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I looked at the reflection in her eye's then leaped deeply into her thoughts. I began to drown gasping for air trying to catch my breath. She overwhelmingly suffocates me,with her deepest fears of  her insecurities. In which I suffer to pay for some else's actions. Without given a fair chance to win her love. Lost and confused trap in a selfish maze of emotions. That has nothing to do with me.
Not to mention the outside contractors that began demolition of the foundation you trying to build. ***** recklessly grasp and pull you back down. Every time
You try to escape the chaos of the miserable company within the barrel.
Change starts from within
Alaina Moore  Jan 2019
Alaina Moore Jan 2019
Eye lashes brase my brow with a flash of awareness.
Of gravity, of heart rate, with fading memories of mental images and sinking in reality.  
Argument insues among the self
"why do I have to get up?"
"I don't know the ******* answer, just get up."
It goes on repeat.
Get up, get up, get up.
Frozen in the warm sheets and safe feeling that just barely lets the pressure fade.
"Why can't I stay in the twilight of REM and awake where my body is light doesn't hurt and my mind has solace?"
"I don't know, just get up."
Get up, get up, get up.
This feeling has lost me GPA points
and this feeling has cost me jobs.
Place my hands on my chest and streach out my legs.
Rip away from the fetal position and complement myself relentlessly.
Get up, get up, get up.
"You're okay" I wisper as though the echo will ensure it's truth.  
Deep breathing to irratic breathing to controled breathing.
Rise, wash, repeat.
Get up, get up, GET UP.
Rip the sheets off like a bandaid and immediately stand.
Run to the warm shower.
Pretend it's rain and back to deep breathing.
Complement what a great job I'm doing, getting out of bed, not even crying.
How proud I should be I'm taking care of myself - by taking a shower.
A basic Target pattern, fortress of solitude.
Consumed in the hot artificial rain drops I find another fleeting moment of solace.
Deep breathing, "you're okay."
Let the water run over my shoulders until it turns cold.
Dry off in the shower, take advantage of the ignored greenhouse gas - bask in the humidity.
Look into my dark eyes in the mirror, and ask questions. And hope they are good that day.
Death's hand, wrong paths in my eyes, creates lies
Mind's blind illusion of awake dreams forgotten being written ancestors message letters when together most rhyme speech encoded image visions portrays
immortalized, Truth, why it represents kind souls alone
sing words that shape diamonds, gold
bodies cold buried though ignored still speak
Brings better days night
Suns light skies shed tears, never known real fear
whenever one says end here,
is near,
Why I fight, kid's cries, explain,
Moments without pain are holy any ways remembered only who's thoughts pray
show its presence, proof stands clear
Soldier vision wise protects youth
Mine lacks peace breathing slow maybe smoke
Daily around me controled fades raising dead
Rhythms bring natural flowing mystic air sacred heart's escense blessing all heavens described mother's crimes giving life artisticly seems hate's
left, spiritually these rhymes paint reality like
Rivers flow
Stars and moon carve stones
Shape oceans emotions form storms, destroy
Falling nation witness, our creations
Walk hell populations lost brought well tought
People when modern slave's the cost
Last option weak hold mother lands for
building war watching flowers grow
Children laughing those missing homes fighting  poverty replaces birds flying revolutionaries
bleeding sadness fisically, eternal family
single race worldwide
Stays immortal.....
The kind of self expression that gathers knowledge whenever one's alone in any good familiar place/enviroment.
Take me back to the times where "people were smarter than machines..."
They were not "swayed or controled by them..."
as we then  "failed" to see as to why "being controled by them"
was just as "crazy as to question as to"  "why the notions" as to" "why humans are unable to fly?"
Invention brought us the "wheel", the "telephone," then to  the
first "Moonwalk" and "first man On the Moon...."
where he still had not used the future to blind his "out of touch"
"seeing eye?"
Into the future where inventions "killed" rather then they "Saved the world?"
Until World War iii Has beem left a "trial ajurned"
we shall be the "Public just sitting on our hands waiting to be burned..."

By a government who does not "see eye to eye?"
As the "blind stay such" and still ask questions "As to why"
things are remaining "The same?"
well at this
"quiet time of blundering,"
who "raises their voices to challenge" society's "wondering"
a whole "desperate" and "uneeded Mile..."
as to the "future" that this "One Eye'd Moon Man yet sees"
for us "in still motion"
He beams down warnings in the burnt in Values in "History's Blind Accidents"
Nobody noticed that "Lady Liberty's Back was Bent"
from being "broken" like "the invented misguided "arrows of some wars"

we fail to "stand up and defend" as to why we need "Better mending of our broken paths and future pavements" on "Congress Floors..."
Instead we overtrust those in leadership who "Tend to need to love life through closed view's doors."
Mark Wanless Oct 2023
the sky was blue the clouds were grey
   the sun shone now and then
she came to me from far away
   her name was Adolen

Adolen oh Adolen you tore my world
   in two
never seen a woman since with
   heart as sad as you

we travelled on to here and there
   and walked a grassy field
we wondered and we wandered near
   an edge that did not yield

the echoes of the fallen down
   controled our glassy stare
you lept into the near beyond
   i did not follow there

Adolen oh Adolen you tore my world
   in two
never loved a girl so much that
   was as sad as you
Albero Centrale  May 2014
The Sky
Albero Centrale May 2014
The world above her shined,
And wonder filled her eyes.
Nothing could mess with her mind.

