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 Sep 2021 savarez
Sara Teasdale
Look back with longing eyes and know that I will follow,
Lift me up in your love as a light wind lifts a swallow,
Let our flight be far in sun or blowing rain—
But what if I heard my first love calling me again?

Hold me on your heart as the brave sea holds the foam,
Take me far away to the hills that hide your home;
Peace shall thatch the roof and love shall latch the door—
But what if I heard my first love calling me once more?
You're the only one who can write your destiny
your dreams may seem to be fantasy
but if your efforts are not temporary
your success will no longer be imaginary

believe in you
no matter the obstacles,find reasons which will pull you through
Vas  y  jusqu'au  bout
your best you can do!

Life would have been way too boring if it was easy
show the world you're better than what they thought you can be!
Its been only months since the day i first talked to you,
but this has never been an issue,
no matter what i was going through,
you were always here when i needed someone to talk to..

A friend that won't ever ask for anything,
but who deserves everything,
that's what you are,
no matter how far away you are,
you know you can count on me like you've been doing so far,
and like always i'll be here for my little star..

We've shared our happiness,
our sadness,
but still things we got to tell each other daily is never less,
I guess that that's because you're the best..
..a diamond among the rest..

I won't ever let this flip..
..never let you weep
never let go of our unconditional friendship...

Happy Birthday Bestie,
Kripi Mehra ^^

To a friend that everyone wishes to have,
Happy Birthday Bestie!
I thought the place that we've known each other would be the best place to tell you how much this unconditional friendship means to me ^^
 Sep 2021 savarez
Eliot York
and a bell in its place
to some, no doubt,
a disgrace

it was to me, i must admit
but new light shines
in place of it

our front page is new,
brighter than ever
and now made by you

trending was all the rage
but (we all knew it) the algorithm
couldn't hold the stage

so now he'll do his part
to get your poem out in front
but that's just the start

next it's up to the community,
a repost, a heart or a plucky thumb
dare I say, it's up to you and me
The latest: new icons, yay, a hot new front page, now created by U, and thumbs up/down on poems.

Comments welcome. **

Support Hey-yo Poet-tree, please.
 Sep 2021 savarez
Chelsea Rae
It was one of those nights that instead of feeling as bright
as all the other stars that had been pin-pricked into the sky,

I felt more like the blackened blue stretch behind them
because tonight,
I just flickered out of existence.
Alone. Lonely. Never anyone to ******* talk to.
 Sep 2021 savarez
Maggie Emmett
(for my brother, Martin)

I have sown the moon in the sky for you
so every night its there for you to see

I have stopped every clock from ticking time away
I have turned the tides back from the shore

I have stopped your world in blue belled Spring
and locked my in the falling leaves of Autumn

So now you can rewind the moments of the world
You can go back, to that one moment of choice

and never find the hose, nor set the engine deadly running
nor send those texts of fond farewells, to friends who looked away

nor write to me with love a comfort letter
for the dreadful loss.

Just you:

the tufted, still blonde cowlick sticking up
the crinkled nose and cheeky smile
those sea blue eyes to drown in
strong brown arms, muscles flexed and toned
wrapped tight around me warm
and alive.

© M.L.Emmett
My brother killed himself on 26th April 2007.
America, when I was little, you told me we were Free.
I didn’t know you meant that I could choose to drink ******* in a Can versus Sodium Citrate and Sugar.
I didn’t know you meant I could practice any Religion as long as it was Traditional and nothing New.
I didn't know the Second Amendment would later be a Symbol of Futility.
I didn’t know Thanksgiving was just a celebration of Slaughter and an overdose of Food.
I didn't know that if I was ever briefly Depressed or Confused, you would Prescribe me some Pill worth Millions.

When I was little, I didn’t notice the rapid Rise of Cigarettes and Alcohol taking over the Century before Me.
I didn’t notice the number of people watching the News.
I didn’t notice the thousands of people who were Hungry, while we stuffed our Faces Each Day.
I didn’t notice I was a part of these Things.

When I was little, I didn’t see all of the unneeded destruction.
I didn’t see a reason for War over Power, Land, or Money.
I didn’t see what the Big Fuss was about Politics.
I didn’t see any reason To Live, other than to be Happy and make others Happy.
I didn’t see the Bad in People, like I do Today.

America, when I was little, I knew Everything, and Now I know Nothing.
I was innocent and Now I am Corrupted.
When I was little, my biggest Crime was picking my nose in Public.
I also may have stolen Candy from the Teacher, who Never got Paid Enough.

When I was little, I Painted and I Loved. I played with Animals and read all kinds of Books. Those Stories Taught Me Things.
They taught Me about You, America, and Everything that You’re Not.
They taught me that You don’t actually Care about Me, or my Mom or Dad, or my Brother, and definitely not my Cat.
They taught me not to Trust anyone and to Believe in my Instincts and Myself.
They taught me that you Worship false Idols and don’t Live by what you Speak.
They even taught me that there Is a better way, but America doesn’t Want to Change.

Today, I know what America really Is. I know that Everything is Subjective and Nothing is Anyone’s Fault. I also know that even though you Hate us, America, We still Love you, because
You are our Home.
I know We can Change, but I also Know it will take Time.
The Books also taught me that Time is Irrelevant and everything Happens for a Reason,
So even though I know how Cruel you are, America… I Know it will be Okay. And I know you don’t mean Any Harm. It is just Who you Are.

America, when I was Little,
You told Me, I could be Anything I wanted,
And that is exactly What I am Doing Now,
Despite your Laws and your Legions. I Will Find a Way to make Change, One Person at a Time, Starting with Me.
America, if you weren’t so Hostile, I’d have no Work to do, and no Light to Share, so Thank You, America.
Call me Crazy, But I Love You.
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