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Love had boiled, feelings
were what we toiled
to upkeep their symmetry.

Now that we are parted,
has the sky stayed blue
in your corner,
to the north?

Have snows stayed pure,
printing your footprints
in places I can't follow?
Full poem:
Peter Wyatt Feb 20
With a blown-out candle
that started our doubts,
I've been drinking in
the white, the immaculacy
of a streak of hope.

I've been drunk on
whatever comes next,
with the future in chains,
with the past
put to its blame.

I've been leaving sand
for time to be told,
for faces to be revealed
in sudden recognition.
For I want to see
who I've kept it from.

I want them to be
circling in better thoughts.
Full poem:
Peter Wyatt Feb 12
I wanted to do more
than to blanket your form
in a cloak, to surround
your marble shape.

I've bled dry
a heart, I've resigned
to the leech of love,
while rinsing my hands
in your charity.

If I could go
into that hole,
with you, to be unified
in the safety of what
is forever petrified,
I'll be red, again,
I'll be whole, again.

I'll be what I cannot be
without you,
to accompany me.
Full poem:
Peter Wyatt Feb 12
Nothing rose from
a garden, as bleak as
the weather that never
melted our skin,
without permission.

We just lifted our agony
to the wind that cut
our flesh, into ribbons.

A celebration, in pain,
savoring those moments
we kissed in the rain.
Full poems:
Peter Wyatt Feb 5
We've been waiting
while giving each other
much-needed space,
disclosing secrets
in rooms full of dust.

We've been spilling
what's left in our eyes
onto floors that turned red,
bloodshot with our sight
that burns, that stares.

This will get better,
for us to bloom under
all we've been crowding
in our heads, to keep
wondering when.
Full poem:
Peter Wyatt Feb 4
Living in reverse,
rewriting our love
in careless verse,
denying all that died
in between sacred seconds
we were able to cry.

I want us to crawl
back to that hole
all our shadows
ever put us.

Even if all we do
is lie to the sun,
become blind to light,
perhaps the darkness,
just the darkness
understands us.
Full poem:
Jan 13 · 266
Watching Your Sun Set
Peter Wyatt Jan 13
A space had opened,
as your feet were brought
down into an expanse,
of murderous, cold water.

What can I do
other than watch
your form, going under
both rapids and wilderness?
I had begun to bury
a heart into a plot
of protected earth.

I had begun to conceal
painful memories,
drawn beautifully.

I had begun to flee
where our storms
were gathering.

You were always wanting
to pull that plug
to recreate the darkness,
all while we might
seek a different source
of mystical light.

To feathers, inside of
pillows with their
depressions, from heads
worrying on the next
flawed second,
even in dreams.

To a lightness, I may
find a place where peace
rides on a horse,
towards a sunrise.
Peter Wyatt Dec 2024
Love tore me open
to those sounds,
emitted from her throat.
Love cleaned wounds,
though left scars
as countless as stars.

I just wanted her to breathe.

I just wanted her to see
that such a weight needn't be
what she needs to
drag to another sunset.

If she could ever
raise her gentle head,
she would have seen
it was instead a sunrise.
Dec 2024 · 287
A Romantic Way to Die
Peter Wyatt Dec 2024
Untying myself,
rewiring my mind
after I've been
burning to keep
this sundered form
from disbelieving.

We wanted what
we never revisited,
choosing instead
to seek silence
under a moon,
under the sun
during noon.

Hope has died,
after trembling hands
have clutched a number
of faded roses.

Both of us,
both invisible,
neither beautiful,
were once waiting
near a window
stained with time.

What is there
to return to,
once we have
said our farewell
to the last teardrop?
The teardrops
that have formed
rivers to follow.

What else is there
to live for, while we
are far too busy
removing the dagger
from our hearts?
Dec 2024 · 375
Calling Her Close (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Dec 2024
I call her close,
relieving her, at a dose
of simple words,
uttered from a face,
one she cannot
rewrite nor retrace.

I want her to remember
genuine warmth,
when I place a single hand
on her heart, one that beats
in constant fear,
while the other hand
wipes aside her tears.

She'll drift back into
those uncovered shadows,
while I remember
her light, her canvas,
what color she'll desert
in greater favor for hurt.
Nov 2024 · 227
Come Close, Your Light
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
At last, being seen
before a moon's gleam,
surrounding me
in all I've ever believed.

What beauty before me,
drowning a night in an aura.
Will you remain even after
the final kiss touches down?

You are the promise I've held
close to a heart I've cradled,
being the water for my
thirsty throat, the light for my
tearful eyes in the dark.

You cannot perish.
You cannot go, even after
I've let your flesh flutter
into morning's colors,
even when your scent
stays in such cold.

For I would suffer
when I will remember
your lips, your smooth,
unscarred hands.

To cherish you,
to nourish your memory
will mean to provide
a promise to the wind.

Don't go. Do not die,
while your heart still beats.
For I'll remember it
answering my yearning
during an evening's
dwelling sunset.

I'll be awaiting
your presence in this
bedroom of shadows.
I'll await it, while I
forever believe in fate's
kindness to us.
Nov 2024 · 116
For Broken Fate (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
What gets brought back
is a shower of hope,
trickling over resplendence
down our aching backs.

