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Savanna Jul 2020
That’s the secret trick
But then again
There are some nights
That even when you flip,
And lay back down,
Some tears soak through,
But then again it’s just some nights,
Flip the pillow over
Savanna Feb 2020
His eyes are pale blue oceans that shimmer with the sun,
they look right through me and there's nowhere I can run.
His breath is cool against my neck and sends shivers down my spine,
I'm drunk off his words and his presence blurs my mind.
Like tunnel visions, all I see is him,
and when he's gone all I feel is where his hands have been
Savanna Feb 2020
The sound of your breath steadies me, it makes me feel alive,
It makes me notice my own breath and the way I feel inside.

Your part in my life reassures my that I am really here,
Without you, who's to say I didn't make it all up from fear.
  Feb 2020 Savanna
Stu Harley
love is ours
earth moon and stars
upon me
love is
a strong gust of wind
from the stormy sea
make a lover's heart
around thee
love is ours
  Nov 2019 Savanna
Took another one
Cause they said it might help
Might cause bad stuff... we'll see...
What’s done is done
Once you swallow, you can’t go back
Now I’m properly medicated
Drug away the depression
Just to survive
  Nov 2019 Savanna
I needed a warm embrace
So I dreamt one up
Kind and strong
Arms holding me tight to your chest
And you stayed
For so long...
Just let me melt into you
Let me feel safe
Like you cared
I knew you wouldn’t let me go

But I woke up

And remembered

It only happens

When I’m asleep.
Dreams are getting so vivid and full of longing
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