I am tired and these

machines are so convenient, bringing me on all-expenses-
paid visits to the site of your burial. Or is it your sister’s?

I quote, my heart is like a walled onion.
The poor man is tired. It is not 1904 anymore.
You are not smiling anymore, darling, but you give me your hand.

You give it in a basket with parsley and cheese
and cut-outs from The Waterlogged God.
You give it almost grudgingly but I will keep it.
You tell me you’ve been dreaming again of train stations.

I wonder what that means.
I wonder about your eyes.

There are many spiders inside the wall, and along it,
and on the chandelier’s fingers, and inside the spiders.
I quote, a dream is worth a thousand dustpans, but you,

darling, are worth so much more than dustpans.
But I grow weepy, as stated. What do those dark blue lines mean?
Your fingers, darling, smell of a dark cloud in an electrical storm.
Your palm is a circus. Your nails ticket stubs.

That one’s from the alligator show. You dislocated your
throat. I had a plan. If you stare into someone’s eyes for

more than six seconds, you’ll want to lick them.
Rubén Darío  Jun 2017
Madame Lugones, J'ai commencé ces vers
en écoutant la voix d'un carillon d'Anvers...
¡Así empecé, en francés, pensando en Rodenbach
cuando hice hacia el Brasil una fuga... de Bach!En Río de Janeiro iba yo a proseguir,
poniendo en cada verso el oro y el zafir
y la esmeralda de esos pájaros-moscas
que melifican entre las áureas siestas foscas
que temen los que temen el cruel vómito *****.
Ya no existe allá fiebre amarilla. ¡Me alegro!
Et pour cause. Yo pan-americanicé
con un vago temor y con muy poca fe
en la tierra de los diamantes y la dicha
tropical. Me encantó ver la vera machicha,
mas encontré también un gran núcleo cordial
de almas llenas de amor, de ensueños, de ideal.
Y si había un calor atroz, también había
todas las consecuencias y ventajas del día,
en panorama igual al de los cuadros y hasta
igual al que pudiera imaginarse... Basta.
Mi ditirambo brasileño es ditirambo
que aprobaría su marido. Arcades ambo.Mas el calor de ese Brasil maravilloso,
tan fecundo, tan grande, tan rico, tan hermoso,
a pesar de Tijuca y del cielo opulento,
a pesar de ese foco vivaz de pensamiento,
a pesar de Nabuco, embajador, y de
los delegados panamericanos que
hicieron posible por hacer cosas buenas,
saboreé lo ácido del saco de mis penas;
quiero decir que me enfermé. La neurastenia
es un dón que me vino con mi obra primigenia.
¡Y he vivido tan mal, y tan bien, cómo y tánto!
¡Y tan buen comedor guardo bajo mi manto!
¡Y tan buen bebedor tengo bajo mi capa!
¡Y he gustado bocados de cardenal y papa!...
Y he exprimido la ubre cerebral tantas veces,
que estoy grave. Esto es mucho ruido y pocas nueces,
según dicen doctores de una sapiencia suma.
Mis dolencias se van en ilusión y espuma.
Me recetan que no haga nada ni piense nada,
que me retire al campo a ver la madrugada
con las alondras y con Garcilaso, y con
el sport. ¡Bravo! Sí. Bien. Muy bien. ¿Y La Nación?
¿Y mi trabajo diario y preciso y fatal?
¿No se sabe que soy cónsul como Stendhal?
Es preciso que el médico que eso recete, dé
también libro de cheques para el Crédit Lyonnais,
y envíe un automóvil devorador del viento,
en el cual se pasee mi egregio aburrimiento,
harto de profilaxis, de ciencia y de verdad.En fin, convaleciente, llegué a nuestra ciudad
de Buenos Aires, no sin haber escuchado
a míster Root a bordo del Charleston sagrado;
mas mi convalecencia duró poco. ¿Qué digo?
Mi emoción, mi estusiasmo y mi recuerdo amigo,
