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the power of health bureaucrats  
has never been more
greatly exercised
since the advent of the
pandemic in our
daily lives


governments have taken
full control
by which they can stop
us from freely partaking
in an outside stroll


big phrama being granted
exclusive rights
to sell millions of jabs
world wide  
thereby excluding other
forms of treatment

oh yes power control and greed
in these recent times have become
the cardinal creed
 Nov 2021 savarez
whispers of green that linger in the air
wafting through the grey morning breeze
the sun is shy today, i think to myself
while i hide behind my own wall of clouds

the water is cold and seemingly bottomless
when i dip my toes in the murky black
i watch it ripple
and fogs of blue leak from my lips

jump in
the tide is waist-high
and sends shivers spiraling down your spine
wash away the tearstains of night
and you'll find yourself
looking for the sun.
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