The clouds were reassigned,
New creations rised,
The brighter the world shined.

She laid there as the clouds combined.
She stayed calm and the moon cried,
Nothing can mess with a simple mind.

Just the peace of mind,
That flies.
The brighter the world shined.

The sun fell from the behind
The wonder appeared in her eyes.
Nothing can mess with her mind.

The night soon ended,
Closing the girl's clock that controled her eyes,
The world above her shined,
Not even sleep can mess with her mind.

Romona Hardy Jul 2013
This is how it always begins,
It sneaks up like house flys in the fall.
Waking up in the morning feeling worse then the night before,
Garbage can full of ***** still beside the bed on the floor.
   Runny nose, sneezing, body drenched in sweat and freezing cold,
In the past 12 months ive started to look old.
   This is what i can't stand,
A self inflicted flu that makes me feel like a slave.
Its not that i wasnt warned,
Not as if i didnt understand,
I saw first hand the grip it takes, foolish me was just to naive to listen,
Im diffrent, i have self contorl,
Tables turned im now controled,
Dancing with deamons is always risky,
When you let your guard down the devil creeps in quickly.
   My body no longer belongs to me,
It becomes that of the walking dead.
Back, legs, arms, shoulders all ache.
I feel like ive run a marathon though i barley have energy to move.
My mind wanders to places full of fear,
Arms give away my secrets, showing the scars of my vice.
Everything is freezing and the blankets no longer supply the comfort i need.
   A spoon, a lighter, cotton and water,
relif so close my body starts to shudder.
Im handed the belt, ive long since lernt what to do,
Gotta get the veins up, missing is the last thing someone like me wants a thing like that to happen to.
Muscles all tense from sickness and desperate antipication,
deep breath, needle in, a patient to my own form of cancer awaiting my medication.
Like a child on christmas eve full of excitement for whats to come,
from my veins to the syringe a stream of blood does run.
One final push, now release the belt,
Im finally holding hands with euphoria,
While falling a little farther into hell.
kelly jane  May 2017
kelly jane May 2017
A chase after the wind
Looking bigger than the eyes can see
An uncontented feeling of always wanting
Torching further than his hand could reach
A malicious desire to be above all
Crept into his heart
Unsatisfied with silver
He throw it off
And he rushed out for gold
Which turned to be attainabe
Restless nights and tormented soul but
Kept on looking for more
But forgot he already had it all
Maliciously controled
He felt in a deeper pit
Which he couldn't save himself
The maliciouse feeling drift away with the wind
Left alone with a tormented soul
With a single desire left within him
To give up the ghost
As he hopelessly raised his eyes *****
A spark sprung in his eyes as he saw
A crowd of friends rush up to him
To rebeat his fading heart.
Quentin Briscoe  May 2012
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
The Super Computer

Has been infected
Hi jacked from the out
No hacked from the inside
You no longer have the control you wish
Stop looking over seas for the problem
cuz this is happening enternaly
we need an anti virus program
called Truth
and feed it to our youth
because nothing can function on lies
Or eles the Super computer dies
So lets Debug this thang
lets get it functioning
not normally
So lets calm down the hysteria
and Debug 01000001011011010110010101110010011010010110001101100001
Natasha Smith Feb 2014
You've heard the saying that there are two sides to every story
well mine has not been told
why dose there have to be two sides to only stories
why not souls

On the outside I look like stone on the inside I feel like a puppet being controled
by the two halves of my soul

What are they you might ask
well one looks happy
but the other transforms it into woe

You see this half harbours it's dispair and transforms everything into terrible emotions
knowing that if I let go of my anger then you think all is forgiven
Well I say hell no
I will never let go

Like I said there are two sides to every story and soul
it brings me happiness that mine was finally exposed
Some of these emotions are true not just for me but everyone.
It feels like I was cut in half and that half i can never reach. It feels like some of my essence is gone. Tell me do you feel this way too.
DC raw love  Sep 2016
DC raw love Sep 2016
From a crippled thought,
that resides in our mind...

Stone encriptions,
from far away times.....

The sinking sun,
the rising moon...

The pressures on earth,
of love and gloom....

A world with no war....
Would mean a world with no religion...

So, if there is a god,
then peace should be easy...

From the minerals they seek....
To the poison they spread.....

It's blood for gold,
that's harvested on earth...

For control of the almighty dollar,
they seek to keep one in grief....

There is a world order,
that dates back in time....

If you would learn the blood line,
you would be surprised.....

The banks will be controled,
possibly by one....

Now marshall law,
can play it's part....

It may come into play,
and one day be law..

— The End —