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Sep 2016 · 320
To Carrie
Ruth Willis Sep 2016
I am a rock
Buried under an ocean
where the skinners rule the surface
And everything else beneath
Moves unknowingly with the current
But deep and still I stay

You were a rock too
Left feeling alone and unloved
parts of you eroding with time
the ocean was very rough on you
Yet you were never swooned by the current
Never tempted to float to the top
where the waves crashed in the shore

For your sadness was akin to mine
And the abyssal I have lived in for the first time felt like home
Someday Just like you
I will feel like I belong somewhere
in the vast depth of the unknown

Little did I know
Lost just like me  
There are other rocks
at the bottom of the sea
Though how dark and scary it may seem
I know will not be alone forever for
You taught me that it was okay to be a rock
Sep 2016 · 641
Ruth Willis Sep 2016
Still trying to find
The pieces of you
That you left behind
Inside of me

I have become blind
Or your pieces have intertwined
And melted with mine

Maybe by autumn
the pieces will unbind  
All will be forgotten
and left behind

If only it was that simple
for here it is always summer
Nov 2015 · 334
Ruth Willis Nov 2015
It was so easy to remember,

but I wish it was easier to forget.
Ruth Willis Jul 2015
Dear Anonymous,
There is a slim to none chance that you will ever actually read this. This is simply a way for me to clear my head of all thoughts of you. Things I wish to say but never will.
I do not want to sound foolish but I almost believe that fate brought us together. I never would have thought that in my travels I would meet an incredible person such as yourself. Since the day I met you, I was drawn to you like moths to light. Besides the fact that you are quite handsome, you have a mind so beautiful and untamed. Although I know I did not love you in the fragment of time that we spent together,  I realized there are many things about you that I can recall I do love.
I love the way you spoke. I sat with you for hours and just listened while you spoke passionately about a time in history or a philosophy or  anything in between. With you, a conversation was never boring. I am still in awe as to how intelligent you are. I did not want to miss a word you said.
I love the way you made me feel. I remember how my stomach would turn upside down when I ran into you everyday on my walk to and from campus. I love the way my heart would race whenever a mischevious smirk appeared on your face.
I love how you let me be myself. You laughed at my dumb jokes but did not make me feel silly for them. I love the way you laughed. I loved when your lips crashed into mine and made my whole body feel like spaghetti. I love how your fingers felt wrapped around mine while we walked through the busy streets of the city. I love how you made me feel safe.
Most importantly of all, I love how you wanted me as much as I wanted you. Then before we knew it, we had to say goodbye. It was as if I was awakened from a long dream and returned to reality. You could say that what we had was contemporary. It occured in what was then the present, and too complex to be depict by others. Thank you for all the memories we've shared.
                                                            See you again someday,
                                                        ­                            Me.
Feb 2015 · 354
Ruth Willis Feb 2015
I have this utter sensation in which darkness is clenching my throat with growing strength, and the ability to breathe is declining rapidly with time...then I feel nothing. It seems as though depression has robbed me of my humane emotions and left me with nothing but darkness itself.
Jan 2015 · 374
Ruth Willis Jan 2015
I am afraid that people will see me the way that I see myself...
Dec 2014 · 4.7k
Ruth Willis Dec 2014
Lost inside my thoughts and
Overthinking everything
Never say what's on my mind because
Even when I speak I'm not heard.
Looking for a way to be okay. When
You see me you wouldn't suspect
                        how lonely I really feel.
Nov 2014 · 403
Ruth Willis Nov 2014
When my eyes found his smile,
my heart beat times a thousand.
And while his smile still lingered,
my heart began to slow.

In that moment I realized
how much I craved that smile.
And for no other second
did i want to let it go.
Sep 2014 · 447
The Game
Ruth Willis Sep 2014
It was dark.
The smell of rain filled the air.
His bright devious smile
That outshined all the starts in the sky,
Was the only thing I could see.

His touch was poison.
His lips were infinite.
His taste tainted my tongue.
His voice was like a song.
His heart was mine.

It was dark.
I was all alone in my room
Tear drops staining my face
Listening to music and my laptop screen
Was the only thing I could see

His touch was no longer felt
His lips were no longer met mine
His taste no longer lingered
His voice was a song no longer sung
His heart was no longer mine

Before I could think
Everything was gone
Maybe it was all just a dream
And when reality hit
It had hit me hard

Before I could blink
He was gone
Maybe I never had his heart
And It was all just a game
That I had lost

— The End —