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uzzi obinna Dec 2016
I take my time to read your poems,
I value the work you put:
I do this without sentiment,
I only value what is cute;

i might never meet you in person
But i have met you here:
Every moment i read your work
Is a beautiful moment we share;

I have learnt from you
Through your write-ups here:
To make out time for us,
Has proven that you care;

Thank you for your efforts
In making this place run:
Your write-ups here
Have really kept us going on;

To those of you who have encouraged me -
I remain sincerely grateful to you:
Your comments, critism, likes and reposts,
Have helped in seeing me through;

I come online always
To be sure there is nothing to miss,
And it always proved worthwhile,
And gives me an emotional bliss;

And if you are new to this place,
I was once like you:
Just continue to contribute
And let your efforts see you through;

So to all of you i mean everyone
So many to mention in one day,
May you always find rest,
Love, peace and prosperity everyday.
I always wanted to take my time to appreciate everyone here on Hp. Including the creators of Hp.
I personally feel like i have made some friends here and sincerely i do not take it for granted. There are names too many to mention but i know that from time to time if i do not see your work, i always to try to reach you to ensure that you doing ok. Thanks all
Arcassin B Aug 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Let me tell you what it is,
We empty bottles with this energy for emptying our memories
With tragedies that haunt us even when we don't rarely have demons
But they hide to wait for us to **** up day and night like we don't have more
Things going on our lives to carry burdens like the Dickens in our churches where
The warlocks hide and wait for daily service , do you get it now?
Love and hate from critism is just jealousy like pull me under.
Love and hate from critism is just jealousy like pull me under.

Rushing noted writes to get out all the feelings working hard to make a living in a
Hateful town in a corrupted country and the city full of dummies thinking
What they have is in anyway remotely better for everyone else so they follow them,
I don't get it.


Don't serve false prophets,
So get up off it,
You so have lost it,
You need to stop it.

Your heart is just as cold as space.
If you plan to die a million ways.
On the floor with my head to a grave.
If death is what I merely crave.

Don't pull me under,
I'm just a messenger,
Life's getting lesser,
Than people prefer,
From all the fakers,
The truth is deeper,
Don't be a sleeper,
To what lies under,
These days we suffer,
More than another,
Sisters and brothers,
Pray to the beyonder..
vunny  Nov 2017
vunny Nov 2017
Yellow is the color of the mind
and intelect
Optimistic and cheerful
yet impatient and critism
You are the yellow sun,
you had yellow in you
Ana Habib  Jul 2019
Ana Habib Jul 2019
I was hoping I could forget you
Because it was the easiest thing to do
As i became busy with school and work
Met new people and forged better relationships
Met Mr Right but no he turned out to be A mix of Jekle and Hyde
It hurt but I grew from it
Burned old memories and continued on
Hopeful of better things and fully motivated to do kick ****
Except I really didnt
I was busy for sure but you invaded my thoughts
I got to thinking
You made mistakes and so did I
I pushed you away because i thought I deserved a whole lot better
Except I was blind to see that you had almost all the qualities i had been secretly looking for in a man
The rest would have been mended with patience guidance and a blind eye
Except I couldnt wait any longer even though we had spend 4 years together already
I nagged critisized, praised some but usually lost my patience with you
Some days were great
Just the two us, great food, music that would be soon be forgetten, and questionable weather
Until that just didnt do it anymore
I seriously began to question your ambitions and the future
You always said you were unsure of what to do
You were great at other things though
Cooking and tidying up was second nature
Your pictures always captured what the rest of the world couldnt see
Your writting could make the crankiest man feel something
You were always there to help me with work and assignments
In short helping me achieve my goals
You never short on encouragement and motivation
I miss it now
You stayed up all night with me whenever I felt rejected by world
Always went out of the way to make me feel special when i felt ugly
Loved when I felt worthless
Calm when i felt like tearing things apart
I miss it now
You never stopped sending me little tokens of care and appreciation when my body could not keep up with what life threw at me
Made me feel better when I withdrew into myself and couldnt leave the bed
Made my life easier in about 50 different ways
Thats when I knew you really felt something for me
But i was afraid to call it love
I wish i could I have appreciated all of that just a little more
I realize now that I was usually in the red
You constantly put up with my ugly side
The continuous nagging, and critism in all that I did
You bared it
The cripping self doubt i had about myself
You bared it
The draining negativity that would sometimes fly from my lips
You bared it
All that that couldnt have been easy to deal with
But you did not complain very much being only a few years older then me and far away from your own family
You were always so quiet around me but never completely lost your cool
I dont remember you screaming or raising a hand
I am sorry for all the times I physically pushed you away
I wanted to be alone and sometimes I just didnt know how to say no
I am sorry that I was demanding, at times needly and plain disrespectful through speech
My anger was alway red hot but you found a way to turn it off with a chuckle, joke or distraction
The tv helped
But I never thanked you enough for it
Didn't show you enough gratitude because I was always busy
Busy planning, conquering, and then finally loosing
It all came crashing down
I am sorry for that
You cried but I didn't feel much until it was all over
I was always looking for much better, only to end up with barely enough
I don't know where you are right now and its ok that you stopped keeping contact with me
Most people wouldn't want to speak to a terrible woman
You were the first to realize it
I wish I had seen it in time
I have change a lot since that day
But I would not be lying if I said now that I sometimes wish he was you
Arfah Afaqi Zia Dec 2015
Sorrow of demise,
Happiness but pride,
Money and rights,
Racism and sexism,
Oppression through rage,
Conflicts over beliefs and critism,
Discrimination and ****** through words,