We never believed in it
for long enough,
while we were drying
our vacant eyes.

Everything matches
in these dark hallways.
All of it withers,
while we go on,
with burning fingers
leaving piles of dust
on abandoned highways.
Nov 2024 · 295
The Devil We Fought For
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
Whispering comes,
leaving needless destinations
for our feet to find
when we are always
crying on the shoulders,
where the temptations
decide where we
want to hide.

Love blows
in different directions
its sterile seeds,
raising nothing more than
husks to create more of
those familiar shadows.

For we will be
always yearning to
discover what we
were not meant to believe,
remaining lost on a highway
that never upkeeps speed.

Wanting saviors
to dispel the same whispers
we both turned our attention to,
dividing our forms down,
from the head
to our aching gut.

Whispering will cease,
after we've recognized that this
was never a treasure to kiss.
We believed in miracles
when all we received
are the same scraps
to feed desperate hearts.
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
I've often receded
with these tears, back into
shadows of past moments,
digging into scars,
redrawing the wounds,
lifting a heaving chest
to drag it back down
with the setting sun.

Coming into your light
had been a forged destiny,
but I'll never know
what I ever meant,
when arms are broken,
being unable to fix
what is lost.

When I said to you
I'll never float apart
from your once-yearning
distant heart,
I felt it in the call
of birds in the trees,
as I allowed myself
to walk forward,
even if it led me
over the edge.

Here I am
to drink in stillness,
to remember you
in your frozen state.
I released a hand,
as you are at peace,
as I am here
to let go of a petal
for your cemented,
sealed place.
Nov 2024 · 126
Shattered Pulse (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
I've built a raft,
waiting for the stars
to come out from
a universe that breathes
emptiness over this
nameless ocean.

I've been watching
the letters become one
intoxicating promise,
while I've searched
for resolve,
under the doubt.
Nov 2024 · 335
Fold Her Image (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
Revolve around
Admire her
while she sounds,
when she spills
sighs from varnished,
abandoned lips.

Two steps
is all it ever takes
to turn intimidation
into presentation.
Letting arms
be her branches,
crossing about
layer after layer
of milk-white flesh.
Nov 2024 · 176
Alone and Adrift (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Nov 2024
When I write,
shrouded in silence,
I have been merged
in surrounding white.
I have sunken
this form of mine
in pages, for surrender
to be how I remember.

Losing time,
not wishing for recovery
when it will stop this heart
from chasing a different,
absent beat.

An hour hand
holds the minute hand,
severing itself into pieces,
while the second hand
reveals moments I have stolen,
under a solid blue sky.
Oct 2024 · 139
Love is Killing Us
Peter Wyatt Oct 2024
Another way
to switch this array
of limitless colors
into a sprawl of gray.
It has become enough
to see it, as it was,
with nothing but air
to provide our touch.

What were we saying
when we were surveying
the vastness of these ruins?
Fire has always been
our light, after we ignored
what it was destroying.

Fire has now brought
attention to our wounds,
before feeling the pain.

We cannot continue,
burning when we walk,
leaving ashen footprints
for ghosts to follow.

We must surrender,
believing in the end
that was always near.

We must not suffer,
after all we'll divorce.
We'll lead our sickness
to its beautiful grave.
Peter Wyatt Oct 2024
Pain comes through
as a growing stain,
among these immaculate
puddles, where a reflection
ought to always reveal
all I've concealed.

I beg to be released,
to be understood for a wrong
I've been challenging.

I beg to be noticed
even as a ghost in your
bedroom of shadows.
Oct 2024 · 190
Abstract Devotion (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Oct 2024
An action to surrender
will continue our lesson
to always remember
that love stretches beyond
when silence falls
upon a devoted heart.
Peter Wyatt Oct 2024
Relaying a message,
receiving failure, once more
in its futile attempt.

I've been waking up
to hear your call,
screaming in the silence,
pacing after the expression
of unmatched violence.

What can I wield,
if not a torch to illuminate
all walls in this heart?
Oct 2024 · 174
Bare Union (excerpt)
Peter Wyatt Oct 2024
We must believe
that nighttime is not
as divided from its partner,
unified with daylight's
immaculate garb.

We must fold
the pages of our stories
into an eternal pause,
remembering how
desertion was avoided.

We will love,
savoring the days
for their hours,
capturing our hours
for an infinity.
Oct 2024 · 237
Like a Two-Way Mirror
Peter Wyatt Oct 2024
Contemplative, but not
reversing your unkind
direction, back into
salvation's representation.

You wither, while you
are nourished from rain,
stamping your retreat
in countless footprints.

Will you ever rephrase
how you've demonstrated
your desire to seal
all that's been revealed?

You see in one direction,
noticing a glimmer, in vanity.
You lock your words
upon deceit's grave comfort.
You've smelled the iron
coming from blooming wounds,

but nothing keeps you
from surrendering this disguise.

Nothing keeps you
from embracing a falsehood.
In the other direction,
you've walked a long line,

but has it distracted you
from where you never shine?

Being repulsed,
vowing words of silver,
to be sculpted
in different ways,

but nothing keeps you
from cornering your uncertainty.

No one else can breathe
for you, while you are
bleeding before everyone.

— The End —