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 Sep 2015 ryan
Luna Quinn
wilted petals on,
your bookcase,
perfume fills the-
room like the echo,
melodies play as you enter,
almost out of breath,
loved to death.
 Sep 2015 ryan
Caught you off guard
With a lighthearted smile
in that fraction of a second
I could see the child that dwels within you

Pure and sincere  
Silly, lover of all things
The one who forgets to judge
One that lives on mountains of
Creative curiosity
Explorer of unfathomable lands
Innocence through your eyes filled with awe

As fast as it came, it left.
You grew up once more to a dull, monotonous and frivolous conditioning the we are shaped into as children.

Live my brothers & love with an intensity only permitted in your dreams and hidden fantasies.
Coffee shop glimpses on strangers and sincere smiles...
 Sep 2015 ryan
Hey Vivian.
Vivian, Vivian.
Your name echoes in my veins
Vibrating through my body
Inhale exhale
There you are again
My nitrogen, crystal oxygen -
I crave too much.
In the dark of the theatre
We gaze into the screen as it plays Wes Anderson silent films
But half my mind is melted into the thought of our shoulders touching
Warm warm warm
I want to feel warm with you
Closer, touch you, look into you.
You whisper in my ears
Closer closer then you drift
All I can think of is your lips
Soft, subtle, grazing lips
Oh when will you introduce me?
When I touched your hands
I left it there
And it felt so nice.
Your piano hand, my violin fingers
Don't you see the fit?

Let's drive. If I could call you up right now at 1:55 AM and take you out *******, I would
I want to drive into the night with you
I want to rush into the city and find a hiding place
Way up high.
Where we can see the lights of our homes so far below.
In the dark

Maybe we could sit and lay next to each other for a while.
Sigh into each other's rhythms
Still and warm
We'll find honesty, trust and symmetry
You and I will completely forget the world and the people that judge,
forgive me for being cliché.
Maybe then I will finally tell you the truth.
What is the truth.
How do I even start with this?
Your eyes will listen to my slow forming words

Oh ****
In hale ex hale I cannot do this
Nothing can stay the same
You are too dear to me
And I can't afford to loose you so
Please will somebody tell me
Tell me tell me
What to do
Because I'm dealing with moral imperatives and both feels like suicide to me.
Perhaps you can uncode
Me without any passing words

Could we ever go back the same route then?

Infatuation obsession  isolation
You are my idol.
I run across the river in flames but
Can it be too late to save me?

In too deep;

Only I don't mind it one bit.
 Sep 2015 ryan
RH 78
Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Washed up.
All for a new life too far to reach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
What happened to the human rights we all preach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Displacing people no home and no speech.

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
A son.
No future.
We hang our heads and weep!
Broken hearted and deeply affected by pictures I saw in the news depicting the lifeless body of a little boy no older than three who was photographed washed up on the shore line of Turkey. The result of further illegal human smuggling, people trafficking promising to get families to Europe on a false promise. All too often, people are put into small boats unable to sustain the weight of all the people put upon it and not fit for purpose. This is yet another shocking event in the wake of atrocities taking place in North Africa where the displacement of millions of innocent people continues. Governments are too busy counting the pennies and quarrelling amongst themselves in addition to wasting precious time as gangs and smugglers take advantage of the situation by sending people to their death profiting from the desperation of families searching for a place to call home. When will this end? RIP to the little boy, his brother and mother who all perished.
 Sep 2015 ryan
Romali Arora
“I love you”
“I loved you too”

“I’m here to stay”
“But you walked away”

“I accept, I bow”
“I’m sorry but I have to go”

“You can’t be going”
“I was tired of waiting”

“But I have come back”
“Sorry I have changed my track”

“You said you’d die without me”
“I did. When you left me“

“I need a chance. A last one. Take me back”
“We are in different worlds.
You, 10 feet above the ground
And me, 10 feet down”

“I’m sorry, I’m late”
“It’s right when they say, you can’t really fight fate”
If only people appreciated what they have before they lost it.
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