y el banquete de La Nación, que fue estupendo,
y mis viejas siringas con su pánico estruendo,
y ese fervor porteño, ese perpetuo arder,
y el milagro de gracia que brota en la mujer
argentina, y mis ansias de gozar de esa tierra,
me pusieron de nuevo con mis nervios en guerra.
Y me volví a París. Me volví al enemigo
terrible, centro de la neurosis, ombligo
de la locura, foco de todo surmenage
donde hago buenamente mi papel de sauvage
encerrado en mi celda de la rue Marivaux,
confiando sólo en mí y resguardando el yo.
¡Y si lo resguardara, señora, si no fuera
lo que llaman los parisienses una pera!
A mi rincón me llegan a buscar las intrigas,
las pequeñas miserias, las traiciones amigas,
y las ingratitudes. Mi maldita visión
sentimental del mundo me aprieta el corazón,
y así cualquier tunante me explotará a su gusto.
Soy así. Se me puede burlar con calma. Es justo.
Por eso los astutos, los listos, dicen que
no conozco el valor del dinero. ¡Lo sé!
Que ando, nefelibata, por las nubes... Entiendo.
Que no soy hombre práctico en la vida... ¡Estupendo!
Sí, lo confieso: soy inútil. No trabajo
por arrancar a otro su pitanza; no bajo
a hacer la vida sórdida de ciertos previsores.
Y no ahorro ni en seda, ni en champaña, ni en flores.
No combino sutiles pequeñeces, ni quiero
quitarle de la boca su pan al compañero.
Me complace en los cuellos blancos ver los diamantes.
Gusto de gentes de maneras elegantes
y de finas palabras y de nobles ideas.
Las gentes sin higiene ni urbanidad, de feas
trazas, avaros, torpes, o malignos y rudos,
mantienen, lo confieso, mis entusiasmos mudos.
No conozco el valor del oro... ¿Saben esos
que tal dicen lo amargo del jugo de mis sesos,
del sudor de mi alma, de mi sangre y mi tinta,
del pensamiento en obra y de la idea encinta?
¿He nacido yo acaso hijo de millonario?
¿He tenido yo Cirineo en mi Calvario?Tal continué en París lo empezado en Anvers.
Hoy, heme aquí en Mallorca, la terra dels foners,
como dice Mossen Cinto, el gran Catalán.
Y desde aquí, señora, mis versos a ti van,
olorosos a sal marina y azahares,
al suave aliento de las islas Baleares.
Hay un mar tan azul como el Partenopeo.
Y el azul celestial, vasto como un deseo,
su techo cristalino bruñe con sol de oro.
Aquí todo es alegre, fino, sano y sonoro.
Barcas de pescadores sobre la mar tranquila
descubro desde la terraza de mi villa,
que se alza entre las flores de su jardín fragante,
con un monte detrás y con la mar delante.A veces me dirijo al mercado, que está
en la Plaza Mayor. (¿Qué Coppée, no es verdá?)
Me rozo con un núcleo crespo de muchedumbre
que viene por la carne, la fruta y la legumbre.
Las mallorquinas usan una modesta falda,
pañuelo en la cabeza y la trenza a la espalda.
Esto, las que yo he visto, al pasar, por supuesto.
Y las que no la lleven no se enojen por esto.
He visto unas payesas con sus negros corpiños,
con cuerpos de odaliscas y con ojos de niños;
y un velo que les cae por la espalda y el cuello,
dejando al aire libre lo obscuro del cabello.
Sobre la falda clara, un delantal vistoso.
Y saludan con un bon dia tengui gracioso,
entre los cestos llenos de patatas y coles,
pimientos de corales, tomates de arreboles,
sonrosadas cebollas, melones y sandías,
que hablan de las Arabias y las Andalucías.
Calabazas y nabos para ofrecer asuntos
a Madame Noailles y Francis Jammes juntos.A veces me detengo en la plaza de abastos
como si respirase soplos de vientos vastos,
como si se me entrase con el respiro el mundo.
Estoy ante la casa en que nació Raimundo
Lulio. Y en ese instante mi recuerdo me cuenta