As we all know,
Actions speak louder than words,
I absolutely agree with this,
What is life without peace?
What is life without feeling others pain?
What is life in any form?
Life needs to be defined well,
Living your life to its best and not caring about the rest,
This is not life,

Helping the poor,
Wiping away tears of the pained,
Loving and consoling,
Putting an end to quarrels,
And easing people in trouble,
Not living life in superiority,
Not being atrocious to others,
This is all pointless,
One day we all leave,
Others who shall grieve will only grieve for a while,
Then they forget and move on with their lives,
We all have separate graves, separate deeds and separate accusations,
Only God will see and we shall not astray from his path.
Our graves  are separate, our deeds differ  and so do we. It is only us who can master our thoughts in whatever form we like. But living  life  only based on us and our likes or dislikes will ruin our  hereafter. Vandalize our reputation in front of God and break that one promise we made in front of all....
tinay Aug 2017
The undeniably fear,
Shiver under my skin,
The critism keeps coming,
But they aren't know what i feel.  

I can't sleep, i can't eat,
That makes me sick.

The sweat feels cold
my head feels numb
my heart feels burning.
How to deal with it.

I feel numb, nauseated.
I can't hear, nor see clearly.  

Now tell me,
if it easy.
Ahna  Aug 2019
Dear Friend
Ahna Aug 2019
Dear Friend

"Hello old friend what brings you"?
Kind words slip and I smile
Covering the pain to hide
So sweet and innocent my friend stares
"To haunt you dear one,
And to feed on all your fears".
Innocent orbs alluring me in
Trapped inside it's mind
I scream yet only non but..
Silence followed, "just enjoy the fun"
And I shut my eyes from the sun.
My dear friend embraces me
A warm hug it was, and yet I bleed,
No screams just a voice
Echoing through my mind
"How large was your portion?
Will you be able to handle their critism?
Can you ever rise high
Will you even see the goal?"
What kind words my dear friend
I must say very impactful , strong
"You are strong and passionate dear friend"
Brave and blunt- weakened was me
Hesitating to accept your embrace
Do you want to see me fall from grace?
"Grace? Dear one there was no grace
Just non other than my simple embrace-
Do it! Do it now! Just welcome me,
And I will never leave"
A companion I cry, a friend I cry
And my soul it cries
Leave the embrace, leave the embrace
And welcome my friend?
My dear friend, please leave me
I want to fly, soar across the sky
Leave me, leave me
"Parting with you is painful, But I take my leave dear friend"
Bullied most of  life
Even now they come at me still vultures for a fill
The hurt still runs deep
So they creep
Though I am forgiving
I understand they are hurting to pain
I won't play the game
I release
Though I'm aware of the score
It's a inferiority sense of power
Insecurity to deliver
A way to feel control
Though there is
It's all gone
And critism
Do you think there is nothing I haven't heard or said to myself
It's falling away
me ...

— The End —