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i am 18 years old and i've kissed 17 boys. i've passed 16 classes, and cried at school 15 times. sophomore year i missed 14 days of school. i've figured out 13 ways to say "i didn't do my homework," and i am halfway through the 12th grade. my longest relationship lasted 11 months. i once left a picture up for 10 minutes, and received 9 comments about how unacceptable my shirt was. i have gone through 8 best friends and 7 phones. i've gotten lost on the road 6 times and i have 5 friends i plan to keep in touch with for the rest of my life. at my first job, i made $4 an hour. i've fallen in love 3 times, i've seen two therapists and i'm still holding on to this one thought that everything is going to be okay.
everything is going to be okay.
 Dec 2015 Scott Horror
kyla marie
pins start to tingle the edges of my fingertips
whispering to me
advising me to give in
the urge is stronger than me

all of these things i have learned to be dependent on in the past year

none of them have been my home

I had fallen in love with the one self destructive home I had

and he left
 Dec 2015 Scott Horror
 Dec 2015 Scott Horror
I'm an alcoholic
drug addict
and this ****
doesn't have a thing on

I've been keeping my hair short
Because you liked it long,
And I'm not strong enough
To relive the feeling I got
When you ran your hands through it.

So I'll continue to cut off
The ends that are dead
Because you are too
And it makes me feel closer to you
 Dec 2015 Scott Horror
You never used to inspire me to write.
When I met you, I wished so badly that my writer's block would disappear and I could compose a poem of all the feelings I had for you.
But you know what they say,
Be careful what you wish for.
Because now I can't stop.

Now, the thought of you is so inspiring that all I want to do is write and write and write and write and write and write and write.
Your gorgeous tan skin and bright blue-green eyes force my fingers on the keys to keep going, until my nails are broken and my fingertips are raw.

You never used to make me feel creative.
What happened?

I fell in love.
I dove into the lake of love, heart first,
not realizing that I would never escape it.
I didn't want to escape the canal boat floating down the river of devotion so smoothly.

I should've gotten out when I could.

Little did I know that a shark lingered in that river.
A Great White Shark, ready to lunge at my exposed heart, that rested on my sleeve.
Although what I realize now is,
Sharks only live in the ocean.
The stinging pain in my chest isn't an aquatic beast.
It's love itself,
Trying to rip my heart from my chest and tear it to pieces, before my very eyes.

The destructive force that tricked me into falling for its lies.
Its promises of joy and happiness,
devotion and fondness.
The infatuation and lust that love guaranteed was all a ploy.
A ploy to catch me in its web, waiting for the spider itself to eat me alive.

You never used to inspire me to write.
But now you're my muse.
I wish I was smarter than this.
I wish I didn't fall in love with your kind heart and your gentle soul.
But remember, be careful what you wish for.
Because maybe, if I hadn't wished in the first place,
My heart wouldn't be so heavy,
And my hands wouldn't be numb from writing endless insignificant love letters to you.
sorry if this was kinda graphic at points xD
 Dec 2015 Scott Horror
I once met a boy who put his hand on my thigh as he asked for my name. and upon learning it, pressed his lips to mine. naive and foolish, I believed this to be what the people called "love." and I went willingly.

I once met a boy who told me he loved me the day he met me. he swore it was true. realizing that this must be what the people called "love"
I went willingly

I once met a boy who sang songs out of tune and danced with me in the rain. he played music with dandelion fingers. I was awe-struck. disregarding future pain, I closed my eyes and the door.
and I went willingly.

I once met a boy with broken hands who smelled of cigarettes and regret. he plucked his guitar strings and I imagined them to be straps and ties of my clothing. with each note he played, more of my skin touched the cold air. by the end of his song, I'd written this poem.

 Dec 2015 Scott Horror
Life is purgatory
We spend it trying to mend the broken pieces
Of ourselves, crying out at God to save us
We spend it pretending we aren’t climbing
A social ladder made of trees we cut down
Trying to climb faster than the disaster which
Comes after our footsteps
We chase death through the pinholes of our
Name brand shoes and the shadows on our
Streets lined with empty bottles as hollow as
Our apologies.
Life is conformity disguised by disorderly conduct
It is filled with dishonesty, poverty, while we
Fret over the likes we get on Facebook
We took what looked easiest and flew our
Sorrows into tomorrow while following the man
Who leads us. We breathe easier and our
Heart beats more evenly when the blame is not our own.
There is a pecking order and we cut each other’s
Limbs off to reach the top and receive the glory
In each of our stories we are fighting “boring” by
Chasing our stormy desires
Death will be better, simpler, easier
A release from the beast we call society.
The sound of our trudging feet will cease and
We will be at peace waiting to meet our creator
Our back bones are ashes of laughter and rainforests
We made into furniture.
The only escape from this
World of **** and grime
And crime and time is lying down
And dying.
This is the great mystery of
Life flying high like a kite
And lighting up in flames by
One of our nuclear missiles
Why do we have nuclear power
When we have the human race

— The End —