las cosas que le dijo la Rosa a la Pimienta...
¡Oh, cómo yo diría el sublime destierro
y la lucha y la gloria del mallorquín de hierro!
¡Oh, cómo cantaría en un carmen sonoro
la vida, el alma, el numen, del mallorquín de oro!
De los hondos espíritus es de mis preferidos.
Sus robles filosóficos están llenos de nidos
de ruiseñor. Es otro y es hermano del Dante.
¡Cuántas veces pensara su verbo de diamente
delante la Sorbona viaja del París sabio!
¡Cuántas veces he visto su infolio y su astrolabio
en una bruma vaga de ensueño, y cuántas veces
le oí hablar a los árabes cual Antonio a los peces,
en un imaginar de pretéritas cosas
que, por ser tan antiguas, se sienten tan hermosas!Hice una pausa.
                                    El tiempo se ha puesto malo. El mar
a la furia del aire no cesa de bramar.
El temporal no deja que entren los vapores. Y
Un yatch de lujo busca refugio en Porto-Pi.
Porto-Pi es una rada cercana y pintoresca.
Vista linda: aguas bellas, luz dulce y tierra fresca.¡Ah, señora, si fuese posible a algunos el
dejar su Babilonia, su Tiro, su Babel,
para poder venir a hacer su vida entera
en esa luminosa y espléndida ribera!Hay no lejos de aquí un archiduque austriaco
que las pomas de Ceres y las uvas de Baco
cultiva, en un retiro archiducal y egregio.
Hospeda como un monje -y el hospedaje es regio-.
Sobre las rocas se alza la mansión señorial
y la isla le brinda ambiente imperial.Es un pariente de Jean Orth. Es un atrida
que aquí ha encontrado el cierto secreto de su vida.
Es un cuerdo. Aplaudamos al príncipe discreto
que aprovecha a la orilla del mar ese secreto.
La isla es florida y llena de encanto en todas partes.
Hay un aire propicio para todas las artes.
En Pollensa ha pintado Santiago Rusiñol
cosas de flor de luz y de seda de sol.
Y hay villa de retiro espiritual famosa:
la literata Sand escribió en Valldemosa
un libro. Ignoro si vino aquí con Musset,
y si la vampiresa sufrió o gozó, no sé*.¿Por qué mi vida errante no me trajo a estas sanas
costas antes de que las prematuras canas
de alma y cabeza hicieran de mí la mezcolanza
formada de tristeza, de vida y esperanza?
¡Oh, qué buen mallorquín me sentiría ahora!
¡Oh, cómo gustaría sal de mar, miel de aurora,
al sentir como en un caracol en mi cráneo
el divino y eterno rumor mediterráneo!
Hay en mí un griego antiguo que aquí descansó un día,
después de que le dejaron loco de melodía
las sirenas rosadas que atrajeron su barca.
Cuanto mi ser respira, cuanto mi vista abarca,
es recordado por mis íntimos sentidos;
los aromas, las luces, los ecos, los ruidos,
como en ondas atávicas me traen añoranzas
que forman mis ensueños, mis vidas y esperanzas.Mas, ¿dónde está aquel templo de mármol, y la gruta
donde mordí aquel seno dulce como una fruta?
¿Dónde los hombres ágiles que las piedras redondas
recogían para los cueros de sus hondas?...Calma, calma. Esto es mucha poesía, señora.
Ahora hay comerciantes muy modernos. Ahora
mandan barcos prosaicos la dorada Valencia,
Marsella, Barcelona y Génova. La ciencia
comercial es hoy fuerte y lo acapara todo.
Entretanto, respiro mi salitre y mi yodo
brindados por las brisas de aqueste golfo inmenso,
y a un tiempo, como Kant y como el asno, pienso.
Es lo mejor.                             Y aquí mi epístola concluye.
Hay un ansia de tiempo que de mi pluma fluye
a veces, como hay veces de enorme economía.
«Si hay, he dicho, señora, alma clara, es la mía».
Mírame transparentemente, con tu marido,
y guárdame lo que tú puedas del olvido.
Allison Miles  Feb 2011
Dear Time
Allison Miles Feb 2011
Dear time,

