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I won't be your friend, the girl was crying
The sun mercilessly beat on her
Her opal tears glistened on her cheeks
My eyes no more a dry river.

I imagined lifting her up
Hold her close to my chest
Hug her through the mingling of rivers.

Her tears engraved a deep scar in me
I won't be your friend cut me like a knife
Oh little girl, how much you know about life
And the times when your eyes will be dry.

Through the haze, I whispered
Come child, we will be friends forever
I'll stoop down to your age
We'll be equal, a child and a man.

I take her hand in mine
Look into the teary reflections in her eyes
Read the pain.

Don't ever say, you won't be my friend
We'll be friends forever, two rivers
One dying, and the other coursing to the sea.
We cross paths year after year,
Your longwinded narratives
were never quite clear..
Now I can see you for who you are,
participant in separation
ethnic cleansing and war!

I don’t put you in darkness
Nor **** the disease
I don’t take it personal that you’ve been deceived.
But mostly,
what ever ethnicity you claim you are…
We all came down from the heavens
and we’re all made of stars.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Docile and tame,
A king slain by his own sword
Self inflicted pain
My shelf life would be considered inhumane
A body originally set to be a temple
Is now unlivable domain

They reside between pages of
magazines, books or journals.
some are yellow...some, white,
by neglect and by time,
lined or otherwise, upon which
are written spur of the moment
thoughts, maybe some nagging
experiences that can't be forgot.
they live amongst fellow papers,
crumpled, dog-eared.

Sun and moon
while the unknown

when found again,
the desire to resurrect
rings and echoes like an
indiscreet chime;
a crowd of ideas confuse
the hand and pen...soon
enough, words fall into their
proper places...old scribbled
notes, rediscovered and
revivified, a new poem is born.

Some, unfortunately,
are deleted unconsciously,
or thrown away accidentally,
some are purposely hidden
amongst life's in-betweens.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
  June 25, 2024
Not all the nights were moonlit bright
the darker ones fed upon our fright
buried in depth lay the lonely souls
bones still alive eyes burning coals.

Nights on which moon dimly shone
feebly glowed those marble stones
with names etched of young and old
songs lost forever stories never told.

We talked in whispers lest the dead awoke
soldiers' graveyard life snuffed in smoke
buried in uniform now one with the soil
past all glories win's reward loss's toil.

Night lengthened wind's moan arose
the watchman called it's time to close
the living must go awaits their home
tombstones part for the dead to roam.
I frequented a neighborhood cemetery along with a friend in the 70's when access was unrestricted. We used to stay till late evening when it was deserted. The cemetery had memorial tombstones of soldiers died in World War I. This is a recollection from that time.
It’s in the rain,
It’s in the sunshine,
It’s in the dewdrops on the roof.

It’s in the tall grass
When the wind blows
That’s all I need as proof.

It’s in the clouds above,
The ground below,
The red of leaves,
The white of snow,
The violent ocean,
The mellow stream,
It’s in everything it seems.

Your eyes

Your face

In every place.
I miss you so much constantly.
आषाढ  शुरू में बरसा मेह
ज्यों धरा पर उतरा हो नेह
कल-कल कानों में ध्वनि
ज्यों बागों में आई हो सजनी।।

मेह -वर्षा
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