Only words of eloquence painstakingly chosen
and refined may paint this picture.
Alone and forgotten, like a seed's unbeknownst potential
left on the pavement for the birds.
For a daisy lacking pedals, leaf, or stem would not
ever have been thought to bloom.
A youth's realization began a life of friendship, and love,
and beauty of unmatched quality.
He found former choice lacking all that which the latter
gifted in grand white bouquets.
A bond unparalleled and uniquely honed under repeated
cast of golden sphere retrieved.
For the improbable flower blossom could only continue
when given love unconditionally.
Yet even an impossible flower would succumb to the
cruel and imminent crawl of time.
He whistles a tune that once was doted, wishing it
could again encouraged her evolution.
A boy and his flower, inseparable until the end that
stole sooner than hope could want.
To the plot where her love held sound root, buried down
deeply in the soil of his soul.
His only comfort to be found was in the life he gave her,
in her happiness self perpetuated.
In knowing that his painfully delicate flower never once
was shaded, nor stifled, not uprooted.
She was whole, and so was he.
But no longer.