We once got along.
Peas in a pod with
Symbiotic stature.

Now we take our paces.
Make our cruel remarks
And give tears away
Before siestas.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2016
i find the children of immigrants born in a foreign land,
learning the inorganic tongue
parallel to the organic compartments
of schizoid conditioning, in the haystack of splinters,
the perpetual contradiction -
the unsure waves without a final
commencing tide -
i find these children the most bothered
to hear the coin flip, two sides  exposed: to be asked
whether the integration process was fulfilled
and the organic tongue was cut off
with the question: in what language
do you think? these children who are
in the cultural poverty of the jihad
who only speak cursor singled out words,
who have to welcome a cultural identity
by relinquishing one of their parents,
who's parents never taught them bilingualism
as an asset rather than a source of complaints,
who would sometimes dearly impress themselves
with inorganic points of view that might
**** their parents - like the cultural cleansing
of long forgotten welsh or gaelic: this among other
signals of a loss of posterity - forced into a smouldering
cauldron of ease, that's hardly at ease -
i find these children the most stunted culturally,
bringing no identity, no pride of distinction
that could empower all of us -
for the best they can bring... is a cookbook;
perhaps the sole reason for the failures of
marcus garvey was precisely that - the ancient
tongue turned numb, then turned to gangrene,
and slid from behind the ivory gates -
there's that: the need for an organic symbiosis
with the origin, but perhaps by then,
the west indies were too appealing to be left
for other settlers - but as all musings go -
there are many unknowns - the ancient tongue
perhaps shed, but the tongue given proved to
be too restrictive in its original guise: for the whip
and the exploitation led to a linguistic rebellion
of creating a unique people-owned dialects,
people were given a phonetic manna - for their
own safeguard, to deviate from all manner of
orthodoxy intended for the education of
"civilised" classes - which only proved the instability
of the english tongue, the existence of phonetic
approximations with beautiful orthography,
but a harrowing due to this beauty by certain
obstructive forces of the perceived tongue silent,
encoded by the 26 digits, inflamed by many laws
of particularised pronunciation: which established
english as an almost universal tongue on earth:
the lingua franca - a language that has no conceptualisation
of exhausting heat of noon and siestas,
of stressful nocturnal living expected for the friday
and the saturday every week, rather than everyday
usual - so if i were to write out all the particularised
pronunciation examples i'd be here all day - if only
but a few evolutionary traits upon inheritance of
the latin alphabet were allowed for the english language,
there'd be less bewilderment at having to excavate
deep into the caves of memory, the echoes shouted
from the depths of these caves would not actually
resonate as echoes do, but would be sharp and distinct:
one of each; or as they say of the y from the tetragrammaton:
the vowel modulator, invokes vowel-morphing:
ply (i)                               as one example
                                          and the first h being the vowel
                 oh                       poker      
                 eh                       extricate (ex-tree-cate /
tri                                        bi),
and to stress a basis for kabbalah, once all theories
of worded expeditions become exhausted, as either
accomplished or never-to-be accomplished, e.g. utopia,
the only thing remaining to do is to check the limits
with these atoms in simple syllable compounds,
where a safeguard is kabbalah - not so much a mention
of elocution as the intended process of inquiry,
but apart from meaningful prefix syllables like
pre-, pro-, con-, a-, super-, trans-, meta-, ortho- etc.,
i see what optical dissections guide me back into
the realm of meaningful words:
the second h is reserved for laughter, the only
consonant that allows the freedom to laugh, given
laughter has to be expressed by one consonant
and at least 2 vowels, and no other consonant allows this
to happen.
Jordan Rowan  Sep 2015
Mi Querida
Jordan Rowan Sep 2015
See that moon up in the sky
It shines desire into your eye
As the fire burns where you lie
Mi querida, let's go dancing tonight

Save the morning for siestas with me
Together is where we should be
Save the evening for beautiful dreams
Mi querida, my madrigal queen

Have a moment to quietly pray
Close your eyes and hear the band play
You light up the dark cabaret
Mi querida, together we sway

As the night comes to a close
And the city is still on our clothes
You smile at me and my heart grows
Mi querida, I hope that you know
Jai Rho Jan 2014
It's a lazy day in LA
where the sun
siestas in the trees

and the only ice
to be found
is in the margaritas
that we raise
to toast the clouds
that drift away
as the sky blushes

pacific blue
epictails  Feb 2016
epictails Feb 2016
It's a sick, sick town
Where men have come to rot
As a worm infested fruit
Lying wet and rummaged on the ground

The neighbors with their bent noses
And upturned mouths
Bubbling with the agenda, the filth
Of their smiling counterparts next door
In town fiestas they squalor like
Emperors on roasted pigs, rice cakes
and goat bellies raised and slaughtered
They dine like fine crickets loud
And unconcerned about matters
Which the small town does not speak

Scoundrels of politicians
Fetchig money like leaves from their
Cotton pockets
Oh the election is under way!
Come come there is money this way!
Forget honesty it can only buy
You a rumbling stomach and a hut
Crumbling from debts and frets!

Who cares though
When seventy strides from you
Gunshots sparkle in the midnight skies
All eyes fainted all breaths shallow
And someone's just got wallowed
In a heat of greed and contempt
Poor son!Poor son!
Used to know the wretch
No family?No peso to his name?
Let's move on to our siestas
Justice won't spare us from hell

God has saved a seat for us instead
The church has made its job clear
Seven Sundays and we are but saved!
But the crowd upon
The altar thins like the old priest's head
Gleaming like chalice
In the dimming lights of the Lord
The people look on and yawn
For the gospel has now become
As good as miracle, literally.

The poor remain poor
The sinful prosper
And this sick, sick town
Has its marrows ******
Dry as a liar's throat
And you tell me to love it
Like a sweetheart of brazen days?
Like the grazing stars in the
Blank fields of bluish horizons
I painted with amulets and rockets
with my visions as a child?
And you tell me I was born of a town
About to sweep into nothing along
with the collapse of its people?
another day another episode of *******
Brandon  Apr 2012
Another Morning
Brandon Apr 2012
Alarm clock goes off
That annoying beep beep beep
That interrupts my sleep and dreams
Of rebellions and saber-toothed cats
Running thru towering grass

I rub the sleep-crusts from my eyes
Stretch my coiled legs as far as I can
Pray to whatever God
That everyone else believes in
That I can make it thru another day
Of mind numbing-knuckle busting work
And corporate democratic hypocrisy

That stumbling feeling of standing up
After only a couple hours of restless slumber

The sun hasn’t yet woke up
Hiding behind a dark starless sky
And the blackout blinds make it impossible to see
So I feel my way out of the bedroom
Inevitably stepping on a bone
My dog left out the night before
A whispered curse
Muttered with morning breath
Escapes my desiccated lips

Flip the light switch on to the bathroom
For a few seconds I am blind
Until everything again comes into focus

The reflection in the mirror
Peers back at me like a stranger
With disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes
Cursing me for waking him up
At such an ungodly hour
I need a shave
But I fool myself into thinking
That it can wait for another day

A quick shower of nodding siestas
In water that never seems
To be the right temperature
I step out, towel off
And grumble my way down
Thirteen steps of stairs

The sliding of a patio door
To let the dog out to do her morning routine
Brings in a cool morning breeze
The freezes my still drying body

I put on my work uniform
Covered in grease stains and blood
I pull my boots on one at a time
And lace the shoelaces

Slave to the grind of daily life
And bills collecting on the countertop
Like dead leaves beneath the trees
In the backyard

Note to self: buy a rake
And clean up the yard

I answer last nights missed texts
Hoping to wake someone up
So that I don’t have to start this day alone
Never any such luck for me

A treat for the dog
Who retreats back to her cage upstairs
When she comes back inside
A light kiss
On my sleeping wife’s forehead
Followed by a quiet goodbye

Back down thirteen steps
And into the sage green kitchen
My lunch sits packed on the counter
Ramen noodles and pears
For the five hundredth day in a row

Lights out, doors locked
And I’m out starting the car
Cranking what little is left in the battery
To power a crumbling ******* machine

I ignore the radio’s useless barrage
Of Top Forty rock n roll hits
And commercials overflowing
With hype, propaganda,
And misinformation

Instead opting to listen
To the quickening deterioration
Of a CV Joint clicking and grinding
As the wheels spin down asphalt and concrete
On my way to a job that quit being a career
And could hardly be called a paycheck
In this universal recession
A B Perales Aug 2016
How can the public be so judgmental when all they know is lies.

I'll be that failure I wear that title well.
I won't cast a VOTE I'm not part of their lies nor do I support the whole deception.

I need to see the place beyond the ice where giants still build pyramids and chimeras all fear the wrath of God.

I'm headed south for the winter and to save myself from this system I'll never be apart of without a number around my neck and shackles across my heart.

I need to be where corn is eaten three times a day, siestas are expected and people are the color of the earth.
I want to die amongst the depleted Monarchs and the migrating
Quetzal Hummingbirds.

I wish to put my mind down for its final rest in a place where lies are not respected and the truth is nothing but the truth.

Somewhere thats far away from here.
A place that does'nt feel the need to claim its self the freest of the free while chained to things like laws, debts and the television screen.

I'll be where I don't speak the language and the people don't care.
I'll spend some time in old Mexico drinking away all my bad
memories, dancing with ficheras, making real Love to ****** and finding a way to start over.

A new way after I break free of the lies, bring myself to an end and build up the courage to leave you all behind.
So I can start myself anew.

— The End —